File: massacleMind-translated.swf-(5.09 MB, 1000x600, Hentai)
[_] [Trigger Warning] Low IQ Not Allowed Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)18:56:45 No.2834489
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:12:51 No.2834493
shit's fun yo.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:20:21 No.2834496
the lights flashing on the error message make me extremely frustrated when trying to select my
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:22:24 No.2834497
Quite an ending.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:23:51 No.2834498
OP thanks for this
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:29:22 No.2834501
I don't get this. Can someone explain?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:31:48 No.2834502
Get gud. Also don't bother with the third level if you can't get off to particularly horrific
gore .
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:33:18 No.2834503
Fuck this game.
So I was at work the other day and I needed to fish around for an imgur link. I typed in 'imgur'
and just went to the first link that my browser remembered. It was a picture from this game. I
closed that tab so fast and so hard. Fortunately no one saw. I dont even think the image fully
If someone saw porn on my computer, that would be embarassing, but, forgiveable right? If anyone
saw this one my computer that would be it. Everything would be over.
Its not even that I enjoyed this game. Its awful and the fetish is awful, but it doesnt change
the fact that its on my computer.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:34:34 No.2834504
can someone tell me how this game is played
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:35:26 No.2834505
Can you explain how the game works?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:36:28 No.2834507
>browsing nsfw boards at work
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:37:30 No.2834508
Press up and down to pick numbers, you can't enter in repeated digits. A hit means a number is in
the right spot, a blow means you have a right number in a wrong spot.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:37:33 No.2834509
hit: correct guess
blow: correct guess in the wrong spot
now go find something better to masturbate to
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:39:07 No.2834511
Idc about masturbating. I am just confused. Please explain more
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:39:59 No.2834513
Ever play the game Mastermind? It's that.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:40:04 No.2834514
can you just give the codes?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:41:11 No.2834515
randomly generated
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:42:42 No.2834517
No, I didn't but for some reason I ended up understanding the game after getting notes of it.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:43:01 No.2834518
>"i'm gonna diiiiieeeeeeeee"
>'man this dialog is a turn off, it's just a sex toy'
>she dies
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)19:47:04 No.2834525
I wasnt browsing f at working. I had browsed f at home, and then accidentally went to a link in
my browser history at work.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)20:03:13 No.2834536
can anyone record themselves playing this then post it on a place like xhamster or xvideos
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)20:07:18 No.2834538
yeah, there wasn't only one toy, look what happens to her head.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)20:23:08 No.2834548
this. I know it's going to be horrible but I'm really curious now.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)20:24:22 No.2834549
Came for mastermind
Stayed for mastermind
>> [_] Jimmies = Disturbed 07/05/15(Sun)20:24:41 No.2834550
I worked that hard for this shit? FUCK YOU
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)20:26:17 No.2834551
fapped never have felt this bad fapping to something damm
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)20:38:19 No.2834565
>0 hit
>0 blow
Oh. That makes things easier.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)20:41:52 No.2834568
sauce on artist? I can't find anything when I google "Porkhouse Gaming"
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)20:49:56 No.2834572
call me a casual, but i didn't get off to it. fun challenge though.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)20:51:54 No.2834573
>tfw liked the mastermind part more than the scene.
Am I autistic /f/?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)21:24:12 No.2834597
God help me, I just saw heresy. I wish I was dumbass so I would never be able to solve this.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)21:31:48 No.2834603
I am a bad man, I am a bad man....
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)21:33:08 No.2834607
Considering you just chopped the range of possible numbers in half, yes, it does.
01234 1 blow, however, is fucking madness.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)21:35:17 No.2834610
I don't get what I'm supposed to do?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)21:38:50 No.2834614
Trust me Anon, you don't need to know. Save yourself while you can.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)21:41:07 No.2834617
it ain't that bad, c'mon
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)21:42:26 No.2834618
> TFW beat this game like 3 months ago or something when it was posted on /f/
the cop vs Vietnam vet is more tolerable then this...
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)21:45:43 No.2834621
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)21:46:40 No.2834622
Seriously mate? It's a fucking cartoon.