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This is resource FNGIBMJ, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:23/7 -2015 12:59:15

Ended:23/7 -2015 18:38:14

Checked:23/7 -2015 19:30:22

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 7.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Taco Rewiew.swf-(8.45 MB, 1280x720, Other)
[_] Anonymous 07/23/15(Thu)06:57:44 No.2854131

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/15(Thu)09:24:48 No.2854183

  Fast food reviewers are the worst shit since let's players.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/15(Thu)11:10:57 No.2854224

  I don't think "fast food reviewers" are a thing. Either this guy got paid by Taco Bell to make a
  video with the hopes of going viral or he just felt like fucking around because he was bored at
  Taco Bell and his wife just left him and took his kids, dog, and half his assets, so he just
  wanted to do something to cheer up.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/15(Thu)11:21:52 No.2854231

  Look up Daym Drops and check the recommended.
  There's quite a bit of food reviewers. Mainly fast food reviewers.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/15(Thu)11:28:21 No.2854236

  I still think the people who make these videos are worse.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/15(Thu)12:07:00 No.2854262

  Wow that's fucking nuts. I can understand reviewing gourmet food but why the fuck would anyone
  want to watch a review of food that you eat as a last resort?

  People are really going to extra step to avoid getting a legitimate soul-crushing job these days.
  I would love to quit my job but I don't think that I could live with myself if I tried to make
  money off of videos of me eating fucking fast food.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/15(Thu)12:31:58 No.2854280

  >implying there aren't a lot of people who eat mainly if not exclusively fast-food.
  Eat Burgers.
  Get Paid.
  A winrar is you.
Created: 23/7 -2015 12:59:15 Last modified: 23/7 -2015 19:30:25 Server time: 10/01 -2025 13:52:11