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Threads (1):
File: Leading Edge.swf-(3.51MB, 640x375) [IMG][_] Epic games Randoman 7 [IMG] Epic Timewasting Games go in this thread starting now >> [_] Randoman 8 Also, post your best scores (Only if reached 9001 kills minimum or 9001 meters minimum) Here on Leading edge. Because leading edge is fuckwin. >> [_] Randoman 25 File: jyDenobox.swf-(3.61MB, 480x600) [IMG] Goddamn 7chan stop failing and at least post random shit >> [_] Randoman 69 7chan goddamn do you do nothing but fap here? Cmon, Do it Thread bump'd >> [_] Anon 70 That's pretty shitty, even for a timewaster. >> [_] Gamez 97 File: Age_of_War.swf-(3.46MB, 650x450) [IMG] I have tons of games... >> [_] Gamez 102 File: C-C-C-Combo Breaker.swf-(3.34MB, 725x340) [IMG] >> [_] Gamez 105 File: Dotville_2.swf-(2.24MB, 500x500) [IMG] >> [_] Gamez 106 File: pandemic2.swf-(4.17MB, 700x500) [IMG] >> [_] Gamez 108 File: Seventh Sky.swf-(1.87MB, 640x480) [IMG] >> [_] Gamez 109 File: vectortdx.swf-(1.62MB, 750x560) [IMG] >> [_] Gamez 110 Well, if i find more ill post them. >> [_] Anon 114 >># Such a sick game >> [_] Gamez 115 File: duck.swf-(269.50KB, 600x600) [IMG] Found more on 420chan, Ill post what i found >> [_] Gamez 116 File: inquisitivedave.swf-(5.23MB, 480x360) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 134 File: sprotsmosh.swf-(2.33MB, 700x300) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 139 anyone know a program i could use to hack into these games to cheat or alter data? >> [_] Anon 145 >># Notepad >> [_] Anon 147 >># >># Fucking awesome >> [_] Anon 158 File: Red.swf-(880.91KB, 550x450) [IMG] >> [_] Dr.Anon 171 >># This poster has just proven he is not an idiot. >> [_] Anon 172 >># COFFEE TIME! >> [_] Xioxxi 175 I actually decided to finish Inquisitivedave. Honestly it was decent. Btw, seventh sky rapes. It just re awakened my love for mech games. >> [_] Bill Murray!ZXZibzjRJQ 177 >># Inquisitive Dave was fuckwin, but not hard or complicated in any way. >> [_] Anon 182 >># FUCK YOU RANDOMAN FUCK YOU HARD >> [_] Gamez 188 >># HAH! 456 seconds >> [_] Gamez 234 MOAR GAMEZ DAMIT >> [_] Anon 258 File: fishy.swf-(275.87KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 259 File: electricman2hs.swf-(3.09MB, 640x400) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 263 File: ogsxenotactic.swf-(0.98MB, 672x504) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 266 File: nanaca-crash_v107.swf-(1.43MB, 700x400) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 268 File: miniputt2.swf-(750.91KB, 600x450) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 273 Inquisidave was a neat, fairly simple, adventure/puzzle game. >> [_] Anon 373 >># can someone post the haxed one >> [_] Anon 393 >># I remember playing one game of this for at least two hours shit was so cash >> [_] Anon 423 >># That was a lot of fun until the final evolution. At that point your turrets have so much range they kill everything on the map. Including the enemy base. >> [_] @-non-E-moose 426 does N.E.body have cat bowgolf? >> [_] Anon 441 File: Hapland.swf-(245.62KB, 700x500) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 442 File: hapland2.swf-(651.02KB, 750x500) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 443 File: hapland3.swf-(1.06MB, 750x500) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 449 File: defender2.swf-(4.13MB, 800x600) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 531 >># I'm at level 6 and I still don't know what's going on. COFFEE TIEM? >> [_] Anon 532 >># level 8 now, still no clue. >> [_] Anon 533 >># I despise this game. The only consolation I have is the fact that the little red guys appear to raeg