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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13. Discovered flash files: 1 File[BMLOGO.swf] - (12 KB) [_] [L] Backyard Machinist Logo Backyard Machinist 09/06/09(Sun)21:03 No.1066001 My first swf uploaded online. >> [_] Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:18 No.1066009 In some circles, drops of spoo hitting wads of dark feces with hammers cobbled together from discarded Nintendo paraphernalia are known as "machinists." >> [_] Backyard Machinist 09/06/09(Sun)21:21 No.1066012 you should have seen the first version where it was brown! The nintendo paraphernalia has to do with how the blog is delivered. Its a gamer perspective on machining and about transitioning from playing around on the computer to doing something in real life. >> [_] Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:23 No.1066013 >>1066009 You forgot that the spoo had telekinetic powers, on account of he/she/it has no limbs yet the improvisioned hammer and the clamp holding down the seemingly-metallic feces are being supported by nothing. >> [_] Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:23 No.1066014 The link to the blog doesn't work. That seems like a large issue. >> [_] Backyard Machinist 09/06/09(Sun)21:23 No.1066016 As I get better at flash I want expand this logo into being interactive. I'm a fan of those that program flash animations with easter eggs. >> [_] Backyard Machinist 09/06/09(Sun)21:26 No.1066017 Yeah, that was a big disappointment. I'm not sure whats wrong with my action script there, I'm going to have another go at it once I start using the flash to promote the blog. I just wanted to get it done as a logo. I've been teaching myself AS3 from youtube videos and a book. >> [_] Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)21:28 No.1066020 >>1066014 THAT'S the problem with this flash? THE LINK?!?!? So the telekinetic feces hitting a smaller piece of metallic feces with a makeshift hammer provisioned out of a wiimote and a super nintendo controller is JUST FINE, but when you throw in a broken link, it just RUINED THE THE 12 KILOBYTE FLASH!!!! FUCK YOU, ANON FUCK YOU BACKYARD RAPIST AND FUCK YELLOW RICE!!! >> [_] Backyard Machinist 09/06/09(Sun)21:35 No.1066027 this is why i love 4chan lul. btw its a NES controller not a super... >> [_] Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)22:24 No.1066060 If I may make a humble suggestion? If you want to link gamers with machining through Nintendo parts, perhaps you could find a stronger connection here: >> [_] Anonymous 09/06/09(Sun)22:27 No.1066064 WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? >> [_] Anonymous 09/07/09(Mon)00:54 No.1066151 What the fuck is this queer shit >> [_] Backyard Machinist 09/07/09(Mon)00:57 No.1066152 >>1066060 That's a great suggestion. I plan on making more flash animations for future updates on the blog so I will incorporate more than just Nintendo products in the future. I got started on the NES so I thought it was fitting and the wii motion controller seems at home with being swung around. |