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This is resource Y6ETY7N, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/2816894/daily-dose Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 18. Discovered flash files: 1
File: P.swf-(2.68 MB, 130x45, Loop) [_] Daily Dose E 06/18/15(Thu)01:48:51 No.2816894 Daily Dose Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/15(Thu)02:02:43 No.2816901 >>2816894 gimme the sauce! >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/15(Thu)02:04:44 No.2816905 >>2816901 Handel-Halvorsen - Passacaglia Good luck finding a decent rendition of this version online though >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/15(Thu)02:05:21 No.2816906 >>2816905 ty anon >> [_] E 06/18/15(Thu)02:09:11 No.2816910 >>2816901 :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2MkMdA_IxM >> [_] E 06/18/15(Thu)02:12:16 No.2816913 >>2816905 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2MkMdA_IxM This is the most decent version found yesterday . >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/15(Thu)02:15:02 No.2816919 >>2816913 That's just some dude playing a different rendition on his piano. Also I'm aware of it. >> [_] E 06/18/15(Thu)02:18:29 No.2816926 >>2816919 yes and that's the closest you can find similar to this version, i know you can find thousands of people playing the original song . >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/15(Thu)02:33:47 No.2816940 And some people say whites have no culture... >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/15(Thu)02:38:26 No.2816942 >>2816940 Who the hell says that >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/15(Thu)03:50:35 No.2817015 >>2816942 Chinese people >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/15(Thu)03:54:22 No.2817018 >>2816910 >>2816913 I prefer the Harpsichord version. https://youtu.be/yLuB43OV8lo?t=36m41s >> [_] E 06/18/15(Thu)03:58:50 No.2817021 >>2817018 not bad >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/15(Thu)05:32:32 No.2817049 >>2817021 Ripped and uploaded https://youtu.be/WBlf297ANOU >> [_] E 06/18/15(Thu)05:50:19 No.2817052 >>2817049 GoodJob :) >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/15(Thu)05:58:36 No.2817053 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRfWGujoCf8 I think I found it, or a close enough version. >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/15(Thu)06:23:59 No.2817055 >>2816905 You only need to use 'ä' in the search. Don't typo the name. >> [_] Anonymous 06/18/15(Thu)06:37:56 No.2817063 >>2817049 Based anon |