File: Madoka Rebellion Cake Song.swf-(9.9 MB, 640x368, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)22:21:28 No.2855797
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)22:26:52 No.2855799
What the fuck is this anime even about
>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)22:38:32 No.2855816
little girls crying
>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)22:44:41 No.2855822
its about 4 girls that can get any wish they want buy they have to pay with their souls becoming
some kind of magic warriors im not gonna lie the fight scenes are fucking sickand it only last 12
episodes and there are two movies
>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)23:01:41 No.2855845
>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)23:04:12 No.2855847
three actually
>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)23:04:13 No.2855848
madoka cries in 11/12 episodes 6 episodes length
fighting scenes are pretty alright but if that's why you're coming to watch the anime you're one
artistically deprived motherfucker
>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)23:28:06 No.2855870
Is this show worth watching? A friend of mine shilled it really hard a while back.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)23:31:28 No.2855873
2deep4you garbage with it's only redeeming qualities being amazing animation, pretty good fight
scenes, and breaking apart from the standard Magical Girls trope
>> [_] Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)23:50:34 No.2855885
was this a movie? i dont remember it in the anime
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/15(Sat)00:07:17 No.2855893
bullshit, you fucks always claim that
it is trash
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/15(Sat)00:12:42 No.2855900
This is from the 3rd movie
Every frame is porn for wallpaper enthusiasts, great movie
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/15(Sat)00:16:06 No.2855908
The only thing good that came from it is Meguca
Being Meguca is suffering.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/15(Sat)00:27:56 No.2855913
Watch Jojo instead
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/15(Sat)00:30:39 No.2855917
is that a jap anime?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/15(Sat)00:42:12 No.2855925
Yes it's worth watching. Go watch it.