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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10. Discovered flash files: 1 File: cureforislam.swf-(9.39 MB, 1280x600, Other) [_] Anonymous 06/28/15(Sun)21:11:55 No.2827559 >> [_] Anonymous 06/28/15(Sun)21:50:54 No.2827581 OP is moron, nuking Islam would make so that the oil barons who trade their oil would stop selling it to em, effectivly casting the US, as the army begins gathering ALL the oil left in the nation to defend them against anyone stupid enough to try and attack them in the weakened state, not to mention, both russa, and the EU would cut ties from the US, making first aid relief to the US citizens without gas and ability to sustain their families impossible, not to mention the FALLOUT damage to nearby other countries. >> [_] Anonymous 06/28/15(Sun)21:52:26 No.2827583 in short, nuking is the short-term WORST solution, its no wonder you are in charge of nothing at all. >> [_] Anonymous 06/28/15(Sun)21:56:16 No.2827587 >>2827583 Fuck off back to /pol >> [_] Anonymous 06/28/15(Sun)21:56:41 No.2827588 All of islam / middle east needs to be turned into a giant glass parking lot - may they get fucked in the ass by 72 male virgins when they rot in hell. >> [_] Anonymous 06/28/15(Sun)22:15:44 No.2827606 >>2827581 >>2827583 Top butthurt lads. >implying the US cant acquire its own oil and alternative resources >relying on sandniggers ever >> [_] Anonymous 06/28/15(Sun)22:30:58 No.2827619 i enjoy tool as a political movement >> [_] Anonymous 06/28/15(Sun)22:38:48 No.2827628 >>2827559 >>2827581 considering how viable electricity already is and the fact much of our development on the electrical and renewable energy is being purposefully held back by the petrol and gas industries, the real problem of nuking islam would be the death of many innocent such as children and the huge amounts of radiation fucking the earth and us. a glass desert might look nice though. >> [_] Anonymous 06/28/15(Sun)22:50:20 No.2827636 >>2827559 I see nothing going wrong, FUND IT! >> [_] Anonymous 06/28/15(Sun)22:52:35 No.2827640 >>2827628 why did you post that here? it was so... sensible |