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This is resource B4TQFPU, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/2816416 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 11. Discovered flash files: 4
There are 7 links ending with .swf in this thread (3 more than the discovered amount of flash files). File: vip-weaboo.swf-(44 KB, 320x260, Anime) [_] Anonymous 06/17/15(Wed)15:41:14 No.2816416 >> [_] Anonymous 06/17/15(Wed)15:53:16 No.2816430 I come bearing sauce http://vip.aersia.net/ >> [_] Anonymous 06/17/15(Wed)15:55:00 No.2816432 >>2816430 >tfw wrong link http://wap.aersia.net/wap.swf >> [_] Anonymous 06/17/15(Wed)16:00:12 No.2816435 >>2816430 That is something entirely different. Still very cool, but not the source for this flash. >> [_] Anonymous 06/17/15(Wed)16:02:26 No.2816437 shit yall niggas tryin to take me back a couple of days with these tracks >> [_] Anonymous 06/17/15(Wed)16:31:04 No.2816455 I love the Rozen Maiden ED so much it makes me sick. >> [_] Anonymous 06/17/15(Wed)16:42:44 No.2816464 >>2816416 goddamnit, it's been a long time since i haven't watched any weeabo shit, ghost in the shell intro brings back some gud ol memories >> [_] Anonymous 06/17/15(Wed)17:31:33 No.2816503 >>2816432 tfw just wap.aersia.net doesn't link correctly >> [_] Anonymous 06/17/15(Wed)17:55:20 No.2816517 >first song is the remix of komm susser tod Yeah, that's a fitting song >> [_] Anonymous 06/17/15(Wed)18:27:09 No.2816537 http://www.vip.aersia.net/vip.swf http://www.vip.aersia.net/mu/ - To download songs http://www.vip.aersia.net/vip-mellow.swf - Softer tunes to soothe your soul http://www.vip.aersia.net/vip-exiled.swf - Stuff that didn't quite make the cut into the main playlist, or was removed, or is just weird/unfitting http://www.vip.aersia.net/vip-source.swf - No remixes/covers http://www.wap.aersia.net/wap.swf - Animu playlist http://www.wap.aersia.net/mu/ - Animu download http://www.aersia.net/ - Main site http://www.vip.aersia.net/changelog.txt http://www.wap.aersia.net/changelog.txt I have no idea where the mellow, exiled and source download pages are. >> [_] Anonymous 06/17/15(Wed)18:29:38 No.2816538 meh list. |