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Threads (28):
File: ~ppppu;).swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] Need some assistance Anon 3482981 I was dicking around on Flashpoint and found... this. I just want to know what the hell is going on here. Apparently it came from this board. Google was no help. Sorry if this isn't the right place to ask >> [_] Anon 3482983 Not completely sure which part of the flash you're asking about so I'll just run through both of 'em. While technically /3/, Ratboy Genius's Potato Knishes is still a classic staple of the board as is minus8's PPPPU flash, both of which spawned dozens of spinoffs or straight updates over a span of several years. It's entertaining to me that this particular specimen wound up being preserved in Flashpoint though a quick look around shows the original is there too. >> [_] Anon 3482985 Oh my god, thank you! This was driving me nuts. I was basically wanting to know two things: what the song was, and what the hell was the face thing was. Thanks again
File: ~ppppu;).swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] Anon 3466796 >> [_] Anon 3466797 That's an oddly shape potato knish. >> [_] Anon 3466811 >># His little black squash balls are off-color as well >> [_] Anon 3466825 Centipedes in my vagina? >> [_] Anon 3466828 I want my free flash check
File: _ppppu all characters.swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] Anon 3413070
File: _ppppu;).swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Porn) [_] Anon 3404088 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3404089 there are many things that need to be erased >> [_] Anon 3404096 you dont even deserve those dubs >> [_] Anon 3404116 Impressive that he can sing so well while taking cock down his esophagus. >> [_] Anon 3404119 i'd fuck little king john, honestly >> [_] Anon 3404122 >># Fuck You! >> [_] Anon 3404165 The level of discomfort this flash evokes it literally the same level I feel when I'm being molested. It's pretty impressively awful >> [_] Anon 3404202 Not my proudest fap
File: _ppppu all characters.swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] Anon 3379891 >> [_] Anon 3379919 i aint even mad >> [_] Anon 3379990 top post
File: _ppppu all characters.swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] Bring out your H Anon 3362166 >> [_] Anon 3362175 Fucking quality/10 >> [_] Anon 3362216 I hate you OP >> [_] Anon 3362223 this is my rule34 >> [_] Anon 3362233 Needs more poses >> [_] Anon 3362234 Dear Little King John, Please stop exploring your sexuality. It really freaks us out. Love, Ratboy Genius. >> [_] Anon 3362242 Which pervert is into this kind of shit? >> [_] Anon 3362254 I nut >> [_] Anon 3362275 best version so farr. not joking btw
File: _ppppu all characters.swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Porn) [_] Anon 3359511
File: _ppppu all characters.swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] Anon 3326572 >> [_] Anon 3326582 lmfao >> [_] Anon 3326622 thanks! >> [_] Anon 3326630 I didn't even have to guess for which parody this would be before clicking and I was right apply yourself >> [_] Anon 3326672 Damn, it's been a long time since I've seen this meme.
File: _ppppu;).swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Porn) [_] Anon 3326094 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3326100 this is a good post, i missed knishes >> [_] Anon 3326181 the magic and the misery!
File: _ppppu all characters.swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Porn) [_] Anon 3324841 >> [_] Anon 3324886 I needed this, thank you. >> [_] Anon 3324917 everyday is repost day
File: _ppppu all characters.swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] Anon 3324651 >> [_] Anon 3324652 Well Played! >> [_] Anon 3324656 >># NOT all characters. Would not rat boy genius. >> [_] Anon 3324672 i love u >> [_] Anon 3324693 pppppotatoe knishes >> [_] Anon 3324729 >># Well done anon >> [_] Anon 3324777 Not my proudest fap
File: _ppppu;).swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] Anon 3324384 >> [_] Anon 3324437 Thank you my kind sir. I lol'ed.
File: _ppppu;).swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] Anon 3321402 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3321441 Fucking hilarious >> [_] Anon 3321472 caught me off guard lol >> [_] Anon 3321488 >># Genius >> [_] Anon 3321489 people on this board have way too much time on their hands >> [_] Faggot (¬¬) 3321513 >># This is why /f/ will never die. OP, you're a gentleman and a scholar. :^)
File: ~ppppu;).swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] The best one Anon 3320533 >> [_] Anon 3320537 >># it's perfect >> [_] Anon 3320546 the magic and the mystery >> [_] M-Non 3320570 10/10 will laugh again >> [_] Anon 3320597 breddy gud >> [_] Anon 3320602 >># holy shit this is so funny. >> [_] Anon 3320620 I only want the best knishes after a blowjob
File: PPPPPU ~~.swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] Anon 3170413 >> [_] Anon 3170414 God dammit >> [_] Anon 3170421 >># this is best version bar none >> [_] Anon 3170432 AAAH AAAAAAAAAAAH >> [_] Anon 3170444 8/8 :) >> [_] Anon 3170465 nice >> [_] Anon 3170472 I haven't been knished in quite a while >> [_] Anon 3170488 This just broke me. >> [_] Anon 3170510 >># damn dude you fucked my shit up >> [_] Anon 3170512 still fapped >> [_] Anon 3170527 Press 4 Fap intensely >> [_] Anon 3170529 >># I'm liking 9 a little better myself.
