File : [tsukasa.swf] - (7.43 MB)
[_] [A] Tsukasa you slut Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)05:22 No.1010834
1) Look through your saved .swf files
2) Post the ones you like
3) ???
4) PROFIT!!!
>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)06:23 No.1010853
what IS this?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)07:21 No.1010873
Thanks for reminding me why I come here.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)08:58 No.1010900
you know, this flash is interesting, but I think it would be about 1000x more popular on the
interwebs if it was just tsukasa and kagami on the riding machine.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)09:06 No.1010904
I actually enjoyed that
>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/09(Fri)10:40 No.1010930