File: Top Ramen.swf-(1.94 MB, 500x269, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)01:49:50 No.2833958
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)02:03:31 No.2833965
came expecting pink guy, didn't leave disappointed.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)07:44:18 No.2834117
I'm continuously impressed by how talented Filthy Frank is when he's not being fucking dumb.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)07:56:51 No.2834126
is this from the movie because I don't recall him wearing glasses like that, or even eating ramen
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)08:04:31 No.2834129
He supposedly produced the beat from Medicine.swf. If only he'd gone the way of Nujabes and not
traveled the infamous road of 12 year old internet fame.
The character Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop. The show obviously couldn't use brand names
because of intellectual copyrights.
If it was to represent any brand name product, it'd be Cup-a-Soup (the poor man's Top Ramen).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)08:14:52 No.2834132
well ok, but I asked if this scene is from the show or from the movie