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This is resource GLS850C, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:7/7 -2015 19:58:07

Ended:8/7 -2015 00:15:47

Checked:8/7 -2015 00:57:53

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 29.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: XiaoPuuu~.swf-(8.58 MB, 848x478, Other)
[_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)13:55:08 No.2837170

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)13:59:55 No.2837175

  Because it's a precursor to shitting.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)14:02:46 No.2837177

  Is her voice actually meant to be like that?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)14:28:44 No.2837193

  oh my god, kill it with fire.
  That's the most annoying voice i ever heard.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)14:30:06 No.2837196

  Does she has some kind of throat disease? Like they had to cut away parts because of cancer or

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)14:32:23 No.2837199

  Thank you.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)14:33:23 No.2837200

  No she is trying to be a loli and she is trying so hard.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)15:25:07 No.2837249

  Helium, lots of helium. She's probably 40 years old.

  Take it from someone who had to help another person prep for the ass cam. You can have absolutely
  nothing in your body and still fart. Shit and fart may come from the same place, but entirely
  different things.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)16:08:44 No.2837281

  I absolutely lost my shit at the end.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)16:12:29 No.2837289

  its gross because you are inhaling shit particles.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)16:15:55 No.2837293

  I don't think shit particles can come through your underwear, your pants, and your shirt to get
  into your lungs that easily.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)16:18:06 No.2837298

  the fuck how long is your shirt

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)16:18:49 No.2837299

  I could oddly watch these all day.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)16:19:40 No.2837301

  It's methane. It doesn't have anything to do with shit itself, it's just gas produced by bacteria
  of your shit.

  it's also a natural occurring gas, so yeah, nature also farts.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)16:27:53 No.2837309

  >It's methane
  Methane is odorless.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)16:28:05 No.2837310

  yeah totally, why dont we just fucking rub each other in shit, and farting around?

  i bet you dont talk in public because your opinion is so fucking dumb everybody try to avoid you,
  but don t worry, its naturally avoiding strange people

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)16:36:11 No.2837318

  well you can try to rub shit on each other, but I think only certain people get off from that.
  You should've seen me at parties. Also keep it up, I'm sure someone will notice you eventually.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)16:38:17 No.2837322

  Who said farts only contain methane?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)16:44:47 No.2837329


>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)16:52:04 No.2837333

  okay, stay tuned bud.
  maybe i see you someday at a party, rubbing shit at people.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)16:57:34 No.2837339

  im more bothered by her gross, pig ass looking ayy lmao face and her annoying high pitch voice
  than farts

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)16:57:53 No.2837340

  >well you can try to rub shit on each other, but I think only certain people get off from that.
  >You should've seen me at parties.

>> [_] qtip 07/07/15(Tue)17:14:36 No.2837365

  one time at a school talent show i held a microphone up to my ass and farted and everyone in the
  cafeteria heard it.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)17:36:39 No.2837387

  >Her face
  I think you're the first person to mention how disgustingly alien that looks.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)17:56:25 No.2837400

  what you are smelling is little particles of shit

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)18:03:58 No.2837409


  what you are smelling is actually gas produced in your digestive tract by the putrefication of
  the food you ate, by microorganisms.

  /fit/izens know the pain of protein farts

>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)18:05:27 No.2837411

  technically, it's only 1% of fecal matter that actually has smell, but it's so concentrated that
  we smell it anyways
  also, lots of bacteria attached to it too giving it that lovely aroma

>> [_] Brother in /f/ 07/07/15(Tue)18:06:53 No.2837413



>> [_] Anonymous 07/07/15(Tue)18:14:36 No.2837423

  This thread feels like pink eye.
Created: 7/7 -2015 19:58:07 Last modified: 8/7 -2015 00:57:57 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:44:59