File: Dangerously Furry.swf-(9.28 MB, 320x240, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:23:37 No.2835095
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:26:04 No.2835098
the rename of a lifetime
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:26:15 No.2835099
Dangerously ear rape.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:26:45 No.2835100
oh fuck not again
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:26:54 No.2835101
Oh god no. not again.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:27:01 No.2835102
We never expected this. Not in a million years.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:27:46 No.2835105
This seems to cause a shitstorm literally everywhere it's posted. Even off the chans, it causes
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:28:22 No.2835108
samefag yiff in hell furfags
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:28:27 No.2835109
Thats because its shit
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:28:34 No.2835111
'Ere we go again!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:29:28 No.2835112
trips confirm shitstorm inc
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:29:34 No.2835113
alright boys, let's get this thread started :^)
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:29:38 No.2835114
8 unique IPs
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:29:47 No.2835115
OP of the last thread. I can confirm that this was not me this time. Not that any of you will
believe me.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:30:22 No.2835116
8 unique proxies
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:30:37 No.2835117
The ride never ends.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:30:42 No.2835118
what have thou started
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:30:46 No.2835119
I'm not sure if that other thread can even be recreated.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:30:47 No.2835120
Sorry, I re-uploaded :^)
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:31:31 No.2835121
Good luck, I'm behind 18 proxies.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:32:11 No.2835122
The animation's decent at least, right?
I for one am glad she fleshed out the rest of the music video, even with the choppy audio editing.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:32:53 No.2835123
go away furfucker
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:32:56 No.2835124
thanks for ruining my monday morning visit to /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:33:01 No.2835125
The animation is good, although it's stretchy as fuck. Your mouth shouldn't extend by twice its
entire length when you're just moving around. That smells of serious health issues.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:33:07 No.2835126
hahaha. here we go
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:33:08 No.2835127
oh god i had forgotten how fucking annyoing furfags are
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:34:10 No.2835129
Can we get a ban here? For a change.
Nobody wants to see this again.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:34:12 No.2835130
Pretty sure most of the people in here are just trolls and lurkers coming for keks.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:34:24 No.2835131
did you miss the 178 post shit storm?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:35:11 No.2835132
look fellow furries i posted it agian XDDD
those normies are sooo mad now!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:35:15 No.2835133
In regards to this
Literally back and forth of this and "But it's good!"
"But it's shit!" endlessly with the latter being inconsistent on what it wants to bitch about
other than generic bitching about furries.
Not to defend them, but it'd be easier to just ignore and move on than scream how much you hate
it and draw more attention to it, like the original Heavy Metal or Dungeons and Dragons or Night
Trap or Grand Theft Auto 3.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:35:27 No.2835134
Fuck off, you dont like it then go somewhere else
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:36:16 No.2835136
>implying /f/ is not a long forgotten lawless wasteland
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:36:20 No.2835137
My inner furry foxie is jamming to this :^) ty op
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:36:24 No.2835138
>Fuck off, you dont like it then go somewhere else
This isn't a furry board or a furry site, anon. You go somewhere else :).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:36:44 No.2835139
lol, it begins again. i look forward to reading all this shit after work. stay classy /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:37:48 No.2835140
Its not porn so it dont matter fuq boii
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:39:07 No.2835142
Yeah, you got me there. The way she integrates curves and points right next to each other is
I admire any freshly animated music video, is all.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:39:26 No.2835145
buttmad, anon? :^)
the kekers will feed off of your salt as well as the furcunts'
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:41:14 No.2835147
Never would I imply that.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:42:12 No.2835149
>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic
replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk
him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs
("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
> anthropomorphic ("furry")
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:45:19 No.2835151
>actually believing global rules are enforced here
>ignoring rules 14 and 19
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:46:08 No.2835152
Anthropomorphic is a pretty wide term, you know.
According to Merriam-Webster;
1 described or thought of as having a human form or human attributes <anthropomorphic deities>
2 ascribing human characteristics to nonhuman things <anthropomorphic supernaturalism>
By the first definition, literally any picture of anything human or with human-like feature is
banned. Therefore, the second definition is more appropriate, but even then, a large amount of
images would be completely banned. Any image with any animal or object speaking or expressing
humanlike behavior would be banned. That's about 90% of all cat images gone.
TL;DR: the rules are fucking dumb
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:47:25 No.2835154
cats deserve to be banned along with the furfucks
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:47:46 No.2835156
pretty sure the thread was deleted by mods last time.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:48:22 No.2835158
Not to mention, the biggest rule on /f/:
>>>/rules/f or however the fuck are you supposed to link it
>1. All uploaded files should be uniquely Japanese (pertain to Japanese culture). "Run of the
mill" content is to be had elsewhere.
>2. Posting retail Flash files or Flash exploits is prohibited.
Nobody gives a fuck about rules in here. At least, until you pull the cheese pizza card.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:48:30 No.2835160
Selectively enforced, friend. Some are weighed heavier than others.
>what is context?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:50:10 No.2835161
I've seen thread deletion happen maybe twice in the last year. Last thread hit age cap I'm pretty
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:51:48 No.2835163
yeah, pretty much anything goes here as long as it's not explicitly illegal
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:54:01 No.2835167
178 is the cap?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:54:30 No.2835169
>anything goes here as long as it's not explicitly illegal
furshit should be made illegal ::^^^^^^))))
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:54:52 No.2835170
>cheese pizza?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:55:07 No.2835171
like this?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:55:55 No.2835174
I can't read sorry
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:56:12 No.2835175
Age cap for existing too long, not post cap. Don't even know what post cap is, since it gets
reached almost never on this board.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:56:38 No.2835177
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)04:57:55 No.2835178
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:03:11 No.2835182
I'm guessing it's 1000 posts, but it would be a true shitfest in here to get that many.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:04:05 No.2835183
This is fucking disgusting. I genuinely look down upon people who enjoy this shit and take
pleasure in the fact I will never reach such a low.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:06:25 No.2835184
fuck it, let's find out
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:08:21 No.2835185
Ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this
We already blew you furshits the fuck out, why do you want us to do it again?
Aw man, that was fun.
Sucks that another Anon won't be able to back me up this time.
I don't think it can, either. The cancerfags infiltrated it and now all we have is AIDS instead
of lulz.
Fucking sucks.
I don't think it's gonna be as high quality as the other thread.
I already explained why I think it's shit. I'd explain it again, but I need to go to sleep.
> Its not porn so it dont matter fuq boii
Post cap is 300, you fucking retards.
PSA coming in next post.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:10:40 No.2835187
ayy lmao yiff in hell furfags
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:16:38 No.2835189
Whoa, all these replies almost make me think people actually go on /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:18:06 No.2835191
Furries are zoophiles who like to masturbate to half-animal pornography. They have no
justification. They get hot when they see animal people, occasionally dropping the "people" part.
Some of them wish they were animals themselves, but most are content to dress up as animals and
have sex. Either way, every single one of them is broken inside.
Some furfags claim that they have no sexual interest in animals whatsoever, and simply enjoy
walking around their house in a fucking dog suit. This is total horseshit. All furfags are drawn
to sexual perversity, regardless of their preferred species. Furfags only say this kind of thing
when threatened with death or when they are trying to "surprise yiff" someone new. Just to be on
the safe side, if a furfag ever tells you they're celibate, you should castrate them to ensure
their celibacy.