almost as hard as I am. >> [_] Anon 544 File: vectortdxhack.swf-(1.15MB, 750x560) [IMG] >># Right click > Play (when at first frame) Too lazy to decompile again. >> [_] Anon 545 >># Fixed the problem with having too much interest, and removed the need to use rightclick>play. >> [_] Anon 546 File: vectortdxhackfix.swf-(733.73KB, 750x560) [IMG] shit i fal'd >> [_] Anon 549 >># everything's at 2hp? bullshit >> [_] Anon 562 Yeah, what the shit, we have over 9 billion dongs. Make them fucking HARD to kill. >> [_] Anon 566 yeah fuckin get the best shit and everything and all you need is one on each entry and then wait for like half an hour >> [_] Anon 575 >># MOTHER FUCKER. YE-Ughnn. >> [_] Anon 580 File: vectortdxhack2.swf-(756.52KB, 750x560) [IMG] >># Any moar requests? HP+ rate is 40%, baseHP is 9000. If you don't give a fucking shit about a the challenge you can increase lives by 50 without cost at any time. >> [_] Anon 609 how about another version that's just basically normal, it just gives a shit ton more money for each thing killed >> [_] Anon 658 >># How about the same thing, but with 9000 bonus? Would that be Ok? >> [_] Anon 774 >># this is really addicting >> [_] Anon 785 >># FUCK YEAH 2869.49 M >> [_] Anon 801 What did you use to edit the game? >> [_] Non-Anonymous 813 >># two things about this game. A) is it possible to lose?! B) how do i get the 6 in the 369# stage? i know it's got something to do with the blue guys and the white specials, but i've tried everything >> [_] Anon 910 6284 >> [_] Anon 931 They used flasm to edit. >> [_] Anon 940 >># i cant get a working download, downloaded game just goes crazy, anyway to stop that? i tried turning off loop, fast forward etc. >> [_] Anon 941 >># 465 =_= >> [_] Anon 943 >># so fucking boring srsly >> [_] Gamez 948 >># I had NOTHING better to do, plus its an easy game >> [_] Anon 952 >># Is there an english version or something? i only know half of what i'm doing... >> [_] Anon 967 >># 553, it got windy and a swarm of tiny balls came :( >> [_] Anon 968 726 sekondz>># >> [_] Non-Anonymous 969 >># scratch that, i got it. >> [_] Anon 970 File: Bloody blades.swf-(1.57MB, 650x450) [IMG] I love this game so much. >> [_] Drksrpntdrgn 972 >># Damn, that game is addicting... Y'know, the first thing that I thought when I started playing that was... BLOODNINJA *cough* >> [_] Anon 1172 Bump I need moar! >> [_] Anon 1281 File: test.swf-(146.56KB, 320x240) [IMG] Too Many Ninjas! >> [_] Gamez 1297 >># SOO HARD! i got to 33! >> [_] Anon 1303 >># /r/ song name please i been humming it since i played...... >> [_] Anon 1310 >># Woot 53 I am Samurai >> [_] Anon 1316 >># Mind telling me where you found that one? I'd like to play it again at a later time when this topic is gone. >> [_] Anon 1319 >># 70. Shogun. >> [_] Anon 1336 573 secs >> [_] Anon 1339 >># Its on new grounds. search it. >> [_] Anon 1343 anyone have motherload? >> [_] Anon 1380 >># Pff...weeeeeak. >> [_] Havier 1382 >># Dude used to play that game like 8 fucking hours a fucking day! But then I got randomly killed by that gas and that fucking skull lol'd at me and my mom got scared. >> [_] Veratyr!WfxNddfA12 1427 >># She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air' I begged and pleaded with her day after day But she packed my suite case and send me on my way She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket. I put my walkman on and said, 'I might as well kick it'. First class, yo this is bad Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass. Is this what the people of Bel-Air Living like? Hmmmmm this might be alright. But wait I hear there're prissy, wine all that Is Bel-Air the type of place they send this cool cat? I