File: DONT FUCK WITH TIME.swf-(6.17 MB, 1280x720, Other)
[_] DONT FUCK WITH TIME! The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 07/14/15(Tue)18:38:19 No.2844831
I WILL mess with time...
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)18:51:24 No.2844843
where the fuck is this from I need more of this
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 07/14/15(Tue)18:51:52 No.2844844
Rick & Morty - S02E01
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)18:59:14 No.2844850
oh fuck I totally forgot
brb adultswim
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 07/14/15(Tue)19:00:04 No.2844853
First two episodes of Season 2 can be found here:
Enjoy /f/amily!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:00:41 No.2844854
wait, wasnt that until the end of the month?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:02:40 No.2844856
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 07/14/15(Tue)19:03:40 No.2844860
Like I said, ENJOY /f/AMILY! :D
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:06:34 No.2844867
Search and Destroy
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:08:11 No.2844871
>Please disable AdBlock (or any ads blocking) to watch cartoon on KissCartoon. You can Go Premium
to disable ads.
>You lost some KPoints because of this. If you think this is an error, please report here
well that was nice 5 seconds of rick and morty
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:12:59 No.2844876
what? my adblock is running and i can watch it fine.
Get an addon that let's you download embeded videos and try that.
>> [_] [RandomHero] !mfGZNk0vaI 07/14/15(Tue)19:13:53 No.2844877
I just watched the first season and i think it's the best show i have seen.
And now after i finish the last episode the new season is out? Holy shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:14:49 No.2844881
Also, PLEASE tell me you're smart enough to use AdBlock and NOT AdBlock Plus. They are two
COMPLETELY different companies and "Plus" is horrible. Don't read into the name.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:15:40 No.2844884
uBlock Origin because i'm a hipster.
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 07/14/15(Tue)19:16:09 No.2844885
Yo RH! It's been a while dood!
I have been slacking horribly. I haven't made any new OC in a long ass time...
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:17:09 No.2844886
Ah, gotcha.
I am unaware of that one, but will check it out...
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:17:42 No.2844887
>w-what's bad a-about adb?
it blocks every fucking ad so I have no need to change it
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:18:22 No.2844889
AdBlock = Great
AdBlock Plus = Trash
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 07/14/15(Tue)19:19:44 No.2844890
>> [_] [RandomHero] !mfGZNk0vaI 07/14/15(Tue)19:20:13 No.2844892
I haven't been really productive either.
I do have a one project, but i have been pretty lazy making it. Maybe i should force my ass to
finish it right now.
(After a pizza and new R&M episode of course.)
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:21:02 No.2844896
opinions? what about some facts?
I just disabled adblock and there are no ads so far
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 07/14/15(Tue)19:22:48 No.2844899
>(After a pizza and new R&M episode of course.)
hahaha, hell yeah!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:25:10 No.2844902
But why work when you can just sauna?
>> [_] [RandomHero] !mfGZNk0vaI 07/14/15(Tue)19:28:51 No.2844906
>tfw i have no sauna in my apartment. ;___;
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:29:07 No.2844908
list of addons i use to protect myself from adds... some say its overkill i say never enough:
adblock edge,
adblock plus,
adblock plus pop-up addon,
block site,
customizations for adblock plus,
disable anti-adblock,
element hiding helper for adblock plus,
greasemonkey (with a script to disallow are you sure you want to leave web page messages)
greasemonkey script:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Can I Leave Now
// @description Stop That Annoying Pop-Up Message To Leave Pages!!!
// @include *
// ==/UserScript==
location.href = "javascript:(" + function() {
window.onbeforeunload = null;
window.onunload = null;
} + ")()";
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:30:45 No.2844909
I honestly cant explain how happy I am right now
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:31:03 No.2844910
also adblock plus isnt trash because you can go into the whitelists and disable them manually -
its easy. plus has a more comprehensive following so it has more associate plugins to make more
use of it, allowing me to get every nook and cranny of ad of my screen and not even let the
advertiser know i did it
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:33:48 No.2844914
Fucking die
>> [_] [RandomHero] !mfGZNk0vaI 07/14/15(Tue)19:35:40 No.2844918
Gee, thanks for your kind words.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:35:56 No.2844919
somebody's mad
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:36:31 No.2844920
Fuck off contrarian tripfag cunt
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:37:19 No.2844922
did you run out of your antipsychotics? you should go to your local pharmacy and get a refill
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:37:25 No.2844923
use these addons in firefox to do the same thing and it works for more websites than any other
one i have found in any other browser or addon setup:
flash and video download
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:37:43 No.2844924
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:43:00 No.2844928
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:43:19 No.2844930
wait, in episode 2, is the fart cloud thing voiced by one of the guys from flight of the
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:46:20 No.2844936
I'm sure you'd get lots of upboats for that witty post on /reddit/
You should go there.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)19:47:25 No.2844938
what is he saying at the end about time?
