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Threads (2):
File: Religious expansion in 90 sec.swf-(636 KB, Other) [_] Anon 1848761 >> [_] Anon 1848767 Bill Nye "but that's wrong you fucking retard" >> [_] Anon 1848768 >># No "no" >> [_] Anon 1848772 Yes, because Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Christianity are the only religions in the entire fucking world AMIRITE GAIS?! This flash is dumb as hell. >> [_] Anon 1848776 >># They're the main religions, the rest doesn't matter. >> [_] Anon 1848778 5/10 shook my head in disgust >> [_] Anon 1848790 >># Help! Help! I'm being repressed! >> [_] Anon 1848791 Because i'm sure that religion invented napalm and the atomic bomb, right? >> [_] Anon 1848919 >># No of course not, silly! Haha, you're funny! Mankind invented religion, bombs and napalm for the sake of controlling others through fear of the known and unknown. Surely you're just trolling and I, lawl, fell for it, but I just wanted to, like you know, make it clear in case there are real silly people out there that believe and worship zombies, a gazillion different gods (haha, they're so funny), men that marry into wealth then becomes a bigamist, follow old scriptures while abolishing mutilation (oh, this part is really funny) though at the same time makes it practice to mutilate baby boys penises and priest hierarchy built on slavery and casts while proclamating peace and harmony. Haha, this is all so funny! But I knew you weren't actually serious! *smiley face* *wink* >> [_] Anon 1848927 Damn Muslims taking over the wo-HOLY SHIT PRAISE JESUS LOOK AT ALL DAT BLUE >> [_] Anon 1848939 This flash is incorrect. Spread of Christianity in the Americas happened in Central, then South, then the west side of North America. Only about half a century after Spain conquered Mexico did Christianity actually spread in the eastern coast of North America. >> [_] Anon 1848940 >russia christianized in XVI century eyup >> [_] Anon 1848970 At least no effort went into research to make this.
File :[Religion.swf] - (651 KB) [_] [?] Religion History Anon 987481 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 987507 too oversimplified. For example, it doesn't take into account that in many regions of the world, followers of none of these five religions constitute a majority of the population. For example, only 8% of Chinese are Buddhist, Shintoists outnumber Buddhists in Japan and Atheists/Agnostics outnumber religious people in various countries. >> [_] anonymous 987539 PROOF THAT JESUS CHRIST REALLY EXISTS!!! >> [_] Anon 987556 >># Existed, yes (well, probably). As for "exists," in present tense, it would have to be marked as something other than "DEATH of Jesus." But in either case, this is just an explanatory aid somebody drew up, the proof for anything it says is external to the work, not the work itself. ...Oh, wait. >> [_] Anon 987557 It's already starting to happen. People aren't denouncing their faith, but they are turning their backs on religious institutions who no longer serve any purpose. >> [_] Anon 987563 >># >Existed, yes (well, probably) Sorry, but even ignoring the retarded religious folklore and hoaxes, there's exactly ZERO evidence for a "historical Jesus". So-called "theological historians" are simply and fallaciously retrofitting their faith into actual history. >> [_] Anon 987569 >># Don't be ignorant, his life is listed in most college history textbooks and he plays a big role history no matter what you believe. >> [_] Anon 987576 >># >his life is listed in most college history textbooks Not evidence. >he plays a big role history no matter what you believe No, folktales ABOUT him play a big role. Please provide one scrap of evidence or STFU. >> [_] Anon 987580 In case I wasn't clear, the earliest mention of Jesus mostly consist of the Gospels themselves. The earliest of which was written nearly a century after his supposed death. There is no actual evidence that such a person existed. He is either entirely fictional or based on rumor, likely rumors about several real people. Every piece of CONTEMPORARY evidence presented has turned out to be a blatant fraud or a logical fallacy. >> [_] Gi Joe Anon 987604 ITT, trolls trolling trolls. >> [_] Anon 987609 Religion is for morons. >> [_] Anon 987645 LOL religion... >> [_] Anon 987680 actually there is proof that Jesus existed >> [_] Anon 987686 >># was he an extraterrestrial too? >> [_] Anon 987688 I wonder what requires the greater leap of faith, that some dude named Jesus happened to found a religion or some other dude not named Jesus happened to form the said religion. >> [_] Anon 987691 If he was real, he wouldn't have even gone by the name Jesus during his life. That name was attributed to him MUCH later. >> [_] Anon 987695 >># Go to college you stupid shit. >> [_] Anon 987697 Lol missing link. >> [_] Anon 987723 Of course Jesus existed, that name was very popular at the time in that area. And yes Jesus exists; he is Hispanic and we hang out and play video games. >> [_] Anon 987727 >># Jesus, or whatever you prefer to call him, wasn't technically the founder, because the most important factor in christianity is the belief that when he died, he made the rituals of sacrifice practiced by jews unnecessary. So really, you couldn't be a christian until after he was crucified. >> [_] Anon 987738 Shit needs to include the Incas and the Aztecs who had huge wars in their big-ass civilizations. Always forgettin' about the poor empires of the Americas. >> [_] Anon 987745 Paganism was an important influence on Christianity. with out we wouldn't have Christmas or easter . >> [_] Anon 987763 >># I see you accidentally forgot to cite a single piece of evidence. Again. >># BS in CS, MS in EE. I'm still not seeing any evidence, buddy. If you took a course in PROOF OF JEEBUS, I'd appreciate if you could enlighten the rest of us. >> [_] Anon 987771 those goddamn jews >> [_] Anon 987774 >># >># Jesus is my Friend!! |