File: Zone Noodle Loop.swf-(7.22 MB, 1280x720, Hentai)
[_] Need some H up in here Anonymous 06/29/15(Mon)00:14:35 No.2827723
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/15(Mon)01:01:29 No.2827782
This is awful. Did it cost money?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/15(Mon)01:04:57 No.2827786
Worse: someone spent TIME making this.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/15(Mon)01:16:07 No.2827799
I don't see a reason for these complaints. Zone tried his best to mimic the animation seen in
Gorillaz music videos and succeeded for the most part. (Noodle even has scars around her right
eye, a reference to one of the videos.)
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/15(Mon)01:16:34 No.2827800
Hmm. Yes, that is worse.
I've heard Zone charges up to $40 for loops. That's nuts.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/15(Mon)01:17:43 No.2827801
It's not that Zone is bad at what Zone does, it's that this was just not worth paying actual
money for. It's also boring and uninspired.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/15(Mon)01:19:16 No.2827805
I can see your point there.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/15(Mon)01:20:12 No.2827806
>$40 for a looped animation
sounds like a screaming deal to me.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/15(Mon)01:24:13 No.2827812
$40 dollars for loops?
For fucking real?
Nah dude, your average sanic fanboy earns this for 2 shitty commissions.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/15(Mon)01:33:05 No.2827819
Where did you hear this info and where can I learn more?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/15(Mon)02:05:56 No.2827848
why are his balls above his dick?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/29/15(Mon)02:11:51 No.2827856
id like to see something sad. could anyone post something sad?