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 07/14/15(Tue)19:48:48 No.2844939
nice. ill check them out.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)20:00:16 No.2844950
Man, pumpkin got old. And a twin.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)20:35:30 No.2844979
fuck sake man, this board is meant to be for non-tards
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)20:44:02 No.2844986
How could you think that someone noticing and chastising you for your retarded behavior is from
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)20:46:14 No.2844988
thought it was going to be our lord and savior jeff magnum
>> [_] Anonymous D !Noy5sI6il. 07/14/15(Tue)20:50:15 No.2844994
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)20:58:09 No.2845012
You're the hero 4chan deserves. I think I'm in love. I wish I was as cool as you ;_;
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)21:02:52 No.2845017
im a different person, friend, you are mad, why cant you let people just enjoy rick and morty?
does it impact you? no, you are just being a sour puss and trying to spread the darkness and
poison that lies within you after all your failures have finally got to you.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)21:05:42 No.2845020
>cancer that is killing /f/
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)21:14:07 No.2845031
>why cant you let people just enjoy rick and morty?
I didn't say anything about the flash, dipshit. I was calling out tripshits, and then the
redditor went "hurr durr u mad"
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)21:25:26 No.2845040
y u so mad anon?
tripshits r ppl too
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)21:41:50 No.2845050
It is so nice to have a /f/amily night.
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 07/14/15(Tue)21:55:07 No.2845065
lol, rite?
>> [_] Uncle 07/14/15(Tue)22:02:17 No.2845073
I just realized, Is Jermaine from Flight of the Conchords the voice of Fart?
>> [_] friendsofsandwiches 07/14/15(Tue)22:09:03 No.2845075
Wait... are you from ABPEA and C?
from like... late 90s, early 2ks?
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 07/14/15(Tue)22:21:35 No.2845085
I have NO idea what that is. sorry.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)22:22:42 No.2845086
wait that song is from ferris wheel on fire? i only know it from sloppy joes
>> [_] Look at me and give me attention pls !!B7iK9JGTfCU 07/14/15(Tue)22:30:10 No.2845091
Is this what all the cool people do now?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)22:36:02 No.2845100
Yes. ur cool now. applauds please
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 07/14/15(Tue)22:36:51 No.2845101
wow, you really REALLY care about someone using a disembodied moniker on the internet. Must suck
to be you.
Either that or youre just pretending to care cause its what "4channers" do. How about you stop
joining a bandwagon for no reason and learn to think for yourself. There is NO logical reason
that you should care about people using trips. There is zero connection to any real person by
using them. :D
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)22:38:22 No.2845104
Gr8 Streisand effect m8.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)22:38:29 No.2845105
inb4 mad anon realizes hes an idiot and says "lul i wuz trollin u"
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)22:38:59 No.2845106
Epic projections, you attention whoring cunt
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)22:39:54 No.2845108
>jokes on them I was only pretending to be retarded
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)22:40:01 No.2845109
I'm not mad about people seeing fags, I'm mad because fags EXIST.
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 07/14/15(Tue)22:41:12 No.2845112
wow. namecalling. you sure showed me!
oh wait, its just a name that doesnt ACTUALLY mean anything, kinda like a tripcode...
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)22:41:27 No.2845113
What are you, westboro baptist?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)22:41:52 No.2845116
>these memes
Please go back to reddit.
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 07/14/15(Tue)22:42:42 No.2845118
gr8 b8 m8.
never been there. you would know more than i.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)22:43:58 No.2845121
This thread:
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 07/14/15(Tue)22:44:58 No.2845122
100% THIS
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)22:45:09 No.2845123
I'm sure you haven't.
And if your trip doesn't mean anything, why leave it on?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)22:46:09 No.2845124
Do tripfags keep their trips up solely for the purpose of samefagging?
>> [_] look at me im fishing for attention !!KAUloZdh40K 07/14/15(Tue)22:46:54 No.2845125
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 07/14/15(Tue)22:47:17 No.2845126
cause its fun.
cause i actually post oc here.
cause technically im still anonymous even if i use a trip.
cause it upsets people who think they care about it. like i said before, think for yourself and
youll realize how fucking stupid it is to care (or even pretend to care) about something so
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)22:48:40 No.2845127
>cause it upsets people who think they care about it.
>look at me guys look at how contrarian and cool I am good thing I have my trip on so you can
give me my internet points
And you're "technically" anonymous doesn't mean shit. You need to go back to reddit if you think
anything short of giving out your real name is remaining anonymous.
>> [_] Not the anon you're looking for. 07/14/15(Tue)22:48:42 No.2845128
Too bad im a different anon, anon.
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 07/14/15(Tue)22:48:44 No.2845129
i dont need to samefag. i dont care what you think :P
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)22:49:41 No.2845131
Then stop replying to me.
But you will, because you're an attention whoring cunt.
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 07/14/15(Tue)22:50:36 No.2845132
brb, hunting 140 zinogre...
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)22:50:36 No.2845133
you realize that this video is portraying you both, right?
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 07/14/15(Tue)22:52:58 No.2845134
you asked me a direct question, tard.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)22:53:56 No.2845135
the second season isnt even out yet i dont think, the first two episodes were leaked in their
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/15(Tue)22:54:49 No.2845137
That was rhetorical, you would understand if you weren't autistic.
If you don't care about my opinion, don't respond to this post, and fuck off and kill yourself.
>> [_] The Admiral !a3Xv6FRGN2 07/14/15(Tue)22:54:51 No.2845138
and you niggaz are just bumping my thread now lol