Normal people tend to keep their fetishes and developmental oddities to themselves. Furries, on
the other hand, believe their fetish is a lifestyle and that they must announce it to everybody
on the Internet through their icon or sig. Society might actually hate furfags less if they
didn't wish to justify their perversions so strongly that they bring their fursuits and molested
dogs into every normal place they can find, and proceed to spew their crap. Every pervert must
first accept that they are fucked up and either roll with it or become an hero. Furries refuse to
do so.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:19:05 No.2835192
Don't shit yourself, we both know it's the same three people posting over and over again.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:19:06 No.2835193
The majority of the Internet hates them because they won't stay in FChan and Fur Affinity, and
continue to annoy everyone with their persecution complex and disgusting fetishes. They are
pushy, obnoxious, gullible, insecure, and completely incapable of understanding how stupid the
concept of their fandom is. As such, they'll take offense to the claims of it being a sexual
fetish, as if without the sexual aspect, being obsessed with cartoon animals would be perfectly
fine. 'Cause it's totally normal to be romantically involved with Bugs Bunny or your pet dog...
Yeah right, faggots.
Note: On occasion, some retard might accidentally mistake a fursuit for a Halloween costume. If
you observe this phenomenon, explain the truth to the hapless faggot!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:22:11 No.2835195
Furries are the products of children that are raised on a diet of cartoons that depict animals
with love interests. Despite the opinion that it's the Internet that creates furries, furries
existed, and still exist, even without the Internet. Through movies, cartoons, Halloween
costumes, toys, games, and other things that parents innocently expose their children to,
children develop an interest in fur.
Although furries tend to develop before being exposed to the internet, once they are exposed to
the internet they realize "THERE'RE OTHERS LIKE ME!" Thinking that having other people into the
same crap you are makes things awwwright. They start encouraging each other instead of realizing
they are sick fucks and getting help. This leads to your common furry: the thirty-year-old
jailhouse gay waste of flesh fapping in shit-stained diapers to half-animal porn in their
mother's basement.
Additionally, furries can also transmit the infectious disease of furfaggotry to others.
Generally, this is a conscious and deliberate act on their part. Most furries are friends with
many nonfurries in the general population, and for some reason they MUST share their sick
fetishes with everyone, so they lure their friends to see "this awesome art site" or to go to a
"scifi con". The worst part is that they just plain don't stop doing it. They will keep shoving
their furry art in every non-furry's face, wearing ears and tails in public and otherwise
screaming about how nice it is to be a furry in order to attempt to convert others to their sick
Furries will also try to subliminally convert others by creating anthro webcomics. Comics such as
Housepets! usually suck shit, are unfunny and uninteresting. Every furry webcomic is perverted
and should be avoided or else possible conversion may take place. Most, if not all, authors of
these webcomics are morbidly obese and mentally unstable.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:23:11 No.2835196
you, me, and that one faggot that types really fucking fast
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:23:26 No.2835197
Think about it: If Furry life is so nice and accepting, why are they trying to convert you?
Wouldn't they already be happy among their numerous furry friends that they surely must have if
the fandom is a loving, accepting, fun place? Why would they require assurance from real life
people that what they're doing is OK if they know being a furry is perfectly fine?
It's all lies and only the most desperate and gullible people fall for it. This, of course, leads
to even more sad wastes of flesh clamoring for attention and fighting online and trying to
convert as many people offline in the hopes that someone, anyone, will actually love and accept
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:25:24 No.2835198
I get that everyone hates furries, but christ, it's like you stepped out from 2007.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:28:18 No.2835199
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:29:10 No.2835200
furries are just people who define themselves by their sexuality... like gays or vegans
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:30:10 No.2835201
Sounds like copy pasta from encyclopedia dramtica or something.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:30:21 No.2835202
Did the furries touch you, Anon?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:31:27 No.2835203
> copy pasta
It's not, though.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:32:38 No.2835204
>Furries, on the other hand, believe their fetish is a lifestyle and that they must announce it
to everybody on the Internet through their icon or sig.
> furries can also transmit the infectious disease of furfaggotry to others
I can't stop laughing
You, guys are so gud at this, keep going. I gonna get some popcorn
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:32:47 No.2835205
Just checked, its from ED.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:34:02 No.2835206
but it's not copypasta
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:35:03 No.2835209
this is the most autistic thing ive seen in a while, but hell dude it's pretty damn well done
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:37:47 No.2835211
Do you mean to say that you're the OP of the Encyclopedia Dramatica article for Furfags? If not,
its a copypasta.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:41:46 No.2835214
Fucking WRONG
> Copypasta (or Copy pasta, or COPY PASTA) is text on *chans that gets copied and pasted over and
over. This is how it works: someone posts something on /b/ that riles people up. People see the
topic and copy that first inflammatory post. Then a week or so later someone posts it again. Or
they might post it a day later. Or a minute later. Whatever. The flamewar starts over again.
> implying there can be a single OP for a wiki
> posting the sauce when nobody asked for it instead of just keeping it to yourself
> posting the sauce in the first place
This is why you're cancer.
It was stated as a PSA, by the way.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:43:45 No.2835217
*copy pasted
Are you appeased?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:45:31 No.2835219
Careful, your summerfaggotry is showing.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:48:30 No.2835222
You posted sauce in a cancer thread.
And yeah, I cuntpasted it.
Starting to regret not saging.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:48:49 No.2835223
Not this shitto agen
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:51:15 No.2835225
Saging on a board that gets maybe 5 threads an hour will totally make a difference.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:54:22 No.2835226
I find furries disgusting because they have rejected their humanity; the only the that untied
every single person on this planet regardless of race, religion, or ideology. Furries on the
other hand have said, "this isn't good enough for me, I wanna be a WOLF or a FOX!"
absolutely disgusting. While muslims kill SLIGHTLY different muslims in the middle east, this
fucking literal race traitors get to walk around left alone.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:54:33 No.2835227
It wouldn't have gotten the thread off the page, maybe, but it would have kept people from
replying, at the very least.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:56:05 No.2835228
you can do something about it anon
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:56:13 No.2835229
That's not how /f/ works.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)05:59:37 No.2835230
You must be new here.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:00:27 No.2835231
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:00:49 No.2835232
What the fuck do you mean that's not how /f/ works?
Nobody ever reads the thread on /f/, let alone 50+ post threads, and maybe half of the posters
here never look for their own sauce.
Displacing a post and adding to the post count only increases the chance for people to not read
the thread, and the chances of them to not reply to my post is increased.
I was referring to my posts, if I hadn't made myself clear.
See above.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:02:15 No.2835233
>I tried to make a good screenshot
>Click accidentally 3 times on the screenshot button
>Game crash
>It didnt save
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:06:11 No.2835238
That was fucking garbage. Nevermind being furry, it's horribly bland.
bland vapid pop song
bland non-dance moves that are really just walking around energetically
the blue fox isn't even hot, isn't that the one thing they need to get right in furry art?
It's not noteworthy at all. It's not good. Its not so horrible it's almost good like the majority
of /f/ fare. It's just fucking BORING.
