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File: You are not stupid..swf-(7.24 MB, 640x352, Loop) [_] DrLight 2269586 >> [_] Anon 2269607 >># What is he saying? I don't understand. >> [_] Anon 2269608 icryevrytime >> [_] Anon 2269622 I swear all this build up makes me think he's setting up a big reprimand. "You're not stupid, you know what you did wrong, let's be real here" >> [_] Anon 2269626 >># And yet that's not what he was saying at all. Is there something weighing on your conscience, Anon? You should confess to someone you trust. Make things right and come clean. >> [_] Anon 2269651 I am fighting the urge to make fun of this guy. because I guess he means well, but the level of ego in that statement. nevermind, some people are very lonely/unhappy/emotionally immature and need this but, c'mon, people involved in this should go back to watching care bears. Like they didn't mature ahead from that time and they need to keep hearing episodes of feel good indulgence. feel good indulgence is what makes people fat and weak and imature. or maybe its me, but my opinion stands. >> [_] Anon 2269655 >># It's the kind of "good feelings" "you're a good person" commentary people make on Tumblr. There was a video posted that just talked about this kind of circlejerking. Tumblr.swf >> [_] Anon 2269657 Was this video made for oculus rift or something? >> [_] Anon 2269700 You'd be surprised by how many people hate themselves; they even have the nerve to hate themselves for hating themselves sometimes. >> [_] Anon 2269707 This is JewWario from TGWTG. He killed himself yesterday. >> [_] Anon 2269725 i think it's important that no one thinks of themselves as stupid even if they're not vary smart, no one should think themselves as stupid that way people wont just lean back on the crutch every time they make a mistake and just chalk it up to "i'm just an idiot" and they'll actually take something away from it the only way to be truly stupid is to give up on yourself and close yourself off to truth and growth. not trust your own abilities or judgement, that's stupid >> [_] Anon 2269728 get a load of this stupid idiot >> [_] Anon 2269729 >># I disagree. Some people are very stupid sometimes, and need to come to terms with it so they can better themselves. >> [_] Anon 2269733 >># This sentimental asshole? why am i not surprised... >> [_] Anon 2269735 >># Holy fuck, Anon's right... >> [_] Anon 2269742 >># we all make mistakes, but thinking you can't do better because you're just 'stupid' isn't going to help you grow and get any better, if anything it'll just hold you back. feel bad for fucking up when you know you could have done better, then use that feeling to drive yourself forward >> [_] Anon 2269747 It's funny because the word stupid exists and can most likely be used in instances where a majority of people would agree. But yeah it's an opinion just like good and evil. The guy who rode a shopping cart down the street isn't stupid. The guy who's mentally retarded isn't stupid. The guy who kills people for fun isn't evil. The person who lives in debt but still finds funds for charity isn't good. Opinions are magical. No matter how wrong the statement, it can still be 'right.' No one's stupid, no one's evil, no one means wrong. Everyone wants to live, everyone deserves to live, everyone is unique and good at something. The world is not a perfect place. You can dress it up in opinions all you want, but that only changes people. Not facts. inb4 what I just said was an opinion. >> [_] Anon 2269748 Holy dicks. He did kill himself. I don't know what he was thinking if he made this then killed himself. >> [_] Anon 2269751 >># No, this segment was taken from a stream of his from a year ago. |