File: Danmachi brushin og.swf-(4.25 MB, 800x450, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 06/15/15(Mon)23:58:14 No.2814639
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/15/15(Mon)23:59:16 No.2814641
Thank you op
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)00:00:15 No.2814646
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)00:08:04 No.2814675
The real "OG".
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)00:10:21 No.2814682
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)00:11:03 No.2814686
but it is from a cartoon, close enough fag
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)00:11:30 No.2814687
Oh my god... goodnight /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)00:12:37 No.2814691
It's relating to Japan, not relating to cartoons, you fucking retard.
/f/ is for appreciating all of Japan's culture, not just anime, and anything else should be
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)00:12:44 No.2814692
Those breasts are excellent
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)00:14:19 No.2814696
haha im glad the "Her breasts ruin this" poster isnt here
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)00:17:09 No.2814705
Her breasts ruin this.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)00:22:59 No.2814722
Pls die
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)00:23:38 No.2814724
Yea all the porn posted under A is no big deal, but u post a cartoon and get all huffed and
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)00:24:59 No.2814726
I'm already dead inside my friend.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)00:49:44 No.2814760
nigger twerking version is better.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)01:00:13 No.2814772
If it doesnt Objectify women, it isnt japanese
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)01:43:26 No.2814823
Fuck off Tyrone
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)01:44:59 No.2814826
keeps it more original to some extent then generic loli characters
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)01:49:09 No.2814832
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)02:03:57 No.2814848
>butthurt about non-japanese media
Have you seen lolicatgirls.swf? Cuz that's japanese the whole way through....
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)02:07:28 No.2814850
it is from an anime faggot, one of my all time favorites
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)02:52:26 No.2814889
confirmed for autistic faggot
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)02:54:06 No.2814891
Why the fuck does this keep getting posted?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)02:55:14 No.2814892
it only gets posted when the twerking negro version gets posted
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)03:09:08 No.2814903
fuck off faggot, you dont know shit
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)03:11:50 No.2814904
>it only gets posted when the twerking negro version gets posted
but the twerking nig version was made because this one got posted all the fucking time.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)03:13:19 No.2814908
Says the delusional faggot that doesn't realise this is just fan service directed to appealing
niggers like you
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)03:13:24 No.2814909
infinite loop
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)03:20:46 No.2814916
listen here you autistic little shit, stop being a fucking nigger, all you're doing is spewing
shit with your keyboard
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)03:26:50 No.2814923
Get more butthurt you social retard
>> [_] Anonymous 06/16/15(Tue)03:32:40 No.2814930
coming from the neckbeard who is probably sitting in his mothers basement and hasnt seen the sun
in 3 years. how about you get off your ass, go outside, and think about how fucking pathetic your
life is