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This is resource AZLBGBE, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:11/7 -2015 15:02:13

Ended:17/8 -2015 00:27:29

Checked:17/8 -2015 00:33:11

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 7441

Age: 36.37d   Health: 1%   Posters: 10   Posts: 13   Replies: 12   Files: 1+2

>> heikari 11jul2015(sa)14:59 No.21382 OP P1



[IMG] eddy_bear_25.swf (6.49 MiB)
960x640, Compressed. 1085 frames, 24 fps (00:45).
Ver21, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 15jul2015(we)20:37 No.21502 A P2R1

Kudos for keeping track with that guy, OP

>> Anonymous 16jul2015(th)01:39 No.21511 B P3R2

this artist hasn't gotten better

plateauing is a REAL THING that CAN HAPPEN TO YOU

>> Anonymous 16jul2015(th)17:04 No.21515 C P4R3

Or you'll just summon his fanboys, to defend the retard.

>> Anonymous 16jul2015(th)22:27 No.21518 D P5R4

There is a point that you can reach where improvement isn't necessary.

>> Anonymous 17jul2015(fr)01:19 No.21523 E P6R5

This motherfucker definitely hasn't reached it though

>> Anonymous 17jul2015(fr)21:39 No.21533 F P7R6

I dont see whats wrong with it. I happen to like this style.

>> Anonymous 17jul2015(fr)23:49 No.21536 D P8R7

Thing is people actually like the story and humor in these. Plus the somewhat original proportions
of the girls.

The artist could spend months and crank out a whole bunch more animation frames in one flash but
instead he have fewer frames per flash and are able to release more of them. So: People that like
his story+humor+style get more flashes. Alternative: Less flashes but with more animation quality,
which isn't really what his fans are after.

Take Zone as an example, people still complain about his flashes and he works his ass off to make
them have top notch animation quality. These people would probably still complain if he releases
more flashes per month but with less quality. Thing is that Zone doesn't really have story+humor+a
special kind of "style" (his "style" is excellent parody animations that are true to the original).

Ok, Zone was a bad example here since he relies on quality but my point is that this dude doesn't
really need more quality than this to satisfy his fans. He'd probably make his fans dissatisfied by
increasing the visual quality but instead increasing production time per flash.

>> Anonymous 22jul2015(we)06:58 No.21614 G P9R8

All I want is more Ai Subeki. ;_;

>> Anonymous 22jul2015(we)15:58 No.21624 H P10R9

I read somewhere that roninsong's porting all of it to html5, so it might take some time before
there's a new Ai Subeki.

>> Anonymous 22jul2015(we)18:12 No.21626 D P11R10

Hope this is false, I hate HTML5. One single self-contained swf file for the win.

>> Anonymous 23jul2015(th)20:23 No.21659 A P12R11

flash is dead
feel with it

>> Anonymous 25jul2015(sa)10:01 No.21702 I P13R12

I'm just hoping that the main girl's hair grows back out soon. Girls with shave heads or really
super short hair like that are not appealing to me at all.
Created: 11/7 -2015 15:02:13 Last modified: 17/8 -2015 00:36:48 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:23:18