File : [rave_dance.swf] - (1.7 MB)
[_] [L] Ignore re-post. Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)05:49 No.1011828
Feel free to name a site more suitable for uploading flash for people
>> [_] Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)06:23 No.1011839
I would, but not for this shitty contribution. Post something better and I might consider it,
>> [_] Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)09:38 No.1011908
Fuck yeah, melbourne shuffle
>> [_] Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)10:19 No.1011930
You are a faggot, I hope you choke on ten thousand cocks and die.
That dancing is tight, furry or not. Don't be a bandwagon jumping faggot.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)10:27 No.1011937
Technically, it's not even furry. Furries can't dance. And those costumes look like rentals.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)10:51 No.1011960
I second this. And before someone ask the song is: Andy Maurer - Enemy
>> [_] Anonymous 06/20/09(Sat)11:02 No.1011970
Swfchan. Lrn2internet. :P