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Original location: http://cgi.4chan.org/f/res/1058129.html Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 16. Discovered flash files: 1
File[Deathmarch.swf] - (394 KB) [_] [L] deathmarh Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)07:15 No.1058129 Thats right Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)07:40 No.1058135 sauce on music? >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)07:50 No.1058142 >>1058129 Don't post BULLSHIT. This shit is the cancer that is killing /f/ >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)07:53 No.1058144 Sauce on music please >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)08:29 No.1058155 >>1058142 STFU give us sauce >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)08:57 No.1058166 >>1058142 Stfu fagot. >>1058155 Sorry dont have it >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)09:09 No.1058167 bump for sauce >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)09:32 No.1058174 Sounds like something from Star Control II... Commander theme? >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)11:41 No.1058228 Rename etc. Its just "death.swf" >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)12:37 No.1058240 >>1058228 so sorry to offend your fucking faggot sensibilities. >> [_] Xlaits 08/26/09(Wed)14:16 No.1058280 /r/ing music sauce. >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)15:13 No.1058306 >>1058240 >DURR HURR LOL RENAME FAGGOT I really don't get why people cant... You know, use common sense. You can't just change the fucking names as you please. It screws the tubes up. >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)16:11 No.1058325 Someone posted the music a few months ago, it wasn't that good imo. This loop was the best part. >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)16:14 No.1058330 Swfchan.net says it's Aslan Faction Death March >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)16:16 No.1058332 http://www.last.fm/music/Aslan+Faction/_/Death+March Sauce delivered. Not one of their better songs I might add. >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/09(Wed)16:23 No.1058339 >>1058306 What's it feel like to have an opinion that doesn't matter? Get used to it, the rest of your life is bound to feel just like it. |