File[WHATTHE.swf] - (2.66 MB)
[_] [?] Music sauce? Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)21:31 No.1064625
Also; this flash perfectly describes the legitimate mind of an average 4chan user.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)21:34 No.1064626
Sealed With A Kiss
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)21:34 No.1064628
Sound of silence
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)21:34 No.1064629
"Sealed with a Kiss" by Brian Hyland
At least that's what I wrote in the properties when I got this.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)21:35 No.1064632
>> [_] Anonymous 09/04/09(Fri)22:52 No.1064687
its some remix of sealed with a kiss that afaik hasnt been found yet
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)00:34 No.1064749
Why is the music always requested? I don't see anything special about it.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/05/09(Sat)02:16 No.1064815
Because it's the perfect music for any occasion such as this (case being a tea party).
I mean, goddamn, just look at it and listen.