File[monsquaz.swf] - (264 KB)
[_] [L] Anonymous 10/25/09(Sun)22:09 No.1100322
>> [_] Anonymous 10/25/09(Sun)22:17 No.1100324
someone needs to post the monsquaz copypasta
i need to reinvent my life, but i cannot without the inspiration
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)02:03 No.1100460
._. I swear I've honestly waited on /f/ for a few days hoping this flash would come up.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)02:11 No.1100462
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)06:50 No.1100571
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)06:57 No.1100577
I believe Monsquaz is an allegory for the ideal outlook on life.
His face is forever gleeful but curious, as though the world were a mystery waiting to unravel
and every new twist or turn could only be a new source of joy.
He stands naked to the world, hiding nothing in the darkness of shame. The light covers his body
and he is not afraid.
His erect penis expresses a literal lust for life. That part of our body that seeks physical
attachment and pleasure in flesh just as our minds and hearts seek the same in truth and love.
Monsquaz has his highs and his lows, his green and red arrows. When things are good, it is a time
to dance with our friends under the morning sky and celebrate the dawning of a new day, the power
of our lives and the boundless happiness to be found in the people and world around us.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/26/09(Mon)06:58 No.1100578