File: INTERIOR CROCODILE ALLIGATOR.swf-(5.53 MB, 320x240, Other)
[_] Anonymous 07/11/15(Sat)23:38:53 No.2841990
tfw vid removed from youtube
>> [_] Anonymous 07/11/15(Sat)23:58:17 No.2842005
Youtube doesn't loop on its own and is therefore inferior
>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/15(Sun)00:35:39 No.2842028
it's not only a matter of looping, a video can be set on repeat after all (even if youtube doesnt
support that for some reason).
however, a video can't have audio playing on its own, detached from the video frames. that is a
big plus for swf and probably the reason why the flash loop community is still going strong to
this day
>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/15(Sun)01:15:16 No.2842076
you sure op?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/15(Sun)01:21:47 No.2842083
Anybody have the version where a dude is riding a mechanical alligator?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/12/15(Sun)01:32:09 No.2842093
Blocked in my country.
Fuck you BBC you used to have a sense of humour.