I never want to see this shit with over 80 posts again, /f/. Just don't fucking comment next time.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:07:26 No.2835239
>missing the thread with 178 posts
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:09:48 No.2835244
Stop posting and it'll stop getting attention. Jesus
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:12:26 No.2835246
> not wanting it to get attention
It's fun!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:14:36 No.2835248
Oh I'm not saying it isn't fun, I'm just telling the newfag in here that their spewing isn't
helpful to their stance in the slightest.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:14:53 No.2835249
it's already too late, hopefully people will heed my warning and completely ignore it next time
just like every other piece of shit on /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:14:58 No.2835250
there's so much worse stuff that gets posted anyways
besides its clear OP just wanted a reaction
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:15:21 No.2835251
Holy shit. Haven't seen a 100+ post thread in a while.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:15:46 No.2835252
What are you, twelve?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:16:55 No.2835256
Disgusting, the swf and the thread.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:17:32 No.2835257
This thread was far less of a shit storm then the last one. I'm going to bed.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:17:44 No.2835258
Dude, we know you're the angry anon because no one else sages on this board.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:18:34 No.2835260
Yeah, it isn't as quality as I wanted it to be.
Not enough paragraph-long replies, and my b8 didn't seem to take.
Alright, I'm out.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:19:34 No.2835262
I don't really care, I just find furries disgusting. Also >not having sage as default
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:19:36 No.2835263
The samefaggotry is strong with this one.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:20:45 No.2835264
>implying sage is relevant on /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:21:16 No.2835265
everyone... we gotta get to 179 posts
we should all pitch in
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:23:54 No.2835268
If your sage was default, how come this thread was never saged until your last few posts?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:24:13 No.2835269
Now, I'm not sayin' everything else you write is literally insane (which it might be, I just
haven't read all)... but here you're saying that only people who are miserable and mentally
diseased try to find new friends? And the fact that these people try to share their interests
with others is proof they are evil?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:24:48 No.2835271
Because that was my first post? Silly anon.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:26:29 No.2835272
> mfw only the last one was me
I'd post a screenshot, but I can't and won't.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:28:23 No.2835275
The only people that sage at this point are newfags and oldfags that believe saging actually does
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:29:00 No.2835276
The only thing I've really taken away from this thread is that, if I knew you personally, I'd
probably dislike you immensely.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:29:37 No.2835278
> but here you're saying that only people who are miserable and mentally diseased try to find new
friends? And the fact that these people try to share their interests with others is proof they
are evil?
No, I'm saying that these people are trying to convert others who don't want anything to do with
their sick beliefs, and that is evil.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:30:43 No.2835279
I like how no one who says they're leaving actually leaves.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:31:12 No.2835280
Everybody's writing a doctoral thesis all up in an /f/ thread as if furries weren't a decades-old
phenomenon. Did you just find out about furries and you need to warn everyone. Are you concerned
for our safety Thank you for your responsible attitude.
Have you all heard about the dangers of Japanese animation of sexually attractive women with
animal features such as tails and saying nyan which can lead to horrible mistreatment of pets.
Please let others know about this danger.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:32:00 No.2835282
> yfw two of those posts are less than a minute apart
> yfw I'm being honest
The feeling's mutual.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:32:57 No.2835283
It would do something if everybody did it and I will always sage shit threads on principle. Bite
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:33:11 No.2835284
smooth animation isn't necessarily good animation
this shit is too busy
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:33:34 No.2835285
I'm not talking about those posts. It's pretty obvious which posts are you. And they're all bad.
Please stop posting.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:33:38 No.2835286
I get that you think furries are evil, but the activities you are describing are literally what
every non-autistic human has done since human history started. Humans like other people to like
the same stuff. There is literally no group of people that doesn't try to convert others.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:34:01 No.2835287
Because things just got interesting.
> Everybody's writing a doctoral thesis all up in an /f/ thread as if furries weren't a
decades-old phenomenon.
Not true. See >>2835195
> Furries are the products of children that are raised on a diet of cartoons that depict animals
with love interests. Despite the opinion that it's the Internet that creates furries, furries
existed, and still exist, even without the Internet. Through movies, cartoons, Halloween
costumes, toys, games, and other things that parents innocently expose their children to,
children develop an interest in fur.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:34:29 No.2835288
>Bite me
I'm surprised you're secretly a furfag after all
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:34:46 No.2835289
There really do seem to be a lot of people in this thread.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:35:44 No.2835290
Nigga most of the recent furries came from Lion King and Loony Toons. Space Jam specifically.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:37:44 No.2835293
there's 34
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:38:10 No.2835294
>what is Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers
>what is Ducktales
Go ahead, look up Ray Jones.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:39:25 No.2835295
Am I being insulted or something? I mean, you're just helping my argument.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:39:45 No.2835296
> literally what every non-autistic human has done since human history started.
But these people ARE autistic, that's the point.
Have you even seen a_furry_re-birthing.swf?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:41:57 No.2835299
The post you quoted is extremely long, which I sarcastically called a doctoral thesis, and it is
explaining that the phenomenon of furries has existed for more than ten years, which is what
"decade" means.
Can you explain exactly what about my post is "Not true" since you are probably on some very
exiting drugs and need to argue with anonymous strangers on the internet to keep your mind
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:42:27 No.2835300
They're not really 'recent' furries, and they don't come from your examples.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:42:42 No.2835301
Basically what I was going to say.
That said, if whoever made this was working with a creative director, they'd probably produce
some seriously good shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:42:57 No.2835302
But Anon, the userbase of 4chan is autistic.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:43:39 No.2835303
thats the meme
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:44:19 No.2835304
Yeah, I mean the only real furry conversion media at this point is that movie Zootopia coming
out, and my little pony probably.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:44:25 No.2835305
This is like a bunch of really old people writing letters to the editor.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:45:00 No.2835306
words! conflict!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:45:19 No.2835307
Welcome to /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:46:13 No.2835308
Sauce on the song? It's really catchy.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:47:43 No.2835310
Not really. They use the same "press faces together with massive eyes" schtick a dozen times and
completely ignore the tone of the song in favor of some weird fetishized Disney shit that doesn't
match. They're good for churning out in-between frames and nothing more.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:47:58 No.2835311
What the fuck about a 150 post thread is typical of /f/?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:48:52 No.2835312
If only the roster threads were this active
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:50:12 No.2835314
Cited anons comment, not the post count, dumbfuck.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:50:23 No.2835315
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:52:19 No.2835316
> Can you explain exactly what about my post is "Not true" since you are probably on some very
exiting drugs and need to argue with anonymous strangers on the internet to keep your mind
Sure I can.
Your post here: >>2835280 stated,
> Everybody's writing a doctoral thesis all up in an /f/ thread as if furries weren't a
decades-old phenomenon.
> as if furries weren't a decades-old phenomenon.
> weren't a decades-old phenomenon.
Which is one hundred percent untrue, based on this post here >>2835195 , which states,
> Furries are the products of children that are raised on a diet of cartoons that depict animals
with love interests. Despite the opinion that it's the Internet that creates furries, furries
existed, and still exist, even without the Internet. Through movies, cartoons, Halloween
costumes, toys, games, and other things that parents innocently expose their children to,
children develop an interest in fur.
> Despite the opinion that it's the Internet that creates furries, furries existed, and still
exist, even without the Internet. Through movies, cartoons, Halloween costumes, toys, games, and
other things that parents innocently expose their children to, children develop an interest in
> Despite the opinion that it's the Internet that creates furries, furries existed, and still
exist, even without the Internet.
Meaning that it is known that furfags have been around for decades.