don't think sow I'll see when I get there I hope they're prepared for the prince of Bel-Air Well, the plane landed and when I came out There was a dude who looked like a cop standing there with my name out I ain't trying to get arrested I just got here I sprang with the quickness like lightening, disappeared I whistled for a cab and when it came near The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror If anything I can say this cab is rare But I thought 'Now forget it' - 'Yo homes to Bel Air' I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later' I looked at my kingdom I was finally there To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air >> [_] Anon 1428 >># LOVED THAT SHIT >> [_] AnnHiro !!HlL2SuAQDk 1451 >># Shit was SO cash >> [_] Anon 1466 File: Funny Cat.swf-(1.19MB, 675x350) [IMG] this has a great soundtrack >> [_] Anon 1468 File: CatWithBowGolf.swf-(51.96KB, 550x400) [IMG] >># absolutely >> [_] sehnsucht!0WsIEmknHQ 1496 File: muslims_christians_jews.swf-(2.99MB, 320x240) [IMG] >># anon ALWAYS delivers, even if its like, a week later, ALWAYS delivers. >> [_] Anon 1501 >># sauce on music ppleazze >> [_] sage Anon 1507 >># 82 - Musashi >> [_] Anon 1518 >># shift to eat, is there another control? >> [_] Anon 1520 >># the other key is "/" >> [_] Anon 1540 anybody have the bubble tank game? >> [_] Anon 1561 >># I won! I destroyed my "ennemy"! >> [_] Anon 1576 >># controls are / - shoot bad food shift - eat >> [_] Anon 1583 File: Bubble Tanks.swf-(327.35KB, 500x400) [IMG] >># Anon delivers >> [_] Anon 1612 >># how do u win? i came to a point where i stopped growing, then what? >> [_] Anon 1620 >># Keep on flying into new bubbles until you reach the boss - you'll know it when you see it. >> [_] Anon 1624 >># sauce on song? >> [_] A.K.A.!tFj8DP0Frs 1633 >># so fucking awesome. will's super is "Your movin with your auntie and uncle in bell air!" >> [_] Anon 1659 ^^ >> [_] Anon 1683 File: Xeno Tactic 2.swf-(176.55KB) [IMG] I'll upload more tomorrow...just ripped a bunch from newgrounds >> [_] Anon 1684 File: Bubble Tanks 2.swf-(1.47MB, 500x400) [IMG] i hate that they put their logo in there all the time, christ >> [_] Anon 1685 >># >># oh shi >> [_] Anon 1688 File: Xeno Tactic 21.swf-(1.58MB, 640x480, Xeno Tactic 2.swf) [IMG] >># Whoops, faulty file. Here's the fixed one. >> [_] Anon 1689 File: Night of the Ninja.swf-(1.20MB, 640x520) [IMG] >># And as a means of apology, I give you this webcam game. I repeat, don't bother loading this if you don't have a webcam. >> [_] Anon 1693 Leading edge was nice >> [_] Anon 1694 File: Strong Bow.swf-(3.00MB, 670x420) [IMG] I give you Strong Bow! Enjoy. One of the few good archery games >> [_] Anon 1715 >># shit sucked >> [_] Name 1734 MOAR >> [_] Anon 1735 >># STFU, the game was great. It's actually challenging, not like other games. >> [_] Anon 1737 >># it was fun, but it's a little too easy. >> [_] Anon 1772 File: S.T.A.R. Defense.swf-(494.04KB, 400x450) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 1774 File: Protector.swf-(2.40MB, 800x600) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 1781 File: Shift.swf-(238.54KB, 500x500) [IMG] Shift >> [_] Anon 1783 File: Demonic Defense 3.swf-(506.57KB, 550x400) [IMG] Demonic Defence 3 >> [_] Anon 1784 File: N.swf-(371.50KB, 792x600) [IMG] N >> [_] Anon 1785 does anyone know the name of the flash game posted on b a long time ago where u bounce pixels across the screen on 3 spots on the bottom of screen >> [_] Anon 1786 File: Crazy Flasher 2.swf-(2.39MB, 600x350) [IMG] Crazy Flasher 2 >> [_] Anon 1787 File: Crazy Flasher 3.swf-(2.42MB, 600x350) [IMG] Crazy Flasher 3 >> [_] Anon 1788 File: Pandemonium!.swf-(5.54MB, 