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This is resource HWPDERF, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:24/6 -2015 00:07:48

Ended:24/6 -2015 03:07:35

Checked:24/6 -2015 03:47:35

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: [Voyager] Pale Blue Dot.swf-(411 KB, 350x290, Loop)
[_] /f/eels Anonymous 06/23/15(Tue)18:00:32 No.2822344

  Everything you ever held important, is small.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/15(Tue)18:07:30 No.2822352

  If you tried to count all the stars you would have had to count over 100,000 stars a second since
  the universe began until now. More than all the grains of sand on all beaches.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/15(Tue)18:25:50 No.2822365

  sauce on the song?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/15(Tue)18:38:08 No.2822376

  This is really something. We live, love, fight, complain, create and many things more and it's
  all on this tiny little dot, that some day will be gone like us. Everything we do, it doesn't
  matter. None of this matters. It's actually beautiful.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/15(Tue)19:14:37 No.2822410

  Whilst the flesh is small, the mind is not. Regardless of the possibilities of other planets with
  life, as far as we know we are the only one. As such, humans are the only sapient creatures
  currently operating in our understanding of the universe. Compared to the stars we may be small,
  but without us they wouldn't have names. They wouldn't even be stars. No one would see them, no
  one would know. The flesh is small. The mind is not.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/15(Tue)19:30:53 No.2822421

  Literally Google.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/15(Tue)19:44:18 No.2822431

  You exist for maybe 70 useful years.

  If something involves one year of your time, that's significant. Was/will be significant.

  That is your fucking reference frame. That is what determines what is important to "you", or
  another human.

  You are not responsible for the reference frame of the human race. Of the planet's. Because you
  have no influence on it. Your world, the one you should be concerned with, is only X resources, X
  people, X-sized events.

  Whether it's applied towards self ego or self belittling, a cosmic reference frame is navel

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/15(Tue)20:58:47 No.2822476
  I prefer this version

>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/15(Tue)21:03:16 No.2822479

  what's with all the jpeg artifacts and low audio quality?

  OP you don't have to keep the flash below 1mb, the limit is 10mb now
Created: 24/6 -2015 00:07:48 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 06:41:40 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:09:56