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Original location: http://cgi.4chan.org/f/res/1090699.html Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9. Discovered flash files: 1
File[ecchi_holic.swf] - (682 KB) [_] [A] Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)03:25 No.1090699 Speaking of ecchi, are there any Kampfer flashes out yet? Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)05:17 No.1090737 anyone know the sauce on the anime and song? >> [_] me 10/12/09(Mon)05:28 No.1090744 maria-holic, but idk the song >> [_] Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)06:29 No.1090769 Basic Element - Touch You Right Now >> [_] the unknown 10/12/09(Mon)06:35 No.1090771 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnBAtkfjNsg Basic Element "Touch You Right Now" >> [_] Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)11:41 No.1090865 Goddammit I could watch this forever. >> [_] Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)12:56 No.1090908 VECTORIZE or GTFO >> [_] Anonymous 10/12/09(Mon)13:52 No.1090940 >>1090699 Basic Element - Touch You Right Now Specifically, the UK version, which somewhat ironically lacks the cockney rap parts. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Tioz1LZyqg >> [_] sizzle titz !e1QaonJtFE 10/12/09(Mon)14:49 No.1090960 Dont really know why it is called ecchi holic since she is Yuri.... w/e. I dig the song, and the anime. |