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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 21. Discovered flash files: 1 / > /fap/ > Thread 7524 Age: 12.29d Health: 61% Posters: 16 Posts: 21 Replies: 19 Files: 1+3 >> Anonymous 30jul2015(th)06:13 No.21807 OP P1 I wonder when Shumway will be able to display this properly. [IMG] SyokusyuIRAIRA1.02.swf (198.6 KiB) 1000x1000, Compressed. 1 frame, 30 fps (00:00). Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA> [find in archive] >> Anonymous 30jul2015(th)14:20 No.21815 A P2R1 >>21807 This is the first time I've ever felt a little bit interested in HTML5. Had not heard of Shumway before. It's probably a long time before it starts being as good as the flash plugin (performance wise and feature wise) but it's interesting. Anything helping swf survive through these difficult times is OK with me. >> Anonymous 30jul2015(th)23:20 No.21828 B P3R2 e- eww >> Anonymous 31jul2015(fr)02:00 No.21832 C P4R3 My best time is 20.23, I could beat it, but I'm lazy. >> Anonymous 31jul2015(fr)03:32 No.21835 D P5R4 I can't get the one with the x-ray vision. The third clickable option on the right specifically. Not sure what I'm supposed to do. >> Anonymous 31jul2015(fr)04:11 No.21836 OP P6R5 >>21835 That turns off the guide lines, I think if you beat 15 seconds you get the invincible stomach one. >> Anonymous 31jul2015(fr)05:44 No.21838 E P7R6 >>21815 doesn't html5 and webm bring about the downfall of swf? >> Anonymous 31jul2015(fr)09:06 No.21841 F P8R7 that was horrifying and not even a little bit enjoyable >> Anonymous 31jul2015(fr)09:16 No.21842 G P9R8 >>21807 I feel so scared >> Anonymous 31jul2015(fr)12:17 No.21844 H P10R9 Doesn't seem to be anything beyond Iron Stomach. Your time in top right only counts without it. Got it down to like 8.1 seconds, could probably go lower but I doubt anything requires is that low. >> Anonymous 31jul2015(fr)17:02 No.21845 I P11R10 >>21844 >8.1 seconds How the fuck did you do that >> Anonymous 31jul2015(fr)23:42 No.21850 J P12R11 >>21845 I was able to get 7.5, gotta cheeze it by right clicking which pauses the flash then left clicking where you want it to go which moves the cursor there almost instantly. Lets you take your time while still getting the best time. >> tetsujin 2aug2015(su)04:57 No.21886 K P13R12 I got around 8 seconds. My laptop has a Wacom tablet built into the screen, that makes it a lot easier. >> Anonymous 2aug2015(su)15:22 No.21893 A P14R13 >>21838 Many people seem to think so but they are thinking flash = video player. I certainly agree that YouTube etc could use html5 to play their videos but flash is so much more. Flash allows you to create something that you otherwise would need an exe for (mixture of scripts/images/video/audio/interactivity). It allows reuse of resources (one audio sample played 100 times in flash requires bytes for 1 audio sample while it would need to be repeated 100 times in a video). It's very easy to create animations and interfaces in flash and the files takes very little disk space (short download time) because of the vector graphics and reuse of resources, as well as heavy optimizations in the file format itself (storage of rectangle information etc). My favorite plus with swf files is that everything is also stored in one swf file making it easy to spread a game/animation/loop/whatever all over the world. I don't think Adobe should "give up on swf" or something like that, it still has a lot of purpose. All these people that has grown up making stuff in Flash aren't just going to switch over to something else either since they are now masters of Flash. Sadly I've noticed that Adobe sees Flash a bit like a studio now where you create an animation and then just export it as a video to be uploaded to YouTube. It's very tragic that all these artists aren't releasing the original swf files since they are several times smaller than the video and has quality that can't be beaten (scaling vector graphics). When all these artists are locking themselves in on making just a video they are limiting themselves by not making a swf file instead. They could make a "video" with interactivity (hidden scenes, optional endings) or one that has random elements in it (different backgrounds, spark effects). Just being able to include clickable links in their