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Threads (1):
File: LabbyAbandonsAlfred.swf-(6.69 MB, 1920x1200, Anime) [_] THE SADDEST CARTOON IN WROLD POOR ALFRED 2292815 part 1 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2292825 I don't know why, but this actually made me feel a bit sad. >> [_] Anon 2292843 i cry-cummed >> [_] Anon 2292869 does the dog hav penis oor vag >> [_] Anon 2292873 >># Labby is male, Alfred is female. >> [_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 2292879 Emily. pls to marry? >> [_] Anon 2292883 I wonder if Emi's cute >> [_] TMZ-19 2292892 >># Just Google Emily Youcis. >> [_] fuckboys cant get no dick 2292914 >># i did she looks liek a PEACE OF FLYING SHIT mY MOM COULD SHIT BETTER TITS THAN THOSE Geezee, Louisee!! >> [_] Anon 2292926 i dont really care for her shit but the land before time reference at the end was pretty good haha >> [_] Anon 2292958 i used a whole box of tissues masturbating to this >> [_] Anon 2292960 >land before time musics I came >> [_] Anon 2292979 >># neds moar vilolence to my like >> [_] Anon 2292986 >># First they want less vilence. Then they want More vilence! Is there no end?! >> [_] Anon 2292988 >># where is the part 2 ?? >> [_] Anon 2292994 >># IM TRYING TO POST IT BUT U CAN ONLY POST TWO FUCIKING FILES http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/61 1433 here hav the link for the full cartoon >> [_] Anon 2293007 >># t..thanks anon-kun...i..im sorry >> [_] Anon 2293059 Go back to selling pistachios. >> [_] Anon 2293076 this shit is so forced it isnt even funny, who JUST found these and is acting like a highschooler about it?. >> [_] Anon 2293077 >># youmustbenewhere.gl >> [_] Anon 2293087 >># no the bitch got banned and should stay that way, and the fanboys will become nothing more than potatoe 2.0 the movie will never come out she got older and gives zero fucks for the actual outcome now. >> [_] Anon 2293089 >># LOOOOlll its true i stopped animating to my full potential for a few years. I was in college painting and partying. But now I am back and better than ever. I invite you to go watch the newest installments. Though I expect you will hate them even still, you will observe that I have roughly a half hour completed of the movie, and that it most certianly will be finished by 2016. It is you fuckjobs that make me animate more than ever. Thank you. >> [_] Anon 2293092 >># though I must admit odds were that I would grow older and stop giving a fuck about cartoons. Especially since people thought i was legitimately mentally ill and prolly thought i was gona end up in the streets. Yes that was a very likely possibility. But i can say now that i give a fuck more about cartoons ever, it is all I have, and now i am aware of my fanbase, and i know how important Alfred Alfer is to all, and it is my duty to keep doing more cartons. Yes i defeated the odds. The only thing that will stop me is if someone assassinates me. >> [_] Anon 2293094 >># >># Godspeed >> [_] Anon 2293096 >># Oh yes. May I add that your movie will never come out. Because you never had an idea for one. Not even a concept. And even if you did have one you would not have the fortitude or passion to bring it into existence. Because you have done nothing creative with your life, and you never will. And for that I pity you. >> [_] Anon 2293105 >># dat projection. I have a job to go to, but I enjoyed the 3 post robust response I got from the actual artist. Don't get banned while I'm gone~ >> [_] Anon 2293110 sauce on the music at the end? >> [_] alfred will rape you gently to death 2293113 >># i dont give a shit about your fuckin job. Have fun wastin your life doin wut other people tell you to do. I'll be here on /f/ when you get back actually puttin out more OC for you to bitch about >> [_] Anon 2293117 Emi, I'm fairly sure you're in the thread so listen up. When you get a chance I'd like for you to contact me, I'm a VA, you do all voices yourself. I'm not even looking for money, just something to pass the time. My email is in the email field. Contact me bout it. >> [_] alfred will rape you gently to death 2293122 >># your email is not listed anywhere that I can see. What have you done send me links. As for voices most all of the movie consists of Alfred and his alternate selves so I dont actually have any 'parts' to fil.. however it is good to have an arsenal of people incase i think of something . thanks for lending me your skills. i donno why i let these fuckheads bother me, i have no idea who or what they are, yet sumhow they know that i'm making a movie, how old i am, and that I got banned... i thnk it must trigger the consistent years of being told I was a worthless piece of shit >> [_] Anon 2293123 >># Just click on the "anonymous" name Emi. Alternatively, add me on Skype and we'll talk there. Lemme know what you wanna do >> [_] Anon 2293128 /f/...Being Cocksuckers since the 1800s >> [_] Anon 2293131 >># and ignorant of how 4chan works apparently as well. >> [_] Anon 2293132 >># >># G.G. Allen also is rolling over in his grave due to how much of a faggot you are. >> [_] alfred will rape you gently to death 2293134 >># If G G Allin was rolling in his grave it was because Alfred was fucking his corpse all night long and inseminating him, which He would have most certainly enjoye.d Wut the fuck was the last thing you did to spread the gospel of G. G? >> [_] Anon 2293136 >># smock a fat rock >> [_] Anon 2293138 >># then rob people at my show. >> [_] wut the hell is going on here alfred will rape you gently to death 2293140 >># wut the fuck kind of shows do you have? Also how the fuck do all you /f/uckjobs know about all this shit and my G G Allin Musical Movie is the illuminati forcing crash courses on this shit? >> [_] Anon 2293143 >># Hey, are you gonna email me or shall I just look elsewhere. I even spoonfeed you: Radiox19@gmail.com |