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This is resource RG1W6J4, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:28/9 -2009 01:17:36

Ended:28/9 -2009 05:54:47

Checked:31/10 -2009 23:52:49

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 36.
Discovered flash files: 1

File[TOFOD-002.00.avi.swf] - (5.4 MB)
[_] [?] Please first read the comments. Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:09 No.1081880

  First, before you want to insult, threaten, or make fun of me, listen.

  You might say that this is pathetic, but the truth is that this often happens, and you're far
  away from the problem but do nothing proves only one thing: we are the best kind there is, to

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:14 No.1081882

  cool story bro

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:40 No.1081894

  5/10 all right troll

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:53 No.1081908

  Awesome, where do I sign up for this?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)19:03 No.1081919

  I know right, what do I need to qualify?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)19:05 No.1081922

  i don't think you understand where you are, chap.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)19:05 No.1081924

  I wonder does one, just start off as a seal clubber or do you have to advance up to that

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)19:11 No.1081932

  Phenomenal cosmic words - itty bitty personality.

  Go work in an abbatoir if you think this shit is cool, you mediocre adolescent twat. This is not
  the sort of job actual people aspire to, so I'm sure you'll have precious little competition -
  which is just as well, really.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)19:17 No.1081938

  Awesome background music, I gotta say.

  Also, inb4 100+ replies of moralfags and retards.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)19:22 No.1081942

  "Sociopathfag" just doesn't have the same glib ring, does it newfag? ("Moralfag" was coined less
  than one year ago by weak trolls - the more you know!)

  There is a reason and means for killing. One and a half out of two. This could be worse.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)19:26 No.1081943

  oh well

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)19:40 No.1081950

  I'd pay $20 to club some seals. $50 if I knew OP would be there to watch.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)19:43 No.1081953

  Oh, look out world, here comes some more big talk!

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)19:49 No.1081956

  Oh, look out 4chan, here comes a naive hippie piece of shit who discovered the internet today and
  isn't aware that /f/ frequently hosts videos of cats being crushed to death or dogs being burned
  alive or stoned to death.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)19:51 No.1081957


>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)19:59 No.1081960

  Man, these guys whack like pussies. They just stand hesitating as if they just got cut in a line
  by somebody who's more young and attractive than them and they're wondering whether they should
  care that they don't have the guts to man up about it.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:09 No.1081968

  Nice try, kid. Now go lurk moar.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:11 No.1081972


  get out you hippie faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:12 No.1081973



>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:12 No.1081974


>> [_] arukawI_nia[L] !JnZiCl58gc 09/27/09(Sun)20:24 No.1081980


>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:31 No.1081986



>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:39 No.1081989


>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:50 No.1081997

  I'm so glad there's a shitstorm going on here so that I can avoid it like the motherfucking

>> [_] Question For /f/ Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)20:58 No.1082003

  Animal slaying vids are pretty troll worthy, but should they be a bannable offense?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:04 No.1082013


>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:11 No.1082017

  duuuuuuuuuuuude i want to be a seal clubber now instead of computer programmer. how do i get this

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:26 No.1082026

  Wait, didn't moralfag debut two years ago on /v/?

  If I recall correctly, it was primarily used by weak trolls in Kenshiro threads.

>> [_] friendsofsandwiches 09/27/09(Sun)21:45 No.1082040

  May seem like they whack like pussies, but they're trying to nail the seal before the seal nails
  them. Trust me, those fuckers CAN and WILL bite.
  The thing about this that pisses me off, is not the killing, but all the waste.
  To some extent, you gotta do what you gotta do, and in some areas, these fuckers are WAY Over
  But killing them, taking the skin, and then leaving the rest of it out there is just... fucking
  stupid. But then again, they may not have shown that part of using the rest of the animal.
  I don't know if anyone bothers to look but a lot of those people are natives.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:51 No.1082046

  fucking saved, im going to show this for thanksgiving and tell my family that this is why im
  moving to alaska

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:51 No.1082047

  They ARE a bannable offense.

  But it`s not like there is much enforcement of the rules here on /f/, in theory no flashes not
  pertaining to japanese culture should be posted here.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:53 No.1082049

  >we are the best kind there is, to self-destruct.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:55 No.1082051

  They already are. Just try posting i-love-kitties.swf or PUPPIES.swf

  This one, I'm not sure if anything will happen because it's presented in a documentary style,
  rather than blatant cruelty to animals.

>> [_] Alan Shore !De..W0m.u. 09/27/09(Sun)21:55 No.1082052

  Fuck yes this would be a fucking cool job

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)21:57 No.1082053

  I miss puppy crushing.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)22:29 No.1082075

  Hey I Look good in this video.
Created: 28/9 -2009 01:17:36 Last modified: 1/11 -2009 02:48:52 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:12:48