I don't understand what you're trying to say, and I don't believe you've refuted any points in
the post, instead being a sarcastic dick.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:54:12 No.2835318
'Die Young' by Ke$ha, remixed with Becky G's cover of the same song.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:54:27 No.2835319
merry christmas everyone
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:54:35 No.2835320
>my little pony probably.
>little pony probably.
>pony probably.
What the fuck do you mean, 'probably'?
Yes, it is CONFIRMED furry conversion media, there's no probably about it.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:55:50 No.2835321
roster thread?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:56:55 No.2835322
The person you're saying is wrong is saying that furries have existed for decades. Not sure what
you're saying is wrong, since you just agreed with everything he said.
probably meaning that's probably the only big mainstream conversion media at the moment
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:58:41 No.2835323
How many millions did this video cost to make?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:59:41 No.2835327
I was watching a documentary about the D Day landings when someone linked this to me.
People died for this person.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)06:59:45 No.2835328
Someone just posted legit furry porn
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:00:46 No.2835331
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:01:09 No.2835333
Oh wow, a thread over 100. What the fucked caused it this time?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:02:12 No.2835337
Furry hate.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:02:31 No.2835338
Thanks. I feel sick now.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:02:40 No.2835339
This is OP, people are buttmad over the good art and animation of this flash. That's basically it
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:03:28 No.2835341
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:05:40 No.2835343
only 14 more posts to go!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:06:07 No.2835344
"Everybody's beating that poor horse as if it weren't already dead."
I'm surprised anyone would beat the horse. They seem to think it's alive and beating it will
inspire it to move. But it's obviously dead.
"Everybody's writing doctoral theses on /f/ about furries as if it weren't a decades-old
I'm surprised anyone would write about furries on /f/. They seem to think it's a new topic and
writing about it will spread new ideas. But it's obviously old as dirt. What the fuck could you
possibly say about furries that we don't already know?
My post was a confusing mix of weird slangy grammar and the subjuctive mood, but I still think
it's appropriate that you feel stupid for misunderstanding it.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:07:08 No.2835346
It's a beautiful present.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:07:25 No.2835347
>bitching about furries
>21st century
Could it get anymore summer in here? I don't think it can.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:07:26 No.2835348
> The person you're saying is wrong is saying that furries have existed for decades.
No, the original post stated that the alleged 'doctoral thesis' did not take into account that
furfags have, in fact, existed for decades, which is not true, as it is stated in the post
referred to.
I don't know whether or not it was a mistake and/or if it was intentional.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:08:39 No.2835352
people hate furries because it's they only have one defining trait that they put out there to the
public... that they're furries
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:09:42 No.2835353
Mmmm. Dead horses. That gets me in the mood for some sweet necrophiliac furry porn. Where's Emily
Youcis when you need her?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:10:04 No.2835354
Always the furry hate.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:10:22 No.2835355
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:11:07 No.2835356
Would even something happen if thread on /f/ would hit bump limit?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:11:59 No.2835358
sieg heil
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:12:03 No.2835360
Is there even a bump limit on /f/?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:12:25 No.2835361
Whoa, there a bump limit on /f/? For reals?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:13:36 No.2835362
The board would be beecock'd for the occasion.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:13:59 No.2835363
why does every big thread always end like this?
a bunch of people just spamming to get the post count to go up
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:13:59 No.2835364
I'm not sure if there is a bump limit, I could have sworn I saw a thread once with at least seven
replies, probably more
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:14:01 No.2835365
fuck it, contributing
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:14:04 No.2835366
So can we agree that this small pink thing is hot?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:14:28 No.2835368
now that's meta, anon
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:14:59 No.2835369
Seven hundred*
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:15:15 No.2835370
Out, out brief candle!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:16:16 No.2835372
Life's but a walking shadow.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:17:09 No.2835373
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:17:17 No.2835374
A poor player
That frets and struts his hour upon the stage
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:17:28 No.2835375
this needs a proper swfh264 remake :^)
where can I find original?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:18:18 No.2835376
And then is heard no more.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:18:58 No.2835378
> My post was a confusing mix of weird slangy grammar and the subjuctive mood,
> weird slangy grammar
> but I still think it's appropriate that you feel stupid for misunderstanding it.
No, it's not, because,
> I'm surprised anyone would write about furries on /f/. They seem to think it's a new topic and
writing about it will spread new ideas. But it's obviously old as dirt. What the fuck could you
possibly say about furries that we don't already know?
You assume that other people have the same intellect as you, but that is not the case, as this is
a furry thread, unless you are part of the furfags, in which case you're part of the problem.
The purpose of the PSA was to inform, and more so to inform those who weren't in the know (i.e.
summerfags), and to, more than anything, b8.
Therefore, whatever the case,
> replying to b8
I think it would be more appropriate for you to be in the wrong.
As an alternative, I haven't slept in a while.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:19:09 No.2835379
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:20:03 No.2835380
It is a tail tolled by and idoit,
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:20:21 No.2835381
>bitching about summer
>21st century
Could it get anymore faggot in here? I don't think it can.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:21:16 No.2835382
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:21:32 No.2835383
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:21:56 No.2835384
full of sound and fury,
Signifying nanimo.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:22:15 No.2835385
>195 replies
Will we finally meet the amazing 200 replies that have never been seen before on /f/?
>> [_] OP 07/06/15(Mon)07:22:28 No.2835387
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:22:36 No.2835389
6 to 200
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:22:47 No.2835390
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:22:48 No.2835391
i wanna get on the ride!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:24:17 No.2835392
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:24:48 No.2835393
pfft ive seen it like at least 5 times now
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:25:15 No.2835394
205 get for Me Lo Rin
>> [_] OP 07/06/15(Mon)07:25:27 No.2835395
can someone screen shot this please
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:25:33 No.2835396
You can really tell Reddit is on a break can't you?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:25:50 No.2835397
TOO LATE, the longest thread on /f/ is 700+ posts long, and that was when /f/ was broken.
There's absolutely no chance that a furry thread can get to that number.
The bump limit is 300.
Because of cancer and/or [s4s].
They don't know a good flame war / discussion even when it's an anthropomorphic otherkin with 37
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:26:16 No.2835398
how nu r u?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:26:55 No.2835400
I can.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:28:45 No.2835402
They're not even comboing, either.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:28:51 No.2835403
Ooooohhh now it all makes sense.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:29:00 No.2835404
What could you possibly discuss in this thread?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:29:53 No.2835405
We can discuss how little discussion happens here.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:30:00 No.2835406
Nothing. Nobody's willing to discuss, and any discussion was in the other thread.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:30:50 No.2835407
>Nobody's willing to discuss
Discuss WHAT? Furries are disgusting, you can only say that so many times, and can hardly call it
a discussion.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:31:19 No.2835409
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:32:11 No.2835410
But what is there even to discuss? That furfags need to go to hell? Yes, thank you, we've known
that for over a decade by this point.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:32:19 No.2835411
Were you even in the other thread?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:32:28 No.2835412
you all act like /f/ actually knows how to have a proper discussion
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:32:42 No.2835413
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:33:13 No.2835415
It's a fucking file sharing board, ffs
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:33:24 No.2835416
we should discuss penises
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:33:23 No.2835417
arrrgh ya got meh
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:34:24 No.2835421
There you go.
