Archived flashes:
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This is resource ARJBICQ, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:8/9 -2015 11:34:13

Ended:8/9 -2015 20:16:14

Checked:8/9 -2015 21:05:13

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 19.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: HNNNNNG.swf-(7.02 MB, 320x240, Japanese)
[_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Tue)05:28:26 No.2897879

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Tue)05:41:58 No.2897886

  Fuck, it STILL brings me to tears after watching it from so long ago.

  Those FEELS!

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Tue)05:45:03 No.2897889

  Closed as soon as I realized what it was.

  Nope, not again.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Tue)05:52:49 No.2897892

  I expected her to be imaginary or something, still sad.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Tue)05:55:48 No.2897894


>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Tue)06:00:20 No.2897895

  an older thread of this flash had one of my favorite /f/ comments ever

  >Wow I didn't have cable as a child so I didn't watch Pokemon or Yugioh and get primed for this
  gay-ass weeaboo shit during my adulthood

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Tue)06:02:48 No.2897897

  My god the chills were real when she smiled and the final scene began

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Tue)06:11:42 No.2897902

  Eiko is my waifu

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Tue)06:21:58 No.2897905

  Its so cute, the feels

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Tue)07:20:20 No.2897921

  You get first dibs on eating your friend's corpse

  Rule of the ocean

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Tue)09:12:41 No.2897953

  I knew how it was going to end from the beginning and still watched the entire thing.
  Fuck me.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Tue)10:23:45 No.2897978

  Idk why feels
  always the feels with this flash

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Tue)11:19:44 No.2898005

  your waiting is old a bitch now

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Tue)11:27:14 No.2898010

  I want one

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Tue)11:46:39 No.2898023

  i need the sauce before everyone calls me newfag

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Tue)12:50:51 No.2898058

  Shinryaku!? Ika Musume

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Tue)13:28:14 No.2898077


>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Tue)13:46:49 No.2898079


  Fucking nope.

  Not this time, not going to watch it again, I'm going to install and play Deus Ex or V:tM-B

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/15(Tue)14:13:06 No.2898091

  This thread is full of faggots.
Created: 8/9 -2015 11:34:13 Last modified: 8/9 -2015 21:05:30 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:58:20