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This is resource ZI7XX5N, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:5/7 -2015 05:07:08

Ended:5/7 -2015 11:48:19

Checked:5/7 -2015 12:19:25

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: How i feel after i win my promo's.swf-(353 KB, 320x240, Other)
[_] Michel s4cks Michel s4cks 07/04/15(Sat)22:54:46 No.2833829

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/15(Sat)23:04:23 No.2833833

  Dendi is literally the worst pro player in the scene

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/15(Sat)23:08:55 No.2833834

  He's like a top tier amateur. He's insanely good but not cut out for team strategy and rotation
  based meta. He just knows how to creep and kill.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/04/15(Sat)23:16:48 No.2833844

  the irony of saying promos for league and using a pro dota 2 player, guess for easy replies.

  He's still pretty good considering the fact that they won the first ti and have been grand
  finalists for 3 of them.
  Maybe they for over the last year or since they lost puppey, but they surpirsed everyone by
  qualifying for ti 5. Anyways there is plenty of other overrated players who are far worse than
  dendi, for instance sing-sing inb4 weeaboo rage, he ain't on a pro team and he hasn't stayed on a
  steady roster in forever.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)00:43:38 No.2833902

  they are this year favorites

>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)02:42:44 No.2833995

  many people mistake sing-sing for a pro. he just enjoys the game and plays at an extremely high
  level. I'm sure if he actually put his mind to it he could train the meta and learn to be an
  actual really good pro player, but he enjoys the game and doesn't consider it a job. He's stream
  wouldn't be nearly as entertaining if he did try to go pro and he wouldn't play for as much fun
  as he currently does.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)03:46:40 No.2834022

  Singsing isn't a pro though.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)04:35:30 No.2834053


  assfaggots players are a cancer that must be killed, you are worse than anita sarkeesian

>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)05:19:48 No.2834070

  wow, what wrong did anita do you to warrant that comparison?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/05/15(Sun)05:43:19 No.2834079

  umad, CoD kiddie?
Created: 5/7 -2015 05:07:08 Last modified: 5/7 -2015 12:19:26 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:40:59