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This is resource ANV97EH, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:22/7 -2015 07:53:19

Ended:22/7 -2015 11:20:51

Checked:22/7 -2015 14:10:44

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Xadera Nimin Fantasy v0.975xXx.swf-(544 KB, 1175x661, Game)
[_] Timeless Classic for the newfags Anonymous 07/22/15(Wed)01:42:46 No.2853007

  This game is the precursor to the multi-thousand profit faptext games CoC and Trials in Tainted
  Space. The game are supposed to be dead for a few years now, so its expected that newfags do not
  know about this gold. Un-newfag yourselves by playing this game and join the league of people who
  have read absolutely everything the Internet pornography can offer.

  p.s If you think that you cant fap to a text game, I suggest you buy a few doses of 'imagination'
  at your nearest Toys R Us

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/15(Wed)01:58:20 No.2853021

  >This is relevant to my interests
  >Play the game, read everything
  >so far, pretty normal
  >i jus gave birth to a million babies
  >mfw wat did I just read

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/15(Wed)02:05:46 No.2853032

  Lets do this

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/15(Wed)02:30:30 No.2853055

  Isn't CoC older than Nimin? I think it this, FoE, and Ao7L that were inspired by unnamedtextgame.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/15(Wed)02:36:56 No.2853061


  My flash and shockwave plugins crash trying to brain this

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/15(Wed)03:17:08 No.2853092

  this game need epic soundtrack. two steps from hell would be the best fit

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/15(Wed)04:07:34 No.2853130

  CoC is older than Nimin. CoC inspired Nimin. And Unnamedtext game inspired CoC (Same creator

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/15(Wed)05:03:00 No.2853154

  have TITS, COC i have on my phone, never got a chance to really play TITS and i still haven't
  fucking got to Lethice's lair in mountain, idk if it's even possible at this point because i've
  done just about everything except make the lethicite sword, which i cant fucking figure out.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/15(Wed)05:18:47 No.2853168

  CoC is still unfinished as far as I know.

  TiTs is neat, and it is unfinished. It works differently than CoC, and personally I really don't
  like it on my phone due to the layout being meant for a keyboard. I guess if you absolutely have
  to read erotica on the go you can manage it well enough.
Created: 22/7 -2015 07:53:19 Last modified: 22/7 -2015 14:10:57 Server time: 03/01 -2025 07:20:48