File: flow.swf-(46 KB, 800x400, Game)
[_] game time hooah! Anonymous 08/03/15(Mon)11:59:13 No.2865078
>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/15(Mon)12:00:54 No.2865080
wasn't flow a selling point for playstation 3 or something?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/15(Mon)12:03:30 No.2865082
flow was around before ps3, but ive seen it as a game for sale on their store, i never understand
why pay for a game that you can play for free on some flash site, but whatever
>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/15(Mon)12:17:46 No.2865092
not even sure what the heck you're supposed to do. Got to a level where there was absolutely
nothing but blue thingy.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/15(Mon)14:18:21 No.2865155
Same, this game ends in a bs way,
>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/15(Mon)14:32:43 No.2865163
this is why you can buy it. the game on PS3 is much expanded and has an ending.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/03/15(Mon)14:55:32 No.2865187
>i never understand why pay for a game that you can play for free on some flash site
this is why Apple never let flash on their phone. because then why would people pay for apps?