550x400) [IMG] Pandemonium! >> [_] Anon 1789 File: Indestructo Tank.swf-(733.29KB, 600x500) [IMG] Indestructo Tank >> [_] Anon 1790 File: Indestruc2 Tank.swf-(2.99MB, 600x500) [IMG] Indestruc2 Tank >> [_] Anon 1791 File: Indestructo Tank AE.swf-(2.78MB, 400x335) [IMG] Indestructo Tank: AE >> [_] Anon 1792 File: Shift 2.swf-(2.39MB, 500x500) [IMG] Shift 2 >> [_] Anon 1793 File: Shift 3.swf-(0.98MB, 500x580) [IMG] Shift 3 >> [_] Anon 1794 File: Crazy Flasher 4.swf-(3.34MB, 480x480) [IMG] Crazy Flasher 4 >> [_] Anon 2086 >># Agress Mavved >> [_] Anon 2090 >># >># >># What the fuck is this? >> [_] A.K.A.!tFj8DP0Frs 2112 >># I JUST NOW NOTICED THAT WHEN YOU SHOOT "friends" your money goes down. >> [_] MUSIX GAMES Anon 2230 any one gots any musix games? >> [_] A.K.A.!tFj8DP0Frs 2457 >># shift. its an alright game, made by either a girl, or emo guyfag >> [_] Anon 2488 >># I think he's referring to the domain lock on those particular games. >> [_] Anon 2497 File: Nexus.swf-(3.45KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 2498 OVER 9000?!?? >> [_] Anon 2629 >># That is among the more hardcore flash files I've ever seen. Many thanks for your valuable contribution to this thread. >> [_] Anon 2630 >># Suddenly muffins...hundreds of them! >> [_] Anon 2985 bump >> [_] Anon 3086 File: Amorphous+.swf-(5.51MB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 3320 File: Grow-Cube.swf-(271.43KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 3337 >># if you don't post answer then you're a fag who deserves to not have a mother. Yes, it was me who killed your mother. I'll fucking kill you if you don't post answer. anon, deliver plox >> [_] Anon 3339 >># seconded >> [_] Anon 3340 Cube solution: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pmhjx2LTI wg >> [_] Anon 3344 >># I was disappointed when I opened up that link and didn't see Rick Astley. >> [_] Anon 3415 >># This nanaca crash game won't load. There is what appears to be an error message about flash in Japanese, but I have the latest flash installed. >> [_] Anon 3462 >># It's not an error message. It's japanese. >> [_] Anon 3468 >># I tried right-clicking and selecting play but I can't get past this first screen. I remember being able to play this game a few years ago but now it won't load. What does it say anyway? >> [_] Anon 3480 >># FUUUCK I RE#MEMBER THESE GAMES >> [_] Anon 3482 install your OSs jap language pack. should do the trick >> [_] Ren 3490 File: Doomrunner.swf-(1.26MB, 640x480) [IMG] Ok lets start uploading some games.. >> [_] Ren 3491 File: Doomrunner_(Macross_version).swf-(1.26MB, 640x480, Doomrunner (Macross version).swf) [IMG] Hacked version.. I wanted more missiles for the whole Macross effect >> [_] Ren 3493 File: DesktopTD15k_(offline_version_by_Ren).sw f-(638.42KB, 700x500, DesktopTD15k (offline version by Ren).swf) [IMG] Here's an offline version of Desktop TD.. I got bored and didn't take out the site check when you're done with a game.. Just reload the .swf file ;) >> [_] Ren 3494 File: Motherload_cracked.swf-(3.69MB, 550x400, Motherload cracked.swf) [IMG] Took out the protection ;) >> [_] Ren 3495 File: Throw_Me.swf-(659.71KB, 800x550, Throw Me.swf) [IMG] >> [_] Ren 3496 File: Throw_Me_(hacked_q_is_boost).swf-(659.70 KB, 800x550) [IMG] And the hacked version... I hijacked the SetQuality hook ;) >> [_] Ren 3497 File: speedmasterx.swf-(2.61MB, 700x400) [IMG] Cool shooter with naked ladies. :) I hacked this version for unlimited bombs (space), so you should be able to finish the levels quite easy. >> [_] Ren 3499 File: gammaBros.swf-(4.94MB, 999x600) [IMG] Awesome scrolling space shooter.. Cheat codes: ship2 - lvl 2 ship ship3 - lvl 3 ship golvl2 - start at level 2 golvl3 - start at