File : [ello_poppet.swf] - (7.87 MB)
[_] [?] girl in danger Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)00:29 No.1016438
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)00:40 No.1016452
the fuck is this? source of movie, name of the girl, oh and
raep raep raep raep raep
>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)01:00 No.1016469
It's Pirates of the Caribbean.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)01:04 No.1016472
Somebody do something!!!! Agggggh!!!!
>> [_] SS-Scionti !!Ob9tBukzRJb 06/25/09(Thu)01:48 No.1016514
lol'ed didn't think it would loop
>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)02:16 No.1016536
10 seconds later...
>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)02:21 No.1016538
this flash has some sort of memory issue, it just makes firefox soak up memory, it pushed ff up
300 megs in under a minute
>> [_] PJ 06/25/09(Thu)02:29 No.1016543
The movie: The Outlaw Josey Wales
The actor: Sondra Locke
The song: Swimming Pool by Freezepop
>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)06:42 No.1016672
flash in general has a memory issue, a 8 MiB flash can take 1 GiB of memory. no joke, here's an
>> [_] Turtletron !t0of944Ftw 06/25/09(Thu)06:56 No.1016676
girl on internet
>> [_] tretty !i3F0KfI9qI 06/25/09(Thu)09:24 No.1016735
they don't rape her. they take her in and she begins cooking/cleaning.
If i remember right, this movie has burt reynolds as the bad guy