File: ppppu.swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] Anon 2859023 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2859030 kek >> [_] Anon 2859031 wut, why. >> [_] Anon 2859049 ppppu is kill no >> [_] Anon 2859159 five-star flash >> [_] Anon 2859200 topkek 10/10
File: cubespoon ppppu.swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] This was easier to fap than I thought it would be Anon 2703687 >> [_] Anon 2703691 Actually an improvement on the retarded attempt at a vagina the original has
File: ~ppppu.swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Other) [_] Anon 2623204 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2623241 >># christ >> [_] Anon 2623245 >># Sincerely, I like the speed of this one, the originals looks too frantic IMO. >> [_] Anon 2623310 This makes me feel tingly in my squash balls >> [_] Anon 2623331 is this a healthy reminder that nobody has posted this flash in a while im okay with this format
File: hawt.swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] you wanted [H]? Anon 2544746 >> [_] Anon 2544749 >># Joke's on you, faggot. 4-8 aren't altered. Mute audio, fap. >> [_] Anon 2544757 >># jokes on you, faggot. i'll still cum regardless >> [_] Anon 2544773 for once im okay with kinish >> [_] Anon 2544778 >># The first one made me kek >> [_] diggernicks 2544792 I LOOOOOOOOOVE PO TA TO KIN ISHES >> [_] Anon 2544857 >># fag >> [_] Anon 2544865 >># I fucked a potato knish once, while thinking of this song. True story.
File: PPPPSuperSmash.swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Other) [_] Not dead yet Anon 2539886 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2539905 I know he's a villain, but he didn't deserved this. >> [_] Anon 2539911 I laughed really bad and tried to close the tab and I hate this all so much >> [_] Anon 2539930 >># I actually find this easier to fap to for some reason. >> [_] Anon 2539985 >># agreed >> [_] Anon 2540032 >># god damn it /f/, what have you done to me
File: ~ppppu;).swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] best version Anon 2479629 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2479638 There's always room for improvement. Remove Peach and Rosalina altogether and make it look like LKJ is giving the guy a BJ. >> [_] Anon 2479666 I love that that faggot randomhero watermarked it. That's what makes it funniest >> [_] Anon 2479696 still fapped >> [_] Anon 2479745 came so hard
File: ~ppppu;).swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Porn) [_] Anon 2417059 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2417153 Haha, that was pretty good. Never seen this one before. >> [_] Anon 2417173 I know this is suppose to be a parody or whatever but could someone explain what the fuck is with the original creepy fucking flash ? O my god is it fucking fucked ! >> [_] Anon 2417174 >># It's Princess Peach, Princess Rosalina, and Mario fucking, what's so hard to get? >> [_] Anon 2417178 >># nono.. I mean about the potato one >> [_] Anon 2417189 >># elelelle newfriend :DDDDDD >> [_] Anon 2417190 >># its ratboygenius >> [_] Anon 2417226 I am now fully erect. >> [_] Anon 2417239 Perhaps more erotic than the original. >> [_] Anon 2417272 >># 4 through 8 don't even have Ratboy Genius. >> [_] Anon 2417278 fucken saved
File: ~ppppu;).swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] Bring out your H Anon 2367000 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2367007 BEST >> [_] Anon 2367008 i can fap to this >> [_] Anon 2367016 >># woah..... >> [_] Anon 2367018 >># damn... >> [_] Anon 2367020 >># Is there a proper version? >> [_] Anon 2367024 My god... What has science done? >> [_] can't squish the knish Anon 2367025 >># Yes. This is it. >> [_] Anon 2367029 >># No seriously. >> [_] Anon 2367043 Make sure to use 1-9 for different positions >> [_] Anon 2367055 >># I know, I want the original >> [_] Anon 2367061 >># >># How new can you literally be? It's in the name of this flash. Seriously, type in ppppu in google. Probably the first result It's by minus 8. Same guy who did the Rhythm Heaven flash >> [_] Anon 2367066 And my sides are now in orbit around Jupiter. >> [_] Anon 2367067 >winking face I knew what this was before I clicked it >> [_] Anon 2367075 Is nothing sacred? >> [_] Anon 2367093 >># Less new, more lazy. Also, I thought it looked similar >> [_] Anon 2367097 2/10 OP is lazy. The least you could do is throw the face on the other poses. >> [_] Anon 2367099 >># > I thought it looked similar I WONDER WHY >> [_] Anon 2367122 This isn't even the fixed version
