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Discovered:22/6 -2015 12:08:00

Ended:22/6 -2015 17:39:49

Checked:22/6 -2015 18:35:01

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[_] All men deserve to be raped. Anonymous 06/22/15(Mon)06:03:35 No.2820962

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/15(Mon)06:18:07 No.2820968

  so do the women


>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/15(Mon)06:22:41 No.2820971

  Woman can't rape, so no.
  Only rapists(all men) deserve to be raped and emasculated.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/15(Mon)06:24:19 No.2820972

  rape = sex without consent
  so yes they can

  so we should rape the women and mutilate their genitals too? pretty sick, but you know, for
  equality i guess, i'm off to stalk some dark alley

>> [_] WhiteMage 06/22/15(Mon)06:26:38 No.2820974

  Rape means to take forcefully, usually this is sex, but rape does not mean only sex.

  You can rape land. rights, success, etc

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/15(Mon)06:28:31 No.2820975


  waiting in the alley near my home, it's pretty empty around here

>> [_] WhiteMage 06/22/15(Mon)06:33:27 No.2820977


  This pretty much sums up my response, just because people use a word to mean something now that
  it didn't use to mean, doesn't make it right.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/15(Mon)06:57:34 No.2820986

  rape is in a completely different ballpark than irregardless. irregardless has two negative
  elements that makes it confusing. rape does not.

  i haven't posted in a while, found a woman, had to bind and gag her. back at my house now tho,
  about to release some sweet equality onto her

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/15(Mon)07:04:42 No.2820989

  >using irregardless when you could have just used regardless and not look like a stupid
  immigrant. Well done!

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/15(Mon)07:10:47 No.2820991

  And THIS, children, is why you don't buy from Bad Dragon until you're the kind of faggot whose
  asshole can fit a watermelon

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/15(Mon)07:40:52 No.2821007

  >citing as a strict definition
  You guys crack me up

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/15(Mon)08:14:06 No.2821018

  ITT: stupid-ass shitbirds rising to strawmen

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/15(Mon)08:15:48 No.2821020


>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/15(Mon)08:16:43 No.2821021

  >Women can't rape
  >All men deserve to be raped

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/15(Mon)08:23:25 No.2821024

  "Rob", you mean?
  Everyone has stained the word "rape" with their stupidity so much, I feel nothing when I
  encounter that word any more.
  11/10 social progress!
  Rape is now the norm!

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/15(Mon)08:49:55 No.2821030

  Are we actually arguing about this obvious bait?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/15(Mon)08:51:31 No.2821033

  Sooo, anyone got sauce on this?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/15(Mon)09:25:19 No.2821042



>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/15(Mon)09:55:25 No.2821048


>> [_] qtip 06/22/15(Mon)11:00:59 No.2821072

  how do i play this. it just says "too thick will not fit" every time i try

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/15(Mon)11:30:02 No.2821083

  This thread is a fully loaded minigun!

>> [_] Anonymous 06/22/15(Mon)11:37:40 No.2821087

  Type G1tgUD in keyboard.
Created: 22/6 -2015 12:08:00 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 06:41:39 Server time: 03/01 -2025 03:36:09