> It's a fucking file sharing board, ffs
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:35:02 No.2835422
youre not getting of my flashes see!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:35:28 No.2835424
>if you weren't in another thread, your opinion on this one is invalid
Kill yourself retard
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:37:04 No.2835427
who are you quoting n00b?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:37:43 No.2835428
The person that I quoted, meme master.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:38:17 No.2835430
Joining in on a 200+ replies thread.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:38:29 No.2835431
> >if you weren't in another thread, your opinion on this one is invalid
> implying
No, I was citing it as an example of discourse that had occurred recently.
If you had not seen that example, or an example like it in a previous furry thread, then your
opinion is, in fact, invalid.
> and you're calling me the retard
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:38:31 No.2835432
you got a few words wrong
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:39:03 No.2835433
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:39:29 No.2835434
Fuck man, why the fuck do furries have to waste their artistic talent on all this shit. I'd kill
to be able to animate like this. Literally, murder a man in cold blood. It'd make my life and
career choice so much easier.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:39:50 No.2835435
>If you had not seen that example, or an example like it in a previous furry thread, then your
opinion is, in fact, invalid.
If you think this way of thinking isn't fallacious you should legitimately consider suicide. Take
your arbitrary bullshit with you to hell.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:42:30 No.2835437
>murdering somebody for mediocre animation skills
You undervalue life tbh
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:43:04 No.2835438
chill out fedora king
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:43:31 No.2835439
was meant for
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:43:58 No.2835440
I think it's perfectly reasonable to request somebody else to view another thread in which there
was discussion in order to show what would be discussed.
In this case, the thread is my source, and my answer to the question of what would be discussed,
and shows just what rational discussion of the topic at hand would be about and would look like.
If you think that you can just dismiss my sources like that and not do any proper review of what
a discussion on a furry thread MAY look like, then I suggest that YOU commit suicide.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:44:20 No.2835441
this is bad
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:45:00 No.2835443
how bad is it
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:45:16 No.2835444
You have to be passionate about something that the vast majority of people think is disgusting.
You have to think night and day and work tirelessly to make your hobby appear attractive.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:45:55 No.2835446
The discussion has surpassed the previous thread.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:46:06 No.2835447
>please review all of furry history and submit a 5 page essay on the ideal of furrism before
having an opinion
No, fuck you. I'm not going to go on an archive search because you need to be a fedora tipper. If
you've got something to say, say it. Don't go "hurr check my sources".
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:46:44 No.2835448
what discussion
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:47:01 No.2835449
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:47:12 No.2835450
there problem solved
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:47:44 No.2835452
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:48:23 No.2835453
I am pretty sure furries or nearly any fandom for that matter, got bigger by the exposure of
people who are passionately speaking against it.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:48:23 No.2835454
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:48:26 No.2835455
Bumping huge /f/ thread.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:48:25 No.2835456
No, YOU'RE a fag.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:49:27 No.2835457
2 cucks arguing and 48 fags watching the show. We ye olde /b/ now.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:49:34 No.2835458
> doesn't want to get their own damn sauce
Fine, here you go, you fucking cancerfag.
>> [_] OP 07/06/15(Mon)07:49:49 No.2835459
if you're on this thread then you're a fag. There problem solved >>2835456
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:50:34 No.2835461
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:50:44 No.2835462
newfag please
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:51:15 No.2835463
Please, no one needs to commit suicide. Even if you are feeling tempted by the expressive
swishing tails and lustrous fur, there are worse things than being a furry. At least no one's
here's a pedophile.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:51:28 No.2835464
hey, wait a minute, I missed a discussion
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:51:37 No.2835465
> if you're on this thread then you're a fag.
We're all fags, OP.
>> [_] OP 07/06/15(Mon)07:51:41 No.2835466
cuz i posted this shit dawg :^)
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:51:41 No.2835467
I say you are not, problem solved again.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:52:31 No.2835468
Be an hero
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:52:45 No.2835469
>people calling furries fags and furries trying to defend themselves by saying "yeah well you're
a pedo"
That sure proved me wrong.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:52:55 No.2835471
we all did
>> [_] OP 07/06/15(Mon)07:52:55 No.2835472
ur cool then, u is the only nonfag on this fagboard anon.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:53:15 No.2835473
besides, it is impossible to know what a future discussion may entail, for it takes both party's
participation in order to go forward.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:53:55 No.2835474
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:53:58 No.2835475
Fuck off and die faggot
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:54:00 No.2835476
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:54:32 No.2835477
At this point most of the posters want to see it hit post limit
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:55:03 No.2835478
so it's decided then, we consult Holly
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:55:16 No.2835480
The matter of a fact is, furries are in a competitive community. As someone who's been in a
similar community (Not furry shit at all, mine was a lot more juvenile focusing on characters
with powers and making them fight instead of having them all fuck.) it's all about standing out
from the crowd. Joining a community like this will make your art whatever it is 10x better in a
much faster amount of time if it's the right place. What will happen is, you'll post your stuff
and people will rip you limb from limb creatively. If you think you can put yourself back
together after someone rips apart something you lovingly spent hours and hours of your life on
then a place like this is for you. Think of it like newgrounds on a smaller scale. The problem
with blindly posting your art to tumblr/someblog or deviantart is all you're going to get is
"WOW! Your art looks great, can you draw me/my oc?!? plzzzz" and you'll never really get anything
in depth.
>> [_] OP 07/06/15(Mon)07:55:23 No.2835481
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:55:27 No.2835482
Holy fulck just shut the fuck up no one is arguing with you. No one is a furry trying to say
furries are okay. EVERYONE AGREES WITH YOU.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:55:37 No.2835484
>threads with the most replies get even more replies
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:55:38 No.2835485
There's a post limit here?
Oh fuck we're nearly at 300 posts why do people care this much
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:55:40 No.2835486
im gay
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:56:21 No.2835487
Are you kidding?
Of course there's going to be a good bit of that in any thread, but you gotta sift the shit to
get the nugget.
In this case, most of the discussion is in the very middle.
ur a fgt
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:56:26 No.2835488
I'll go with that
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:56:36 No.2835489
Tongue tied, tongue tied!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:56:37 No.2835490
That's what I'm fucking saying. There's no discussion to be had.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:56:42 No.2835491
i'm a man, and i'm not gay, but i love you, anon~
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:57:12 No.2835492
People hating furries make furry thread nearly 200% bigger, compared to average thread.
Stay classy anon.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:57:39 No.2835494
No, it's not. It's just calling people faggots in unnecessarily complex ways.
Kill yourself retard, I bet you thought you were being insightful in that thread.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:57:47 No.2835495
Clearly, you've never been to /f/.
>> [_] OP 07/06/15(Mon)07:57:58 No.2835497
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:58:11 No.2835498
I knew there were /pol/lacks here
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:58:41 No.2835500
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:58:52 No.2835502
Try 20,000%.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:59:00 No.2835503
Why the fuck is there a 300 post thread on /f/lash?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:59:11 No.2835504
furries rulz normies drulz
stop oppressing us! woof woof!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:59:11 No.2835505
post faster, faggots
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:59:14 No.2835506
That was an estimate, not a fact, also post count increases, so we likely already breached
mentioned percentage.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:59:19 No.2835507
>homoretardicfobic posts,
You mean like every one of the posts that aren't in this thread?
>Most of the flashes here are the same, I dont see you complaining in any of those.
