/ > /gg/ > Thread 7437
Age: 31.8d Health: 70% Posters: 4 Posts: 8 Replies: 6 Files: 1+2
>> Anonymous 10jul2015(fr)17:53 No.21359 OP P1
First Law of Flash Hacking
The quality of a Flash game is inversely proportional to the amount of DRM present in the file.
Hoverpad Volleyball (unlocked).swf (296.8 KiB)
640x480, Compressed. 22 frames, 36 fps (00:01).
Ver8, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 15jul2015(we)17:50 No.21499 A P2R1
Wow, it's such a nice thing to see these flashbulb discussions here and the working results of
it. As a programmer layman it's as if I would actually understand anything about this format!
Keep it up, OP!
>> Anonymous 16jul2015(th)03:24 No.21512 B P3R2
Poster of original locked version here. Wow you did it! I'm impressed, how did you pull it off?
Was the solution custom-made for this flash?
>> Anonymous 17jul2015(fr)21:54 No.21534 OP P4R3
The ironic thing was that the domain lock was one of the handful of scripts that weren't
obfuscated. The unlock tool missed it because it was in a PlaceObject3 tag, whereas the current
version of the tool only looks at DoAction tags. Nor was the obfuscation really so bad that the
entire file couldn't be modified. It could have been, but thankfully it didn't occur to whoever
came up with the scheme.
So, in the end I just used the hex editor to make the script do the same thing regardless of
whether the domain check passed or failed.
>> Anonymous 17jul2015(fr)23:52 No.21537 B P5R4
I see, Proguard probably only obfuscates ActionScript 3 (DoAction) and that PlaceObject3 had
ActionScript 2 in it.
>> Anonymous 18jul2015(sa)02:41 No.21543 OP P6R5
AS3 only occurs in DoABC tags and can't coexist in the same file as AS2, but yeah, just the
DoAction tags are scrambled.
>> Anonymous 21jul2015(tu)03:56 No.21591 C P7R6
Are the "nude" clothes locked?
>> Anonymous 27jul2015(mo)05:05 No.21734 C P8
Looks like you have to use the names to get any of the "specialty" body parts.
"Chastitty" is my favorite for big reasons.