level 3 super - get the super laser from the start Enter the code you want from the start screen, then Options under Password. You'll get an audio effect if you do it right. >> [_] Ren 3502 File: cunt.swf-(1.32MB, 600x600) [IMG] Wel.. euhm... it's a _game_... >> [_] Anon 3522 Someone needs to hack this http://www.kongregate.com/games/WeirdBea rdGames/99-bricks >> [_] Ren 3527 >># A cheat in what way? Endless bricks? >> [_] Anon 3532 >># This game.. was actually fun as shit. >> [_] Anon 3605 File: which_way.swf-(1.38MB, 700x400, which way.swf) [IMG] >> [_] A.K.A.!tFj8DP0Frs 3608 http://www.kongregate.com/games/urbansqu all/battalion-nemesis someone needs to rip this >> [_] Anon 3618 File: file-113153138.swf-(2.93MB, 700x600) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 3619 >># Im starting to think the 5th level is not possible to beat on this. >> [_] Anon 3765 File: Cursorgame.swf-(29.22KB, 550x400) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 3766 File: dice.swf-(95.96KB, 800x600) [IMG] >> [_] Anon 3767 File: ~flow~.swf-(47.56KB, 800x400) [IMG] The actual logo is ~flOw~. A game that shall stir nostalgia in the hearts of BubbleTanks fans, and also bring newcomers to terms with this innovative gaming genre. >> [_] Anon 3806 File: cooking-mama.swf-(1.11MB, 550x400) [IMG] Just downloaded this. PETA's version of Cooking mama. Pretty awesome actually. >> [_] Anon 3810 >># unintentionally awesome >> [_] Anon 3813 >># Yeah that is pretty awesome. >> [_] Anon 3816 >># Wow new level of Stupid >> [_] Anon 3824 >># i hate peta and everything about them. making blood-propaganda and showing it to children, they are really screwed up in the head >> [_] Anon 3908 >># peta almost makes me ashamed to be a vegetarian. then again, i did it for health reasons, not to hump animals and spread love to them. >> [_] Anon 3912 File: PETAKiDS_com_Games_Play_the_Super_Chick_ Sisters_Ga.swf-(3.59MB, 480x320) [IMG] >># super chick sisters, I wonder who they are ripping off this time? >> [_] UnNamed 3916 File: MegaSlotsv1.0.swf-(1.18MB, 600x400) [IMG] Megaslots, Now Downloadable YAY >> [_] Anon 3918 >># This game is damned hard... >> [_] Anon 3920 >># i ate everything, do i win? >> [_] Anon 4035 >># Looks like Peta had a little to much fun making that one... >> [_] Anon 4066 >># I lllike that game. >> [_] Anon 4068 >># what? eggs don't bleed and make feathers when you open them. PETA is on enough drugs to make this but not to not think 'Dur dur save the turkeys!' And tofurky is disgusting, I've actually vomited because of it. >> [_] UnNamed 4255 www.epicgames.com >> [_] Anon 4302 moar? >> [_] Anon 4303 >># Why don't we make a game that says "save the rats!" as if it was done by PETA? We kill rats in the most brutal ways, traps, poisons that kill slowly, clubs, glue, and all and people that have a pet rat know that they are smart, cute (turkeys are ugly) and good pets like dogs and we don't even kill them for food, just because we don't like them near us. About diseases 1. You can say that pidgeons cary as much diseases as rats. 2. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/ 2004/06/0628_040628_tvrats.html For an animal that is commonly associated with pestilence and disease, this may seem strange. But during the century of this temple's existence, there has never been an outbreak of plague or other ratborne illness among the humans who have visited. >> [_] Anon 4329 >># medical note: eat a little of fish is better than 100% vegan. >> [_] Anon 5163 File: bloons.swf-(598.76KB, 640x480) [IMG] >> [_] Unnamed 5167 File: Drop_Dead.swf-(3.58MB, 800x800, Drop Dead.swf) [IMG] [Return] [Entire Thread] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts] |