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Threads (1):
File: THE_FINAL.swf-(2.88 MB, 640x480, Game) [_] Anon 2249502 i remember finding this on 4chan like 8 years ago. has anyone ever beaten it? Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2249512 Using the TV and Radio start the death thing. Try not to trigger it unless you absolutely need to (which you eventually do). I've never beaten it. >> [_] Anon 2249519 I got a CD into the laptop, but am prompted with a login. This is intense. >> [_] Anon 2249520 >># In fact, I have the sheet of paper with the credentials on it. But there's only one text field, and pressing space confirms even though I have to separate the name and password somehow. This is a stupid thing to be stuck on. >> [_] Anon 2249522 OP here. All I really remember is that there's a canister of pills on the right side of the dresser during the day. There are only three. >> [_] Anon 2249524 >Turn on the tv >Some wheezing starts to happening. >Think its part of the tv. >Everything starts going weird >MOPE. >> [_] Anon 2249532 So when it gets fuzzy, its game over? Why does my key disappear when I turn? I need it for the day drawer >> [_] Anon 2249533 how the fuck do you get the cd? >> [_] Anon 2249534 >move cursor around under closed window laptop materializes >click left of screen to turn left >move cursor around file cabinet and stereo materialize >click edge of screen twice >move cursor around TV stand and TV materialize >click left of screen >click window sunlight >click right of screen >move cursor around dresser materializes >move cursor on top of dresser stick and pills >grab stick >switch back to dark by closing window >break TV with stick, get key >move key to TV, dresser glitches up behind, drawer unlocks >open drawer (may have to switch to light) get cable >use cable on stereo, get disk >open file cabinet, get paper >open laptop, insert disk asks for password ACCESS DENIED. >ragequit game >> [_] Anon 2249544 ACCESS DENIED. >> [_] Anon 2249550 >># >># Same here. I don't know the format it wants. >> [_] Anon 2249551 Well just in case you guys haven't realised, but the pills are used to temporarily stop the static and such >> [_] Anon 2249552 >># You have to click on it, it's not actually in your inventory. It just spawns there so it looks like it is. >> [_] Anon T !faggot90sk 2249553 I have the login details. See how the P looks retarded? That's a colon. And it wants lower base, not upper case. Login details are karl84:221821 >> [_] Anon T !faggot90sk 2249554 >># Then turn around during the day >> [_] Anon 2249556 >># well, i was trying the ":" thing, but i didnt knew the lower case, thanks >> [_] Anon 2249560 went through door, black screen then nothing. :( >> [_] Anon 2249562 >># oh, a black screen. How rewarding. >> [_] Anon 2249565 This is worse than those NES games where it just says "GAME OVER" when you beat it. There should at least be some questionable porn behind the door or something. >> [_] Anon 2249566 >># CONGLATURATION YOU FINISHED GREAT GAME AND PROOVED YOUR GREAT STRONGTH BY MAKEING IT OUT ALIVE CHALLENGE AGAIN HERO (feeling slightly better now?) >> [_] Anon 2249567 >># HUEEEGH HUHHHHHH HUEEEEEGH HUUUHHHH (yes) WHEEEEEEZE HUUUHHH >> [_] Anon 2249570 >># >># >># >enter the door >black screen >right click >movie not loaded it looks like it redirects to another flash or some part is missing >> [_] Anon 2249571 >># Oh no, it could be a whole other level. Where was this originally hosted? >> [_] Anon 2249576 >># It sure seems to take a while. Are you sure you can actually die? >> [_] Anon T !faggot90sk 2249590 >># _root.loadMovie("generique.swf"); It wants to load this swf >> [_] Anon 2249593 ok OP, it's time to talk. WHERE DID YOU GET THIS FLASH AND WHERE IS THE OTHER PART? >> [_] Anon 2249605 I like >> [_] Anon 2249608 well, i've been thinking... what if this is the last part of a series of games? then, how we can be able to find the whole game? >> [_] Anon 2249610 >># can you dig up a website? or some name, some clue, which would lead to the entire game? >> [_] Anon 2249613 I cant find anything on google >> [_] Anon 2249616 >># nuthin, all it wants in the same file in the same folder location on the original server The code is very barebones >> [_] Anon 2249617 >># All I know is, the dude was French >> [_] Anon 2249620 Your googling skills are all terrible. All you need to do is google the username/password to get the flash. a_pice.php >> [_] Anon 2249625 the creator didnt complete the game. Tough luck ano. >> [_] Anon 2249629 >># wow! Great find! OP here. Like I said, I had saved this on a hard drive from back in like 2005, and found it on this very board (4chan /f/). it was briefly brought up on /x/ once the board debuted but other than that I hadn't heard much about it. It took me years to even remember what it was called, but it's haunted my nightmares a lot. I had a lot of nighttime hallucinations as a teen and made the mistake of playing it at night those many years ago. >> [_] Anon 2249633 >># I guess he quit on this flash and haven't done the conclusion part because of those negative comments >> [_] Anon 2249664 >># Looks like it's time for us to be heroes and continue the game ourselves... ...with questionable porn!>># >> [_] Anon 2249735 i liked it |