/ > /fap/ > Thread 2924 Age: 72.68d Health: 0% Posters: 9 Posts: 14 Replies: 11 Files: 1+2
>> mormegammega 8770 [G] Mayhem test renard boobs blowjob [G] Mayhem test renard boobs blowjob [IMG] Mayhem myedit blowjob.swf (34 KiB) 600x450, Compressed. 134 frames, 30 fps (00:04). Ver9, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Audio: Video:
>> Anon 8771 Wow. Who made this?
>> Anon 8776 >># A 7 year old from the looks of it.
>> Anon 8779 >># U just jelly m8. Whoever made it needs to make more, it's pretty awesome. :3
>> Anon 8785 Letting a shark suck your dick is a stupid idea
>> Anon 8787 >># Jelly of what exactly?
>> Anon 8805 Thanks a lot, I love her! Please more!
>> Mormegamega 8812 well, i kinda made it well , long story short, i did the animation, coding and the boobs. also some of the graphics (mouth on the sucking, and the dick itself). rest was originaly made by some other person, edited by my friend and later rolled to me. i made a bunch of hentai games like this one. but my main focus is on avatars for a game called whirled. www.whirled.com .. its not a sex game or anything, just a chilling site.. you might find it fun. search me up on store there. mail me if you want
>> Anon 8824 no, no, you over think what this shit is, man. Make more.
>> Anon 9032 We need more Mayhem. Come on guysss
>> It does nothing. 9035 What the fuck has happened to peoples standards and sense of quality? Is this actually considered worth the time it takes to request more now?
>> Anon 9036 >># Sperglord detected.
>> It does nothing. 9039 >># 2/10 Try again?