File: dash it.swf-(5.84 MB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 07/09/15(Thu)23:48:36 No.2839845
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/10/15(Fri)00:32:11 No.2839879
>5.84 MB
>> [_] Anonymous 07/10/15(Fri)00:50:41 No.2839897
I'm not sure what it is about this flash but it makes me feel like it was created by a newfag
that doesn't really know what he was doing.
Like the flash had random elements all scattered about but it was done in such an amateur way
with no real relevance to anything, that it makes me feel like the artist himself didn't know
what the fuck he was making.
A lot of these recent "OC" flashes are like this too. They all look as if newfags see only the
wacky and zany shit coupled with music and try to copy that but it ends up having none of what
made the flash they were trying to emulate great.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/10/15(Fri)00:52:44 No.2839900
Kill yourself newfag
>> [_] Anonymous 07/10/15(Fri)00:53:52 No.2839901
There is a set of people that like to watch random shit in beat with music.
I'm not saying I disagree in principle, just that this isn't exactly unpleasant to watch.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/10/15(Fri)00:57:08 No.2839905
I'm not talking about this flash in particular.
Yes, but most of them have something other than "random shit in beat with music". That's what
makes Frydance and Colin so fucking good.
But then you have shit like Could.swf where some faggot puts godawful music on top of an
uninteresting non-sync'd loop and thinks it's on the same level as Frydance and keeps posting it
because he's butthurt that no one likes it.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/10/15(Fri)00:59:53 No.2839909
what are your thoughts on the Illya dance loop?
I mean, they went to the trouble of adjusting the speed of both the song and the loop for perfect
>> [_] Anonymous 07/10/15(Fri)01:04:30 No.2839920
And them there's people who do nothing.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/10/15(Fri)01:04:41 No.2839922
>good song
>perfect sync
>non-artifacted video
>clean borders
>non-ridiculous filesize
>HD remix is even better and adds a rave transition
I give it a 9/10 it's terrible.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/10/15(Fri)01:06:00 No.2839923
man your sounding like an old codger.
imma post a shitty falsh just for you man.
oh and its oc btw :^) if u dont like it im probably gonna kill u just so you know
>> [_] Anonymous 07/10/15(Fri)01:06:12 No.2839924
>I give it a 9/10 it's terrible.
Thanks for the laugh.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/10/15(Fri)01:41:44 No.2839974
When does the fucking gameplay start?
Oh and nice MAH LAZER may may. When was this made, 2007?