Because those flashes are worthwhile. Even if they're just regurgitating memecontent like knishes
or dead dog (:(), they're still much better than something posted with the intent to get as much
attention as possible.
> if the animation is not perfect is pretty decent (above decent).
It's pretty terrible.. Not only is the animation bad enough as is, it's only made worse by the
subject matter. You'd think that we were on YTMND.
> (we are critizicing the swf faggot).
And this flash is made by the fandom for the fandom. It is a de facto extension of the fandom.
>You are hating and dont even know why. I
I know why I'm 'hating', it's because furries belong on a website more tailored to their
bestiality and freakish nature.
>I pitty you brainless faggot.
I wouldn't be enough of a dick to critique spelling if that was any other sentence and the irony
wasn't quite so sweet.
Nothing, you're just new around here.
Just one of the posts.
Just think of all the QUALITY in that thread.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:59:48 No.2835509
>you're from /pol/ if you know what bourgeoisie means
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)07:59:59 No.2835510
Each thread get average of around 3 posts, dude. 10 if it's good, 30 if it's great bait. We are
well past that point.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:00:11 No.2835511
Is 300 really the limit? I don't think I've ever seen a thread maxed out on /f/.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:00:43 No.2835512
Yes, 300 is the bump limit.
And I broke it.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:00:45 No.2835513
we're about to find out
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:00:53 No.2835514
Thanks for quoting your post. You should print it out so your mommy will hang it up on the fridge.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:01:05 No.2835516
Oops, intended to say 20x of the average thread, my mistake.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:01:48 No.2835518
And now this is just a sinking thread
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:01:58 No.2835519
Well then. Never mind.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:02:09 No.2835520
>300 replies
is it... is it finally over?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:02:10 No.2835521
A quick read through of earlier replies tells me people starting arguing about furries rather
than the flash, which probably led to counter-arguments. Why people feel the need to do this I
don't understand.
>> [_] OP 07/06/15(Mon)08:02:21 No.2835523
What's the cap limit then?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:02:49 No.2835524
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:02:52 No.2835525
Look, whether you like it or not, there was discussion in that thread, and there will be in other
furry threads by non-cancerous OPs.
Deal with it.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:02:53 No.2835526
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:03:09 No.2835527
only one way to find out :^)
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:03:19 No.2835528
There is no bump limit on /f/, retard. Stop talking about things you don't know about.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:03:27 No.2835529
it wont bump anymore but if you breathe really hard and tap really fast on the computer you could
probably make it to 350
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:03:30 No.2835530
There is no bump on f, every flash is doomed the same way, getting pushed of the stack.
>> [_] OP 07/06/15(Mon)08:04:04 No.2835531
How will i learn if i don't experience?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:04:09 No.2835532
We just passed the bump limit you twat. Check the main page if you don't believe me.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:04:24 No.2835533
But can we make it?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:04:36 No.2835534
is that why the thread isnt bumping anymore? dummy
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:05:02 No.2835536
>proven wrong
>by someone quoting himself (lol) basically saying he doesn't like the flash
>and then making that unnecessary caricature in all caps because of how mad he is
lol, your life is a meme
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:05:42 No.2835537
holy shit you guys i think this is the fastest thread i've seen in a long time
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:05:59 No.2835538
Pretty sure this swf is now going to get posted regularly
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:06:55 No.2835540
You know, threads on /f/ are deleted based entirely on time, so all the bump limit will do is
make it so it's not at the top anymore. This thread's here until somebody posts enough flashes to
knock it off.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:06:57 No.2835541
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:07:15 No.2835542
Look, man, it wasn't my post.
Besides, that was just an example of the thread material.
I will happily post the guy he was replying to.
My point still stands, and is still correct, whether you fags like it or not.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:07:29 No.2835543
I guess you could say this flash
>puts sunglasses on
will die young.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:07:48 No.2835544
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:07:59 No.2835545
it's the cycle of /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:08:12 No.2835546
Wow, it's still goin'.
Anybody up for some sushi? Maybe a birthday cake or a sandwich.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:08:16 No.2835547
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:08:21 No.2835548
>implying 4chan in itself isn't cancer
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:08:22 No.2835549
>Look, man, it wasn't my post.
lol okay whatever you say
You're the kind of guy who posts quotes from himself to his facebook with 80 friends because "why
wouldn't I if it's a good quote?"
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:08:48 No.2835550
actually this flash will get reposted now because of the one guy who posted 50 times.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:09:00 No.2835551
turn off cruise control you fucking faggot
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:09:17 No.2835552
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)03:50:59 No.2835025
Cheesus fuck, are you serious?, I just got here to read the homoretardicfobic posts, this post is
the second one I post. Anyfuckingway, you have to recognize that even if the animation is not
perfect is pretty decent (above decent).
>The animation is shoddy at best and the rip quality is poor.
Most of the flashes here are the same, I dont see you complaining in any of those.
>The fanbase is inherently sexual.
So what, I did not see cat penises o dog vaginas in this flash. (we are critizicing the swf
You are hating and dont even know why. I pitty you brainless faggot.
deal w/ it, nerd
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:09:39 No.2835554
>> [_] OP 07/06/15(Mon)08:10:05 No.2835555
i only posted it once as a joke to my friend, didnt want it to blow up like this lol
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:10:28 No.2835556
I have no informative comment to make. I am just here to enjoy the shitstorm.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:10:36 No.2835557
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:10:41 No.2835558
> friends
OP pls
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:11:08 No.2835559
>there's nothing wrong with being a furry, and /f/ is shit anyway
There, I said the gist of that post. Just because it's long doesn't mean it's thoughtful, so stop
typing out paragraphs you autist.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:11:41 No.2835561
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:11:45 No.2835562
You sucking his dick? How does it tastes?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:11:53 No.2835563
I meant the guy who got his panties in a twist from 2d animation
>> [_] OP 07/06/15(Mon)08:12:10 No.2835564
Well, I prefer to call him my lover. We posted this flash to get in the mood for him to fuck my
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:12:30 No.2835565
> stop typing out paragraphs you autist.
> he actually types out what other people have said
deal w/ it, nerd
>> [_] OP 07/06/15(Mon)08:12:46 No.2835566
idk, i saw the flash go down so i re-upped it witha different name. Kek harder laddy
>> [_] OP 07/06/15(Mon)08:13:04 No.2835567
>How does it tastes?
Like victory.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:13:07 No.2835568
I guess you could say, dying young, for this flash
>puts sunglasses on again
was dangerously furry.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:13:42 No.2835569
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:13:46 No.2835570
>> he actually types out what other people have said
That's not what I implied at all. I was talking about your long post earlier, that you thought
was so amazing because it was long even though like, I said, it's just saying that you don't like
the flash.
>> [_] OP 07/06/15(Mon)08:13:55 No.2835571
Friend* :(
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:14:21 No.2835572
Doesn't matter whether or not it was thoughtful, discussion just had to take place.
Those were the original conditions, and they have been met.
You're wrong. It's okay to be wrong, faggot.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:14:45 No.2835573
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:14:49 No.2835574
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:14:57 No.2835575
Jokes on you, no one wins on the internet.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:14:57 No.2835576
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:15:40 No.2835577
That's not discussion. Do you really think discussion is just people disagreeing? Fucking kek.
