File: Dark Souls_ The Wrath of the Darkwraith.swf-(7.84 MB, 480x320, Game)
[_] Anonymous 07/21/15(Tue)19:42:41 No.2852720
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/15(Tue)20:27:16 No.2852750
you gave it the wrong tag. it's not a game.
is there a tag for "capture of shitty video game with shitty techno soundtrack"? there should be.
>> [_] qtip 07/21/15(Tue)21:15:11 No.2852812
i dont even know why people like this game
>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/15(Tue)21:30:51 No.2852826
>i dont even know why people like this game
>how do i into game design
>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/15(Tue)21:34:46 No.2852829
>you have to know game design to like a game
>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/15(Tue)21:44:28 No.2852838
You have to know game design to understand why some people like a game, not in order for you to
like it.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/15(Tue)21:59:05 No.2852844
You don't need to know game design to get why people like a game. For example, I don't need to
know game design to understand why people like a fast paced shooter. It's because it's fast
things are exciting and fun.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/15(Tue)22:17:20 No.2852864
design like game into why people like design? I personally understand games in order to design
people. Exciting and fun
>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/15(Tue)22:33:54 No.2852873
>I don't need to know game design to understand why people like a fast paced shooter. It's
because it's fast things are exciting and fun.
You just described a design feature, though.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/15(Tue)23:33:09 No.2852893
right. and he didn't need a BA to do it.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/15(Tue)23:38:05 No.2852897
I never fucking implied that you did. Game design is, on the face of it, pretty intuitive stuff.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/15(Tue)23:41:43 No.2852898
Marketing and shit. Demon's Souls was actually an amazing game. It was an unexpected success and
they saw the opportunity to capitalize on "OH MY GOD SO HARD" and idiots chewed it up. Dark Souls
was boring as fuck.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/15(Tue)23:46:28 No.2852900
Dark Souls had objective improvements over Demon's Souls, tho. In terms of both design and
mechanics. Though I will agree that the world in Dark Souls is boring compared to the one in
Demon's Souls.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/15(Tue)23:49:33 No.2852902
I've seen this video hundreds of times and still have no fucking clue what's going on, will
someone explain to me why this video is noteworthy? is it just some guy playing the game exactly
like he's supposed to but with music on top? is there something more clever/humorous going on?
I've never played DS and don't really want to, but I'd like to know what this video that's posted
here with such frequency is about.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/15(Tue)23:51:16 No.2852904
Yeah of course it had improvements, namely adding poise and making magic not broken as fuck.
Pretty much everything else was shit in comparison to Demon's Souls.
Some of Demon's Souls shortcomings were actually what made me like the game even more anyway. I
liked that shields were actually useful and that you didn't need to strip completely naked to
fast roll unless you were level 5,000,000,000,000.
Also Demon's Souls character creation music is the greatest video game music since like the SNES
>> [_] Anonymous 07/21/15(Tue)23:55:41 No.2852911
Normally you invade worlds to slay another player. This guy is flailing around like Richard
Simmons and mocking the player that he should be attacking. He's also fucking around with the
environment to be a pain in the ass.
The player he invaded is understandably confused. That's where the humor lies. Hope this helps!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/15(Wed)00:05:05 No.2852920
>Pretty much everything else was shit in comparison to Demon's Souls.
Fuckin' nope. There were other improvements. The weapon upgrade system in Demon's Souls was
appallingly shitty, if you remember. I had to farm enemies for fucking days before I could fully
upgrade a single weapon. Dark Souls (mostly) improved upon that problem.
The healing system in Dark Souls was also an improvement over Demon's Souls. Now in pvp you
couldn't just instantly heal all of the fucking time (unless you had a Divine Blessing of which
you can only find 3 in a single playthrough).
Also, inventory weight was completely done away with in Dark Souls, which was another improvement
over Demon's Souls.
That said, there are absolutely things that Demon's Souls did better than Dark Souls. And
personally I love both games. Fuck Dark Souls 2, though.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/15(Wed)00:06:25 No.2852923
that's more or less the conclusion i came to from watching. thanks for the confirmation
>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/15(Wed)00:11:51 No.2852926
Yeah I guess weapon upgrades and the healing system were improvements. I didn't mean to say that
100% of everything else was shit in comparison. I'm pretty biased though I guess because Demon's
Souls was mind blowingly amazing to me and Dark Souls was such a letdown in comparison.
Just the ambiance of Tower of Latria is better than all of Dark Souls put together. The only cool
part in the latter was Ash Lake, which was just mostly cut content that they partly kept in the
>> [_] Anonymous 07/22/15(Wed)00:13:49 No.2852928
In terms of atmosphere, I absolutely agree that Demon's Souls completely kicks ass compared to
Dark Souls.