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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17. Discovered flash files: 1 / > /fap/ > Thread 7476 Age: 26.14d Health: 1% Posters: 12 Posts: 17 Replies: 14 Files: 1+2 >> Anonymous 21jul2015(tu)20:22 No.21597 OP P1 [G] Its been too long Nimin Fantasy [IMG] Xadera Nimin Fantasy v0.975xXx.swf (557.1 KiB) 1175x661, Compressed. 1 frame, 24 fps (00:00). Ver10, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No. [find in archive] >> Anonymous 21jul2015(tu)20:53 No.21598 A P2R1 Totally forgot about this game. Hasn't it been dead for over a year though? >> Anonymous 21jul2015(tu)22:03 No.21599 B P3R2 eggs? shapeshifting? wolf fur... I have no idea what I'm doing! >> Anonymous 21jul2015(tu)22:11 No.21600 B P4 >>21599 I just grew a vagina for no reason, then raped a wolf by putting his, for some reason, erect cock in my vagina, instead of using my own 15 inch penis. I'm so cofused right now... >> Anonymous 21jul2015(tu)22:26 No.21601 C P5R3 i hate games like this how is this even in /fap/ i mean i come here to see porn/sexual stuff not read a bunch of erotic text hell if i wanted that i would go read 50 shades of grey or some shit like that >> Anonymous 21jul2015(tu)22:40 No.21602 D P6R4 Got my character to masturbate, and chose the "fuck myself" option, since I'm playing a futa. Afterward, she immediately goes into labor, and gives birth to a WHOOPING number of 500,000 babies! Man, you can't dick around with pregnancies these days.... >> Anonymous 21jul2015(tu)22:43 No.21603 A P7R5 >>21601 This IS porn/sexual stuff. Corruption of Champions and Trials in Tainted space get posted here regularly as well, the latter of which makes $18,000 dollars per month on Patreon. Just because you can't fap without pictures doesn't mean no one else can either. >> Anonymous 21jul2015(tu)22:44 No.21604 B P8R6 Game: "You have registered Malon's daughter. She is now happily living together at the Dairy Farm. Because she is born as a grown-up child, there is no need for her to be taken to the Daycare. She is already able to take care of herself." >>born as a grown-up child I'm out! I'm done! Bye! >> Anonymous 21jul2015(tu)23:01 No.21605 E P9R7 >>21604 lol >> Anonymous 22jul2015(we)09:06 No.21615 F P10R8 This is probably the best text game ive ever played >> Anonymous 22jul2015(we)09:06 No.21616 F P11 My dick is confused >> Anonymous 22jul2015(we)13:21 No.21623 G P12R9 booooooring >> Anonymous 23jul2015(th)06:16 No.21643 H P13R10 I always have fun as a shota wolf and fucking the loli catgirl, the scene where he gets the knot stuck is kinda cute. >> Anonymous 23jul2015(th)20:03 No.21657 I P14R11 This is actually a version behind. Though the "latest" version only had some bug and typo fixes. So content wise its the same. >>21598 And yeah, this hasn't been updated in over a year. Though the creator just started recruiting writers for it a few days ago. My guess is the person who posted this read that, and has started getting hyped about it. I suggest not getting your hopes up though. >> Anonymous 24jul2015(fr)17:23 No.21694 J P15R12 So you can impregnate a 10year old catgirl, get her to give birth in under 10mins using drugs then fuck the babies? I thought "no pedo" was always the line in these text games? Not that im complaining... >> Anonymous 24jul2015(fr)22:55 No.21696 K P16R13 >>21694 CoC doesn't have this kind of stuff for some legal reasons. This game right here seems to go all bat shit insane concerning this stuff... I'd like something in between. Basically CoC with loli and that's it. Anything else in 'Nimin', or what it's called, is just way beyond weird. >> Anonymous 27jul2015(mo)15:21 No.21741 OP P17R14 >>21696 the difference between Nimin and CoC is not that far. Both have their own share of weirdness. Remember the stone golem in the collapsed cathedral? I dont really know her true function other than to receive verbal abuse from the Champion. Sure, fucking babies is weird but, well, it did involve fucking, and this is a porn game, so, yeah. Thats so damn weird... and disgusting... |