Go back to your freshman philosophy course.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:15:51 No.2835578
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:16:14 No.2835579
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:16:42 No.2835580
Shift is the poor fags caps lock
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:17:11 No.2835581
Can we reach 404 posts,
I believe in you, /f/.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:17:16 No.2835582
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:17:40 No.2835583
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:17:41 No.2835584
> That's not what I implied at all. I was talking about your long Declaration of Independence
earlier, that you thought was so amazing because it was long even though like, I said, it's just
saying that you don't like England.
> That's not what I implied at all. I was talking about your long Bill of Rights earlier, that
you thought was so amazing because it was long even though like, I said, it's just saying that
you don't like the government.
> That's not what I implied at all. I was talking about your manifesto earlier, that you thought
was so amazing because it was long even though like, I said, it's just saying that you don't like
You can apply that to anything, Anon.
You're such a fucking stupid nigger holy shit.
thats the meem
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:18:14 No.2835585
Shift key is more manly, anyway.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:18:25 No.2835586
nice quads bro
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:18:32 No.2835587
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:18:43 No.2835589
i use both at the same time! makes for interesting results
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:20:01 No.2835590
Are you joking? The >implication was whether or not I type out quotes instead of copying and
pasting, which is either a fact or not. It's not, nor was anybody else's doing so the point of my
Now try again, faggot. >>2835570
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:20:03 No.2835591
You go, /f/riend.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:20:28 No.2835592
Well /f/aggots, you did it, you managed to get a thread past the bump limit
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:20:45 No.2835593
the act of talking about something with another person or a group of people : a conversation
about something
the action or process of talking about something, typically in order to reach a decision or to
exchange ideas.
a conversation or debate about a certain topic.
a detailed treatment of a particular topic in speech or writing.
You're such a fucking faggot holy shit.
> thinking philosophy has any bearing on English
Read a fucking book nigger.
You sure are fucking dumb.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:21:05 No.2835594
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:21:14 No.2835595
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:21:37 No.2835596
The act of doing something over and over again, expecting different results.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:21:57 No.2835597
Reach 404 posts to reach legendary status.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:22:20 No.2835598
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:22:38 No.2835599
That or invade 7chan
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:23:07 No.2835600
You basically paraphrased a post into 'lol, I don't like this thing' and discredited it, when in
reality this could be used to describe every major event in history ever.
Doesn't mean that it isn't a discussion, though.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:23:26 No.2835601
Whats a 7chan, 4chan is truly only worthwhile chan.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:23:51 No.2835602
7chan is the land of the furfags
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:23:58 No.2835603
>quoting definitions
I saw this coming, it's what all the autists do.
Only middle schoolers consider just talking a "discussion". A discussion would be both sides
analyzing the very details of the topic. That's not what happened. It was "furries are fags yiff
in hell" and "/f/ is shit faggot deal with it"
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:24:08 No.2835604
I know, right?
It's like you actually WANT to be a faggot.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:24:53 No.2835606
Man, I'm just along for the ride
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:25:19 No.2835607
>my post about furries is as detailed and complicated as major events in history
Holy shit, could you tip your fedora harder?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:27:11 No.2835608
btw did you guys know that 808ch is still wordfiltered on most of 4chan?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:27:25 No.2835609
> implying I meant that
No faggot, I said that that shitty response to a shitty post could be used in any situation at
all for any situation at all to dismiss any point at all.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:27:27 No.2835610
i wish i could post image responses on this board
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:28:12 No.2835611
you're dumb then
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:28:13 No.2835612
The day furries broke /f/.
Never Furget.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:28:23 No.2835613
Well, I guess you can say we've
>puts on a third pair of sunglasses
reached the danger zone.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:28:55 No.2835614
Still? Wow.
>> [_] OP 07/06/15(Mon)08:29:28 No.2835615
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:29:35 No.2835616
Calling other people autistic is a lot like calling other people pedantic or sophomoric.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:29:39 No.2835617
>being this retarded
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:30:03 No.2835618
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:30:29 No.2835619
its shit
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:30:51 No.2835620
Nice memes :^)
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:30:51 No.2835621
> A discussion would be both sides analyzing the very details of the topic.
A discussion is a conversation about a topic.
I'm sure you're a pretty smart goy, but I'm sure you're not smarter than the fags who put shit in
the dictionaries.
You're wrong.
deal w/ it
> Only middle schoolers consider just talking a "discussion".
It wasn't just talking, it was talking about a topic, in which case happened to be the flash and
the furry community in general.
If you don't realize this, then I'm sorry, but you're actually mentally retarded.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:30:53 No.2835622
Except the way you used it was invalid, as the events you quoted had multiple points proving
their thesis, while your post that has only been quoted by you (still lol) was just talking about
how furries suck.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:31:10 No.2835623
YES! Reach 404 before 404.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:31:21 No.2835624
Just posting here to be part of the greatest /f/urry butthurt of this year.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:31:34 No.2835626
and the clock is tik tokking until the thread is pruned
and face?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:31:55 No.2835627
Are you two still going at it? Really?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:32:27 No.2835628
>400+ replies about furfaggotry and counting
stay classy /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:32:45 No.2835630
a fitting number 404.
>> [_] OP 07/06/15(Mon)08:33:42 No.2835632
You fuckboys went past 404. Shame.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:33:44 No.2835633
I posted more than one quote, guy.
Here's the archive, feel free to Ctrl + f
Doesn't matter anyways, my point is still valid.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:33:51 No.2835634
Okay we reached 404 post and counting
Please all /f/riends, /f/urries and /f/ags evacuate.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:34:25 No.2835635
A winner is me
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:34:25 No.2835636
>I'm sure you're a pretty smart goy, but I'm sure you're not smarter than the fags who put shit
in the dictionaries.
>appear to authority fallacy
Continue to use a childish definition of discussion because it suits your purposes though.
Suck a dick faggot
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:34:45 No.2835637
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:34:54 No.2835638
Dat accidental quote.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:34:58 No.2835639
but there's so much to see here
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:35:27 No.2835640
Because you quoted some other autist doesn't make it less funny that you quoted yourself.
>My point is still valid
lol no it's not
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:35:47 No.2835641
I wish I were a cute fuckboy
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:36:15 No.2835642
my fucking eyes
just change to "tomorrow" your eyes will thank you
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:37:12 No.2835644
Well, I believe in you two /f/aggots to get this thread to break the post record. Bicker on you
wonderfully retarded twats
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:37:27 No.2835646
Wtf? More than 400 replies? And it's for some furry shit nobody sane cares about?
Wtf is happening?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:38:16 No.2835649
Yotsuba is the Authentic™ 4chan experience
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:38:29 No.2835650
There are still like 9 flashes, before this one is on the line, I guess this thread last around
around 30 to 45 minutes, so don't worry.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:38:33 No.2835651
/f/ is a time capsule from the 2000s and back then people were really angry about furries. You're
seeing history here.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:38:40 No.2835652
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:38:43 No.2835653
>look at me I'm so cool I'm so much better than everybody else because I condescendingly look
down on people for arguing
Kill yourself, faggot. Stay mad that nobody would argue with how insignificant you are.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:39:22 No.2835656
> >appear to authority fallacy
Spot the /pol/ack!
As if it discredits my central point.
> Continue to use a childish definition of discussion because it suits your purposes though.
Oh, I'm sure you're a LOT smarter than those English professors who dedicate a couple of years of
their life to their craft, oh yes.
