File: 纤夫的爱尹相杰;于文华.swf-(9.8 MB, 352x244, Hentai)
[_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:02:04 No.2834490
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:16:43 No.2834495
tfw no xiao mei mei
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)20:14:59 No.2834543
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)20:21:18 No.2834547
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)21:36:09 No.2834612
>tfw no Xiao mei mei to pull boats for.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)21:47:37 No.2834623
In 20 years from now. There will be a new movie called /g/ /t/ /f/ /o/ It will be about all the
15-25 year old betas that existed on 4chan and their lifes. The Main character will be a ~15 year
old on /r9k/ masturbating to asian women and when he clicks a link called "Chinese porn" link,
this song will play. When this song is played, all the Beta in the theatre will start dancing of
the memories they had and cry tears happiness. While normie faggots wouldn't know what would be
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)22:04:29 No.2834638
I fucking love chinese porn