File: ~ppppu.swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] Anon 2362847 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2362851 youre fucking hilarious. really. >> [_] Anon 2362860 potato knishes really ruins EVERYTHING >> [_] Anon 2362889 magical >> [_] Anon 2362909 >># >># >wahh I didn't get muh constantly reposted shitty flash >> [_] Anon 2362911 this is outdated. we need an ethnic german version >> [_] Anon 2362913 4,5,6,7, and 8 (push the numbers on your keyboard) don't have censors. Lazy faggot. >> [_] Anon 2362948 >># irony at its finest, people >> [_] Anon 2362950 >># my thoughts as well. >> [_] Anon 2362979 We need yodeling with buk buk buk buk just before the scene change. >> [_] Anon 2362983 I laughed pretty hard,only watched 4 seconds of it but it was enough. Other wise I get potato knishes in my head more than it needs to be >> [_] Anon 2363002 >># There's fixed version, but OP is faggot >> [_] Anon 2363007 LOL >> [_] Anon 2363019 penis >> [_] Anon 2363064 omg, I lold but you guy must be rich if you bought a $700 Adobe Flash just to make this, lol >> [_] Anon 2363067 >># >buying Adobe products get a load of this goy >> [_] Anon 2363115 >># I love you OP. >> [_] Anon 2363119 my dick demands source on original, and i don't mean the source of potato knishes
File: ~ppppu;).swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] Anon 2336541 never too early for h Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2336546 NO NO NO NO FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK >> [_] Anon 2336547 Such is the life of Little King John. >> [_] Anon 2336558 Not all the poses are even editted 2/10 see me after class >> [_] Anon 2336566 i cri >> [_] Anon 2336587 Dammit OP. Fuck it. *fap fap fap* >> [_] Anon 2336635 IT IS COMPLETE >> [_] Anon 2336637 Fuck this board. >> [_] Anon 2336655 Don't cry like a bitch unless you are one 45&n=minus8-ppppu-edit.swf >> [_] Anon 2336659 really made me smile happy 1st april everyone
File: ~ppppu;).swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] Anon 2334149 For best audio quality Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2334156 >># well fuckin shit >> [_] Anon 2334165 Potatoes are love. Potatoes are life. >> [_] Anon 2334167 fuck it. I must admit. i loled. >> [_] Anon 2334168 still fapped. >> [_] Anon 2334173 You were too lazy to do it to all of the poses, so fuck you. 6/10 I knished. >> [_] Anon 2334185 >Ratboy giving me a blowjob I came. >> [_] Anon 2334210 Just got sucked off by little king John. Noice. >> [_] Anon 2334287 where is that music from?
File: ~ppppu;).swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] /f/ needs more quality Anon 2330151 >> [_] BismuthVectoring !FRESHtYylA 2330152 I know that someone, somewhere, fapped to this. >> [_] Anon 2330153 >># Whoever fapped to this is a god among men. A king among rats. >> [_] Anon 2330162 Why didn't you post the fixed version that has it over every scene? >> [_] Anon 2330166 >># Genitals being cognizant is, in fact, my fetish. Too bad I hate Little King John. >> [_] Anon 2330187 Original sauce name? >> [_] Anon 2330192 >># Ignore me, I am a gigantic faggot >> [_] Anon 2330194 >># Ratboy Genius - Potato Knishes >> [_] Anon 2330195 >># I didn't realize there was one. >> [_] Anon 2330233 Original pls >> [_] Anon 2330234 >># You should lurk more. >> [_] Anon 2330243 >># 2 much twork >> [_] Anon 2330252 just press a number between 2~9 and little king john's face will disappear. >> [_] Anon 2330253 >># between 4~8* >> [_] Anon 2330254 >># BUT THE MUSIC IS STILL THERE >> [_] Anon 2330347 This is why I love /f/
File: ~ppppu;).swf-(1.29 MB, 480x720, Hentai) [_] >># Anon 2322928 >posting the inferior version >> [_] Anon 2322975 beat me to it >> [_] Anon 2323002 4/5, audio quality is too low >> [_] Anon 2323014 I lol'd. |