File: MnF road trip.swf-(1.65 MB, 640x480, Game)
[_] only 00's channers will get this one Anonymous 07/23/15(Thu)11:06:00 No.2854221
r u oldfag enuff?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/15(Thu)11:08:54 No.2854223
>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/15(Thu)11:20:42 No.2854230
>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/15(Thu)12:17:24 No.2854273
Are you shitting me, OP`?
I've started somewhat in the middle last decade and trip.swf was gloriously all over the place.
I even made a small compendium on the evolution of this meme on swfchan's flashboard.
From the actual m&f to trip_hq.swf
>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/15(Thu)12:23:11 No.2854276
>00's channers
is this supposed to mean people browsing 4chan before 2010?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/15(Thu)12:25:07 No.2854278
It's a joke you retards. It's obviously a play on "oNLy 90s GaYmerzz wiLL rEmebER thIS!!!!"
>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/15(Thu)12:37:49 No.2854284
Okay, real funny stuff.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/15(Thu)13:28:25 No.2854314
Hey, look, it's Cool Guy!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/15(Thu)13:31:33 No.2854318
>> [_] Anonymous 07/23/15(Thu)13:55:26 No.2854336
Anyone perhaps got the real MnF game that they could post?