File[taoruketto.swf] - (1.49 MB)
[_] [J] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)08:51 No.1071603
wow this is great. i wish there was more stuff like this brought to /f/
this isn't just some animation put to some crappy coputer-voice, this is art. story. originality.
this is what i want [J] to be like.
(intended to write this when it was posted for the first time but the thread 404'd)
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:07 No.1071610
what the fuck did I just watch?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:41 No.1071643
Posting Miku in retaliation.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)11:02 No.1071654
i was about to say the same thing.
id join u but dunno why i can't post stuff
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)13:00 No.1071716
You are fucking underage b&, go kill yourself now.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)13:56 No.1071743
op here.
weirdos. you can't see how good something is even if layed out in front of you like this. instead
of watching something unique you'd rather watch another miku that's just like every other miku
>> [_] NameFag 09/13/09(Sun)14:07 No.1071750
I agree with you that this is certainly unique, /f/anatic.
However, that doesn't mean everyone should drop to their knees in praise of it.
The art was ok. Nothing great, but not bad either.
It's only a story if there is a narrative. Yes, it is possible for a narrative to be silent, but
that requires everything else to make up for it with coherency and direction. This flash seemed
all over the place to me and I had no idea what was going on.
I haven't ever seen these characters before, but I have no idea what they are like; they could be
bland cliches and stereotypes for all I know. Also, the art style was nothing too new either. Not
so original.
>> [_] NameFag 09/13/09(Sun)14:11 No.1071751
I will give it this:
Love the music.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)14:19 No.1071754
What just happened?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)14:38 No.1071765
This ... sucked? Yeah, that's what it did. I'm sure of it.
This sucked.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)15:09 No.1071781
>haven't ever seen these characters before, but I have no idea what they are like; they could be
bland cliches and stereotypes for all I know
ok now i know that your opinion aren't worth much. for a second there i was actually caring about
what you wrote, but then you said something that was so dumb that it immediately took away the
meaning of the rest of your words
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)15:24 No.1071786
hey hey, i never saw them either! plot was bland and lacked coherency. suddenly death wish, lolis
are dancing. some furry is mad at another furry for killing another furry. neotokyo exploded. oh
yeah everyone died. cool.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)15:28 No.1071789
i thoroughly enjoyed how they all looked prepubescent.
thanks for that boner op.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)15:29 No.1071790
sauce of music
>> [_] Cid 09/13/09(Sun)15:34 No.1071795
nice animation. not enough action. I give you credit for your style and makeup of the video. Moar
your favvy airship Captain
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)16:20 No.1071812
No idea what was going on.
At all.
Sometimes this is good, but here it just makes me feel like you stole three minutes of my life.
Not that two minutes of MY life is anything grand, but you stole it. Asshole.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)17:17 No.1071825
Knowing who the characters are makes a difference when it comes time to give a shit about them. I
had no idea who anybody in this flash was, and it wasn't explained. I just saw random kids doing
random stuff with no idea why. You can tell me it's great as much as you want, it won't convince
me unless you actually say something more convincing than "No, seriously you guys, it's awesome,
and you suck for not thinking so."
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)17:18 No.1071827
I can't believe you guys don't get whats going on.
First there was a fridge, then some emo kids,a cardboard box fell out of a truck all
dramatic-like, now its school time and an emo girl is in a locker or something and then a boy
with a glowy finger.
The boy makes friends with the box, and then the box-people start killing everyone.
Seriously you guys- the story is practically spelled out for you.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)17:19 No.1071828
You just changed my mind! This really is a great story.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)18:02 No.1071860
...So...there was definatly some type of plot there with vagueness everywhere. Unfortunatly,
unless you know what the author was going for here, you won't get it. As said before, you have
vague characters without defiened purpose, some random jolts of misclanious events, and then a
finally involved in some crazy murder situation...Unless you have a basic concept of what exactly
this is about, some idea of the story and the minor details, this doesn't make much sense.
All I got from this is it is another story of:
1) People meet eachother
2) They get to know each other
3) Shit gets crazy
4) Everyone dies...
Or, if you want another example, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni...
If this is based off a comic or something, link it so that I can learn more about the characters
or story please.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)19:15 No.1071899
Story: "Pretentious OP is pretentious, will call you a philistine if you don't praise his
amaturish animation"
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)19:46 No.1071916
You know what. I fucking liked it. It doesn't have to make sense. Let your mind fill in the
blanks. It was like someone painted one of their dreams or nightmares...those never made sense.
But it made me feel something and that's enough. Don't listen to these children and high school
drop outs op. They can't appreciate something unless it has tits and a dick or if it's naked,
getting fucked and is under the age of 5. 4chan is a cesspool.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)19:51 No.1071918
smells of trolls