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This is resource W6QKGYH, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:26/6 -2015 20:47:48

Ended:27/6 -2015 01:57:40

Checked:27/6 -2015 02:32:06

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 31.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Phallic Shaped Candy.swf-(8.87 MB, 1280x720, Anime)
[_] srt subtitles test Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)14:45:50 No.2825069

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)14:56:54 No.2825075


  This is the second video so far that I've seen so far uploaded here that is of higher quality
  than usual. Are these things embedded on the file, or are you using the swf to stream from
  someplace else?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)15:02:19 No.2825076

  They are embedded.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)15:05:16 No.2825078


  Holy shit. I... I... think I'm in love. <3

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)15:12:20 No.2825082

  There's a number of reasons for that, but suffice it to say, the video is well-encoded into FLV
  or F4A before being wrapped in a SWF.

  It's pretty easy to tell that the video stream is contained in the SWF - for one, it's 8.87MB.

  This one is worth reverse-engineering to find just what codec and stream parameters were used to
  generate the videostream - this is exceptional quality for 2 minutes of video in under 10MB.

  Also, nice subs. I would go with a more readable font though. Just because it's anime doesn't
  mean it requires cutesy, less legible fonts. Consider one of the tried-and-true bookface fonts
  like Garamond, or maybe a titling font like Eurostile - attaractive, and easily legible.

  tl;dr -
  nice flash,
  busy fonts distract.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)15:18:44 No.2825089

  If anyone wonders sauce:
  Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)15:28:24 No.2825095


  Created by the guy that runs swfchan.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)15:31:28 No.2825096

  thanks bby

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)16:21:20 No.2825124

  10/10 can goto work with my dick hanging out, when human

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)16:22:32 No.2825125

  Wrong chat >_>

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)16:24:31 No.2825126


>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)16:33:19 No.2825137

  cunts... mgtow 4 life.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)16:42:39 No.2825146

  Ecchi =D

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)16:50:49 No.2825154

  It's all thanks to that new tool swfchan has to wrap videos into flashes.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)16:56:06 No.2825158


>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)17:03:14 No.2825162

  That better be the chopped off dick part, not a emoticon.
  If so, get the fuck out.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)17:26:48 No.2825181


  I've posted like 5 re-encodes or so in the last week. SwfH264 and good encoding practices make it

  >tfw hi10p works

  Daiz would be proud I tell u wot.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)17:49:46 No.2825208

  Man I am loving these quality posts.

  Please keep them coming.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)17:52:53 No.2825213

  > 2 minute anime in under 10 MB
  Damn, if you convert all your high quality anime files into swf this way you can store a metric
  fuckton on your hard drive!

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)18:40:59 No.2825269

  I'm having trouble with SwfH264

  When I try to encode a flv file from format factory, it just makes a swf roughly the same size as
  the flv that does absolutely nothing when opened even wen right clicked and play is checked.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)18:51:27 No.2825278

  >format factory
  Dude, you need to encode it with ffmpeg. It's in the archive with SwfH264 tool.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)18:54:22 No.2825281


  Use ffmpeg. Read up on encoding h264 with ffmpeg so you can get the filesize right. And make sure
  to use high10 profile and level 4.2 to get the best quality you can.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)19:16:29 No.2825303

  right click "flv.bat" and edit it in notepad. it's in the same folder as "! Run SwfH264.bat"

  post full ffmpeg command line?

  share your knowledge anon

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)19:30:26 No.2825313

  ffmpeg.exe -i <input_file> -profile:v high10 -level 4.2 [-r <rate> [-keyint_main <int> -g <vect>]
  ] -vcodec libx264 -vb <avg_bitrate> [-vf scale=-1:ih*<vect>] -tune animation -threads 0 -preset
  veryslow -sn -acodec libvo_aacenc -ac 2 [-ar <audio_rate>] -ab <audio_bitrate> -f flv -y

  Options in square brackets are optional. You would use -r to set the framerate if you want to
  lower it. Sometimes you do this to improve quality per frame, but sometimes it doesn't really
  help that much. -keyint_main is going to be framerate / 2 most of the time, and -g will usually
  be something like framerate * 10.

  -vb is your target bitrate. If you want to target 10MB, a rough estimate of your bitrate could be
  had this way: (10 * 8192) / duration = bitrate - audio_bitrate = target_bitrate. Where 10 is the
  file size target in megabytes. If you don't subtract your audio bitrate from that, the file size
  won't come close to what you are expecting.

  -vf scale=-1:ih*<vect> is basically a way to scale the video frame size up or down. I usually use
  ih*0.50 for HD content to reduce filesize and sometimes improve quality where retaining HD looks
  like dogshit.

  I usually use 64K for audio bitrate and it sounds okay. -tune animation can be replaced with a
  different tune or omitted depending on the content you want to put in an SWF.

  There's more you can do like cropping, filters, subs, merging channels from multiple videos, copy
  from a specific point of the video, etc. but there is lots of guidance on how to do those
  specific things with ffmpeg.

  Oh, and if the video source itself is <10MB and the video and audio streams are h264/aac, you can
  just copy the streams into an flv container without re-encoding.

  ffmpeg -i some_video.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -f flv output.flv

  That avoids re-encoding. You can of course modify that a bit depending on your needs.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)19:32:44 No.2825314

  Anon he was replying to here, place your unconverted mp4 file in the same directory as the
  SwfH264 and then rename it to input.mp4. Then run the bat file. (simple version)

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)19:34:19 No.2825317

  Any way to remove the loading circle guys?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)19:35:49 No.2825318


  That only works if the bitrate set in that batch file is correct or you could end up with poor
  quality video or the file size won't come down enough.

  Plus, without high10 profile, quality to compression ratio suffers a lot at lower bitrates. The
  batch file doesn't have those options set.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)19:41:40 No.2825323

  thanks mate!

  you seem to know your way around ffmpeg, how did you learn all this?

  i'll throw in an advice i have to whoever's reading this: many anime/cartoons can usually look
  great even with low framerate, only time you probably might notice anything is if the camera is
  doing a sweep from one side of the room to the other. lowering the framerate to 20/18 or even 15
  allows more quality for each frame and the animation probably won't suffer from it. it's very
  common for a 24fps anime/cartoon to have duplicate frames, during which the frame rate is
  actually only 12fps so that's bytes wasted. good to keep in mind when we only have 10 mb to work

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)19:50:35 No.2825331


  Search engines. Plus to be honest with you, there is a help tab in SwfH264 that explains several
  of these parameters just about the same. FFmpeg has good documentation on these parameters if you
  search around.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)19:51:59 No.2825333

  There is template.swf inside programJar file (it's basically zip archive). You can try and cut or
  replace loading bar, but that wouldn't be easy without original .fla file.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/15(Fri)19:54:31 No.2825336

  How come?
Created: 26/6 -2015 20:47:48 Last modified: 27/6 -2015 02:39:58 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:14:52