I bet you think the regular definition of 'rape' is childish too, huh? And it should include
intense gazes with a period more than five seconds, hmm? The big bad scholars don't think so, but
you know better than them, right?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:39:52 No.2835658
>taking everything seriously
Clearly you don't understand sarcasm. Or how 4chan works for that matter
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:40:29 No.2835659
How so?
A discussion still took place.
You're welcome, m'lady.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:41:11 No.2835660
I have a penis, but kudos for trying
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:42:54 No.2835661
I hope you meant on your body, otherwise that would be quite disturbing but also hilarious.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:43:24 No.2835662
does anybody remember that furfag convention that got mustard gassed a while back?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:43:37 No.2835663
>As if it discredits my central point.
It does though. That's what a "fallacy" is.
Also I don't even go to /pol/, but you probably do seeing as how you say goy, which is ironic.
And if you're going to continue to use that definition of ironic, then your first point about
there being no discussion in this thread is invalid, so move the goal posts some more.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:43:40 No.2835664
They make for great flails
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:43:50 No.2835665
wtf, why is this thread doing Iron Man numbers?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:44:38 No.2835668
>definition of ironic
I meant definition of discussion.
Keep that condescending attitude up, buddy.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:44:43 No.2835669
I thought it was chlorine gas.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:44:47 No.2835670
If you have read up to here you should kill yourself.
Satan agrees.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:44:55 No.2835671
Ah, I see, you just straight jumped to the hilarious part.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:45:00 No.2835672
Holy crap
There is over sixty people on this board
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:46:07 No.2835673
Condescending implies I give a shit
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:46:28 No.2835674
it should have been both
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:46:35 No.2835675
And that's just the ones in this thread. Imagine how many either haven't posted, haven't checked
it out, or just weren't in today. Might be over a hundred.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:46:37 No.2835676
Wow look at you, you don't care about anything, you're 2cool4skool. Can you teach me to be as
cool and edgy as you?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:47:27 No.2835678
Alright goy.
Go fuck yourself, goy.
You're fucking retarded, goy.
You obviously don't know how to debate, goy, and obviously won't listen to reason, goy.
Alright, goy.
I'm wrong goy.
You're right goy.
There's no such thing as discussion on a furry thread, goy.
Especially not on 4chan, goy.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:47:49 No.2835679
Its called everyone is a faggot and nothing is to be taken seriously if the url has in
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:48:31 No.2835680
Oh that's cool, just ignore the rest of my post, and use a strawman fallacy while you're at it.
>being this mad
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:48:34 No.2835681
literally another guy questioning in another flash how many people actually go on /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:48:38 No.2835682
Don't talk to the goy, goy.
He's a confirmed double goyim.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:49:23 No.2835684
Um. Okay.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:49:48 No.2835686
Don't give a shit, got 404 and 444
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:49:59 No.2835687
You two have a lot of shits to give, if you argue for hours on a simple furry flash.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:50:04 No.2835688
Oh no, it's fine, goy.
I have already admitted my defeat, goy.
You're right, goy.
I don't see why you're so bootyblasted from that Jewish cock, but that's none of my business, goy.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:50:23 No.2835689
500 posts now
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:51:05 No.2835690
with this one
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:51:29 No.2835693
Keep pretending you didn't get your shit blown out though by ignoring everything but when the
irony of you telling somebody to go to /pol/ is.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:51:56 No.2835694
ayy lmao
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:52:28 No.2835695
If her face contorted less I would touch that tail all night
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:53:36 No.2835697
> implying goy is only /pol/
Alright goy.
I'll stay blown out, goy.
I also never said GB2/pol/, but that's fine, goy.
We done here, goy?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:53:54 No.2835698
So what exactly is record for longest thread?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:54:37 No.2835699
Over seven hundred posts.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:54:40 No.2835700
I wonder, too.
Any old/f/ags here who know?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:54:49 No.2835701
seven hundred something apparently, but /f/ was broken at the time, so technically this one I
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:55:21 No.2835702
>spot the /pol/ack!
Continue to get hung up on which word was used though.
And you're welcome to stop replying to me whenever you want, don't pretend as if what you're
doing of your own free will isn't worth your time.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:55:38 No.2835703
Seven hundred+.
It used to be 538, though.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:55:52 No.2835704
Ayy, 69 unique IPs
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:56:23 No.2835705
[spoiler]Every post in this thread except 68 is all me[/spoiler]
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:57:10 No.2835707
And there are still 8 flashes or so before this one get pruned, holy shit, we have a chance.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:57:42 No.2835708
It sure is summer.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)08:58:08 No.2835709
Its always summer
>> [_] OP 07/06/15(Mon)08:59:20 No.2835711
so, this is the longest thread? Did Furfags really break /f/?
>> [_] OP 07/06/15(Mon)08:59:54 No.2835713
They broke /f/ as hard as they broke my sphincter.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)09:00:02 No.2835714
I don't know what you're talking about, goy.
Discussions still took place, goy, and you can't prove me wrong, goy.
That's all I need to know, goy.
And seeing as how you're such a fedora-wearing faggot, goy, and about as autistic as you claim me
to be, goy, I don't see any reason to why you would possibly think you're right, goy, because you
say that a discussion never took place, goy, because there is a mountain of evidence proving
otherwise, goy.
But it's fine that you think you're right, goy, and that you're cooler and better than everyone,
goy, by dismissing everyone elses stuff, goy.
See ya, goy.
>> [_] Squares are my friends 07/06/15(Mon)09:00:08 No.2835715
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)09:00:08 No.2835716
[s4s] reached 13500 posts in a sticky.
OP got 11000 replies and fried a ton of computers.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)09:01:30 No.2835717
Why would we ever want a furry thread to be legendary?
Let's just stop replying.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)09:01:31 No.2835718
Except when it's fall, winter, or spring.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)09:02:54 No.2835722
>Discussions still took place, goy, and you can't prove me wrong, goy.
The point was that there was more discussion in the last thread than this thread, actually. Stop
moving goal posts. Using your retarded childish definition of discussion or my correct one, you
were still wrong.
>all these buzzwords
Just ignore the rest of the conversation and "leave" while pretending you were right? lol
I bet you'll still reply to this post, and be as retarded as ever.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)09:04:20 No.2835724
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)09:05:18 No.2835726
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)09:05:37 No.2835727
I can't even comprehend how many hours were spent on animating this.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)09:08:57 No.2835733
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)09:12:55 No.2835742
Have some OC.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)09:13:37 No.2835743
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)09:13:54 No.2835744
An ebin thread m8s. Greetings from /v/.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)09:14:05 No.2835747
I find /pol/ far more offensive than any furfag.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)09:14:41 No.2835748
Fixed it
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)09:15:18 No.2835750
Thanks m8.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)09:16:31 No.2835753
A real shame isn't it?
This isn't badly animated. The technical aspects are actually pretty great. I don't understand
why someone who possess actual ability would waste their time with such a worthless subject
matter. What a waste of potential.
I mean, furries set to top 40 dance music? That's what you choose to spend your time creating? It
almost makes me want to git gud so I right this cosmic wrong. Lord Xenu have mercy on this poor
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)09:16:36 No.2835754
classic meme
>> [_] Anonymous 07/06/15(Mon)09:17:01 No.2835755
Posting in an epic thread