File: idle mine.swf-(190 KB, 700x550, Game)
[_] get your rocks off, now with /r/ inside! Anonymous 08/02/15(Sun)21:48:07 No.2864520
/r/ing those cursor of the future gaems
>> [_] Anonymous 08/02/15(Sun)21:51:48 No.2864521
>click flickering thing outside flash
>max upgrades
>> [_] Anonymous 08/02/15(Sun)21:53:38 No.2864522
I dont see it
>> [_] Anonymous 08/02/15(Sun)21:54:39 No.2864523
forgot to mention, click the upgrades button to bring up the upgrades screen, right outside there
>> [_] Anonymous 08/02/15(Sun)21:55:45 No.2864524
Crashes my game
>> [_] Anonymous 08/02/15(Sun)21:56:47 No.2864526
yeah thats crashed my game before too
>> [_] Anonymous 08/02/15(Sun)21:58:17 No.2864528
>> [_] Anonymous 08/02/15(Sun)22:04:34 No.2864535
anybody got clicker heros?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/02/15(Sun)22:45:00 No.2864574
Been using a cookiees save for months. up to 45,000,000B damage per second. Max upgrade for
autoclicker and 2106% autoclick damage. Also on Hellstone level 53. No life confirmed.