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This is resource HPCE63X, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:31/7 -2015 11:13:43

Ended:31/7 -2015 16:03:43

Checked:31/7 -2015 16:31:30

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 15.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Call The Cops.swf-(9.24 MB, 400x224, Other)
[_] this is what happens Anonymous 07/31/15(Fri)05:09:50 No.2862105

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/15(Fri)05:43:25 No.2862120

  this is why america is the worst country to live in.
  Have fun taking uncle Sam's dick up the ass, you Yankees.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/15(Fri)05:50:20 No.2862121


>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/15(Fri)05:51:22 No.2862122

  >80% of the "people" getting beat are dirty apes
  They probably asked for it.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/15(Fri)06:16:46 No.2862134

  The propaganda is real!

>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/15(Fri)06:17:16 No.2862136

  That's not the reason why it's the worst living here, it's also the fact that in some states it's
  legal to shoot another person for using their horn, or the fact that our entire healthcare system
  is garbage and punishes its citizens for getting sick at all, and if you're mentally ill, even if
  it's something minor, you're branded for life as being a threat to society.
  Also its citizens as a majority can only see things as black and white and demand censorship on
  anything that goes against their rigid way of thinking, like this faggot >>2862121

  I recall most of the cases in the video, most of them were provoked reactions.
  Oh, and those mental health stigmas? They're enough to cost you a lot of jobs, but the easiest
  way to get blacklisted is just being accused of rape. Doesn't matter if you committed it or not,
  if someone attempts to press charges on you, you're marked for life as a monster and only the
  most understanding of corporations (none of them, Mom and Pop places are your only option) will
  hire you. Oh, and on top of everything, not necessarily the government's fault, but trying to
  relocate anywhere requires resources most citizens can't afford, so a lot of people are damned to
  die in the shithole small towns scattered about that barely get any business beyond its own

>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/15(Fri)06:24:42 No.2862144

  its nothing to do with a "stigma" and everything to do with the mentally ill do not seek
  treatment. Bipolar, schizophrenia are inclined to refuse medication because of their paranoia.

  On top of that these people often times wind up becoming homeless or going on shooting sprees.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/15(Fri)06:49:00 No.2862164

  Part of not seeking treatment is the potential threat of social suicide, which comes in the form
  of stigma. That being said, having worked at a mental health institute briefly, it's not at all
  uncommon for refusing meds, there's also the problem of drug addictions a lot tend to get
  addicted to in an attempt to make them feel less broken.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/15(Fri)06:55:48 No.2862167

  There's the stigma.
  There's the multitude of drugs that can cause severe side-effects that only serve to make their
  conditions worse if they take them.
  There's dependency on the drugs that do work with severe side-effects that only serve to make
  their conditions worse if they ever stop taking them.
  There's the fucked up health care system that makes it difficult to get them in the first place
  and even harder to keep getting them due to how expensive they are and how difficult it can be to
  get a job, let alone one that will pay well enough for them to stay sane.
  So yeah, lot of people don't bother with medication when they can help it.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/15(Fri)06:58:31 No.2862171

  this is complete bullshit

>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/15(Fri)07:20:06 No.2862184


>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/15(Fri)07:46:12 No.2862195

  Robbery and Theft, yeah boi
  Fuck cops and Law, yeah boi
  Tased and Beat, hell naw
  Dindu and Nuffin, hell naw
  Racist ass bitches, need fam

>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/15(Fri)07:46:17 No.2862196

  And it's bullshit faggot rappers like this that make all cops seem "Evil"

  Fuck this current idiotic society .

>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/15(Fri)08:36:10 No.2862228

  dont call the cops.swf next faggot

>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/15(Fri)10:02:36 No.2862277

  >niggers get beat up when you call the cops
  Why don't I call the cops more?
Created: 31/7 -2015 11:13:43 Last modified: 31/7 -2015 16:32:58 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:53:33