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This is resource PE6J2Q2, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:28/7 -2015 05:11:50

Ended:28/7 -2015 08:40:28

Checked:28/7 -2015 09:08:03

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 19.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: God save the Queen.swf-(2.89 MB, 640x480, Loop)
[_] The Sun never sets upon the Great British Empire Anonymous 07/27/15(Mon)23:10:52 No.2858825

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/27/15(Mon)23:13:09 No.2858829


>> [_] Anonymous 07/27/15(Mon)23:24:19 No.2858845

  fuck you, nigger

>> [_] Anonymous 07/27/15(Mon)23:39:56 No.2858867

  The way they chant the same thing over and over again in the same exact tone really annoys me.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/27/15(Mon)23:45:58 No.2858875

  America aint much better..well now its better.Back in my day we had to say the pledge of
  allegiance to the flag every morning

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/15(Tue)00:03:25 No.2858895

  Isn't that a great thing though? Having some kind of ritual that connects you to your country?
  Multicultural virtues okay, but the connection to one's country is important if you ask me.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/15(Tue)00:19:37 No.2858909

  We had to sing the American version of the song in the OP at school presentation stuff too.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/15(Tue)00:29:09 No.2858916

  no.You dont make kids at an age that has no idea what allegiance means,pledge their allegiance to
  a nation they know nothing about.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/15(Tue)00:48:07 No.2858927

  shouldn't this be 'You're ancestors could have prevented this" or, "The upper class could have
  presented this" or "Not having the gulf wars at all could have presented this"?

>> [_] Dick Hertz !!vycVWO6Sxwd 07/28/15(Tue)01:23:00 No.2858968

  Same reason teaching kids religion before they can think for themselves is wrong imo

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/15(Tue)01:24:28 No.2858969

  It's kind of nice that the sun hasn't yet set on the empire.
  Sure it's shit but at least it's consistent.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/15(Tue)01:34:14 No.2858986

  Don't teach kids anything until the kids have been taught.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/15(Tue)01:34:46 No.2858987


>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/15(Tue)01:39:37 No.2858992

  well said

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/15(Tue)01:50:48 No.2859000

  but it could be argued that evolution and the big bang theory serves science in the same way as
  the various creation myths of the world. Teaching them this only would turn them into an atheist
  faggot whose only reason in believing those things is because they were taught that mode of
  thinking from their childhood.

  It might be better to teach them of all the major religions (it would be too difficult to include
  ever single one that ever existed) and science at the same time.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/15(Tue)02:16:52 No.2859028

  Nice trips.
  It might be best to teach them to read, then leave them in a room with every book ever.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/15(Tue)02:20:38 No.2859032

  So saying. "My god!" over and over again automatically makes you a terrorist? Alllright then.

>> [_] King John 07/28/15(Tue)02:21:52 No.2859034

  No, just a fanatic, which can lead to terrorism.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/28/15(Tue)02:29:55 No.2859041

  Just tell kids what religions are, and describe them in an unbiased manner. Let them choose for
Created: 28/7 -2015 05:11:50 Last modified: 28/7 -2015 09:08:16 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:44:48