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Threads (1):
File: EAT MY ROTTEN MEAT 2012 PART 1.swf-(8.46 MB, 320x240, Porn) [_] Pt.1 Anon 2296902 Too big for 1 file, no matter how I tried to compress it while keeping SOME quality, so I split it into 2 low ones, yup >> [_] Anon 2296909 potato knishes >> [_] Anon 2296911 potato knishes >> [_] Anon 2296913 I LOVE >> [_] WKZworks 2296916 2edgy4me. >> [_] HAD A NIGGA IN THE CLUB 2296917 thank yuou anon for uploading my cartoon i think they deleted my other cartoon because they thought i hacked the system. but i did not someone else uploaded this for me >> [_] Anon 2296921 potato knish >> [_] HAD A NIGGA IN THE CLUB 2296924 /mods/, why did you delete my alfred strut? Tell me please, I just want to know. Was it because I got the lyrics wrong to where the hood at? Well i was finally about to post the correct ones because I looked them up. But you deleted it before I could get it write. Answer me please, mods, I swore, the Great Dictator was there much longer than ALFRED STRUT. >> [_] Anon 2296934 >># It probably got pruned, no comments and a flood of posts will cut the not commented flash off the board. >> [_] Anon 2296935 also not complaining but sound desyncs in the middle. stil works tho >> [_] Anon 2296938 >># dere /mods/ plz del emily.y thx >> [_] HAD A NIGGA IN THE CLUB 2296939 >># but there was a very thorough , in depth discussion going on about the lyrics to "where the hood at," which I feel is very importaint to this board, as the song is used a lot. I was just about to get it right too! >> [_] Anon 2296949 >># Come on, Emmy, let's be honest here. You pulled it, sure, but you didn't quite bust it. That kind of failure cannot be tolerated in this life-or-death game we call our world. /mods/ knew that. It seems you didn't. >> [_] Anon 2296952 This is obscene >> [_] Anon 2296998 what the fuck is happening ITT I'm so confused >> [_] Anon 2297001 go to bed emily >> [_] Anon 2297003 >># Emily Y is being a huge faggot and everyone's sucking on her jizz tits that's about it >> [_] i wish a hata wuud 2297017 >># mothafukka i don hav a job i don hav to go nowhere i don do shit but stay home n do cartoons i don hav a bedtime muthafucka >># >>>how am i a faggot if i hav men sucking on my tits >>>>i think u jus wanna suckle common nurse me like ur nursin' my thread >> [_] Anon 2297030 >># OP here, not me btw, this person is hella mad though. If it IS emily, I'd hit that, cartoons make me think, aside from this one, pretty twisted but that's cause it's a music video so I understand. >> [_] Anon 2297031 >># >># Then why don't you make some more original content. Your live action stuff wasn't that bad. >> [_] Anon 2297033 >># No more alfred. I wanna see some none gore alfred porn, there's none of that on the intertubes. >> [_] Anon 2297037 >># >># are you a nigger lover? >> [_] Anon 2297040 >># where was the edgy in this? >> [_] Anon 2297042 "I have no idea why . . . I'm sitting there and I can always hear, so I wave back at her. I don't think it would be very nice if I ignored her." -Stutes commenting on Emily Y. why /f/ gives her the attention she craves, but might not really deserve right now. original content plox >> [_] Anon 2297048 >># actually there is nongore alferd porn. il upload it now for you >># it is me you poonanny >># why dont i deserve it yes back in 2009 perhaps i did not, as i had not made any content because i was going out into the physical world. But now ive been putting out tons of oc. And whether u like it or not im gettin it mayn. gettin it from tha haters and from millionaire baseball players. fuck, i mean, you even delved into my internet reputation far enough to find that fucking quote. >> [_] Anon 2297049 Slaanesh pls go >> [_] Anon 2297054 >># >># I'm not saying that you haven't done great things. /f/ is no place to stagnate with your boredom. Creativity dies here. Post your art. Stay anon. Stay Classy. Or not, call the police. See if I give a fuck. You're dying Youcis. Every second you're being raced to the graveyard. Don't stop now. Stay in momentum. >> [_] NONGORE ALFRED PORN 2297061 >># /f/ is the place for flash cartoons and I have flash cartoons so I am going to post them (even though someone else posted these tonight). Where the fuck else am I gonna get away with posting my shit other than Newgrounds (which is more dead than me) It's not my fault everyone knows who I am here. Why would I call the police Ofcorse Im dying and it is wonderful, and when I am gone alfred will rape my dead corpse. And im never gonna stop cartoons, just cuz i'm on /f/doesnt mean ive stopped. i'm animating another music vidya right now ya silly. one without a bunch of blood and shit (well it has blood but enuf for utube and no penises) >> [_] sage sage 2297075 >># Catch you on the flip side. >> [_] Anon 2297082 Am I the only one that genuinely adores Emily's art and not trolling or being sarcastic? >> [_] Anon 2297085 >># yes. >> [_] Anon 2297106 -1/10 Try harder, if you can... >> [_] Anon 2297113 why i have boner? >> [_] Anon 2297114 Fucking love this music video and Emily. Oh lawd. >> [_] Anon 2297115 >># You're not alone |