stuff would be a big plus. Sadly the fault of this development is mostly YouTube's, that's where the money is and their refusal to make it possible to upload swf files borders on retardness (they could easily scan uploaded files to remove troll ActionScript or just deny it to be published if it looks fishy). But that's no excuse for the artists not also releasing their flashes as swf files (as well as upload them to YouTube as movies). At the moment the biggest competition to flash is SVG files, which are still graphics in vector format. But flash offers so much more than just a still image so the comparison is laughable when you think about it. For now at least swf is guaranteed to survive due to all these porn artists. >> Anonymous 2aug2015(su)20:33 No.21899 L P15R14 >>21893 >wall of text "Ain't nobody got time for that!" >> Anonymous 2aug2015(su)20:52 No.21901 A P16R15 >>21899 Just the reply I was looking for! >> Anonymous 2aug2015(su)21:57 No.21909 E P17R16 >>21899 >Not reading about flash on a flash board U dun goofed! >>21893 That's all true, but the huge security risks are ubiquitous as well and Adobe gives two shits about that, only ever releasing hotfixes when mayor vulnerabilities have been shoven into their faces by third parties. People could just use better programs for animation. It just became too unstable and unsecure over the years to be that widely spread, it bears nearly the same risks as opening an exe file from the internet. It's a shame, but there's lots of voices as of late to even bring down the format compeletely from what I've heard. Even some people I knew didn't even install flash plugin anymore on their new computers. I fear to cannot see swf file format for anything other than an obscure relic of the past in the near future. Sidenote: Board culture also went down A LOT, seeing every other flash on /f/ is just a baad youtube rip (though there's been some h264 increase). Tbo, the best thing here I've seen as of late was that one [H] visual novel. The era of flash games lurking on every past time webpage is long gone... Because that too got sourced over to these smug smartphoner apps. >> Anonymous 3aug2015(mo)00:27 No.21912 A P18R17 >>21909 I understand that swf is serving a good video use less and less as bandwidth is becoming less and less of an issue but I really don't understand why some people are throwing their arms in the air and screaming that flash is bad. Flash is awesome at what it does, there's nothing like it. Feels like people are just jumping on the bandwagon without thinking for themselves. "Sekurity issue are baaad." Bah. That HTML5 code lives within a browser that also have new security issues appear from time to time, and they get patched just like those inside Flash, just that the browser applies the patch quietly without anyone noticing. I still think Adobe shouldn't give up on the format. Of course there's less need for it but people are still going to install the plugin to be able to for example play all these great flash games that have been released for 15 years now, there are huge sites that are dedicated to nothing else so people still play them. Many developers are releasing for nothing except flash (also, flash can be exported as Air applications which are cell phone apps). Not reacting to security concerns or evolve the format would be a bad move by them, there's no reason to think HTML5 and Flash can't get a long side-by-side on the Internet. What are those better programs for animation that you mentioned? Do they also support vector graphics? Also, now that I think about it I don't even know what these recent security issues in Flash were. How much were they exploited? Maybe Adobe were the ones that discovered them and just pulled the flash plugin until the fix had been done? If anyone have read an article that actually goes into details on this I'd appreciate a link. >> Anonymous 3aug2015(mo)05:56 No.21918 M P19R18 I really hate how you faggots comment on the garbage so it stays on the front longer than anything at least marginally decent inb4 faggots stating the obvious that i commented on it too >> Anonymous 3aug2015(mo)09:04 No.21920 N P20R19 >>21899 >i have adhd please rape my face >> Anonymous 3aug2015(mo)14:10 No.21924 O P21 >>21918 >No conversation, only MLP pr0nz allowed here!!! Go fuck yourself. |