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This is resource BXO0SYT, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:3/9 -2015 02:10:43

Ended:29/10 -2015 01:11:24

Checked:29/10 -2015 01:23:42

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 51.
Discovered flash files: 1

  / > /fap/ > Thread 7722

  Age: 48.96d   Health: 0%   Posters: 32   Posts: 51   Replies: 49   Files: 1+2

  >> Anonymous 3sep2015(th)02:09 No.23095 OP P1

  6.5.1 Hotfix

  - New Genderbent monsters: Demoness (female Demon) and Mare (female Stallion) (Color and skin
  variations not yet implemented)
  - Visual Revamps/New Idles: Demon, Stallion, Male and Female Elves, and Harpies (Color and skin
  variations not yet implemented for some of them)

  Bug Fixes / Balance
  - Fixed a bug where new days would fail to regenerate hearts/energy if you ordered a new monster
  in the guild menu
  - Fixed a bug where gremlins, futa, and neoteny monsters would fail to appear in the monster pens
  (let me know if any of the pens are still broken)
  - Genderbent works in the gallery now
  - (Finally) fixed greased lightning/dex energy scaling on monsters so they won't go negative,
  thanks to a fan who sent in a way better equation!
  - Catgirl Kennel should now have correctly colored silhouettes, but the other pens may not

  Known Issues
  - Genderbent will occur much more frequently than other traits for testing reasons
  - Monster descriptions, consumable effects, and game mechanics are unfinished/unimplemented on a
  number of new monsters
  - Some animations have been disabled or are glitchy due to the new overhauls and colors
  - Due to the on-going overhaul of the color system, colors are incorrect in a number of pens and
  - There's been a slight increase in lag from the new color/animation system, which we still need
  to optimize

   BreedingSeason6.5.1.swf (12.76 MiB)
  960x720, Compressed. 2 frames, 28 fps (00:00).
  Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
  Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
  [find in archive]

  >> Anonymous 3sep2015(th)07:15 No.23106 A P2R1

  Doesn't seem to be advancing past load screen

  >> Anonymous 3sep2015(th)07:44 No.23107 B P3R2

  Works fine for me. Are your parents aware you're this incompetent?

  >> Anonymous 3sep2015(th)07:58 No.23108 C P4R3


  >> Horsie 3sep2015(th)11:37 No.23113 D P5R4

  I'm amazed at the amount of useful information, helpness and gentleness of your post.
  Are your parents aware you're an asshole?

  >> Anonymous 3sep2015(th)12:43 No.23116 E P6R5

  shut the fuck up, namefag. nobody wants your input.

  >> Anonymous 3sep2015(th)15:13 No.23123 F P7R6

  As always pinups

  >> Anonymous 3sep2015(th)17:07 No.23127 G P8R7

  Do not talk to namefags.
  Do not talk to tripfags.

  >> Anonymous 3sep2015(th)17:47 No.23129 H P9R8

  So wait. . . in this patch we. . .LOST content? Simply wonderful. Terrific even.

  >> Anonymous 3sep2015(th)18:05 No.23130 I P10R9

  wasn't it like that in the last 3 patches as well?
  Also Neoteny apperas to be broken...

  >> Anonymous 3sep2015(th)18:44 No.23133 J P11R10

  Monthly reminder of these guys are each getting paid 48.5$/hour if they spend 8 hours a day, 5
  days a week working on the game.

  PROTIPS: They don't.

  >> Anonymous 3sep2015(th)20:27 No.23141 K P12R11

  'Course not. Finishing the game would derail the free money gravy train.

  >> Takitak 3sep2015(th)21:54 No.23143 L P13R12

  Happened before when they changed the graphics.
  Looks to me like they'll keep changing them from time to time so they won't really finish the
  game any time soon

  >> Anonymous 3sep2015(th)22:54 No.23146 M P14R13


  Harista decided to give weekly updates to the best of his ability. Most implementations require
  more than one week. Redoing all of the game's graphics in their entirety takes fucking forever,
  especially the way they put the game together.

  Flash animation in general eats massive quantities of time. I think each monster animation uses
  by-hand jiggle physics rather than an engine, so every scene demands meticulous attention to
  detail. Every monster has at least 20 parts in a single sex position, before any of the
  colors/alternate hairs/etc, which is insanity given how many monsters and positions they aim to
  include. I'm hard-pressed to say that it wouldn't take less time to do a frame-by-frame for each
  body and then just paste accessories on top of that.

  These most recent monsters look excellent and for god's sake they better stick with this style.
  They just don't have time to redo it yet again.

  I am not a patron, and would never be a patron for a flash porn game because it's not my thing. I
  do recognize the stupidly huge scale of this whole project, though. It's going to take a long,
  ball-busting grind to complete Breeding Season the way it's being done.

  Best of luck to the team. Godspeed, you ambitious lunatics.


  Wooo up to $93k USD annually with no job security or benefits. Truly the only higher paying job
  in software is any senior systems analyst position anywhere. How can anyone climb to such lofty

  >> Anonymous 4sep2015(fr)03:10 No.23160 J P15R14

  Yes, it sounds all impressive and noble, until you remember that they are getting paid 38k/mo and
  counting to pump out updates like this.

  >> Anonymous 4sep2015(fr)04:19 No.23163 N P16R15

  can't wait to see functional harpy and fem wolf/devil animations, hopefully we'll see them before

  >> Anonymous 5sep2015(sa)07:59 No.23184 O P17R16

  So what the fuck am I doing wrong with the setstat code? I'm puting
  I've tried case sensitive, all caps, all lower case. Am I the only person having this problem, or
  has that code been modified/taken away?

  >> Anonymous 7sep2015(mo)16:07 No.23215 P P18R17

  10 main monster types (cat, wolf, harpy, angel, horse, cow, elf, demon, fluffdragon, plant)
  5 variations (male, female, futa, neoteny, feral)
  10 male + 10 female + 10 futa + 10 neoteny male + 10 neoteny female + 10 neoteny futa + 10 feral
  male + 10 feral female + 10 feral futa + 10 neoteny feral male + 10 neoteny feral female + 10
  neoteny feral futa = 120 monsters
  (120 monsters * 120 monsters)/2 = 7200 monster fucking animations
  2 player characters * 120 monsters = 240 player fucking animations
  120 monsters * 1 harvest animation = 120 monster harvest animations
  7200 animations + 240 animations + 120 animations = 7560 animations that have to be done for this
  game to reach a nominally "complete" state

  I wonder how many people realize how completely fucking impossible of a chance this game has of
  approaching a finished state.

  >> Anonymous 7sep2015(mo)16:35 No.23216 Q P19R18

  exactly, unless they decide to shift from hand drawn animations, to using an engine, this game
  wont be finished, end of debate

  >> Anonymous 7sep2015(mo)20:59 No.23220 J P20R19


  kek this is what the goyim signed up for

  >> Anonymous 7sep2015(mo)21:00 No.23221 R P21R20

  This has been commonplace for ages

  I love wandering into these updates threads and just laughing at how much money they're getting
  off these retards. I admire these guys regardless of how incompetent they are because they sure
  know how to squeeze the wallets of idiots.

  >> Anon 7sep2015(mo)21:21 No.23223 S P22R21


  >> Anonymous 7sep2015(mo)23:03 No.23226 T P23R22

  I was pleasantly surprised by the genderswap option until I realized they have just too much work
  ahead of them. Even if they did get some of the animations ready, they would probably change the
  artstyle again so they can start from the beginning.

  >> Anonymous 8sep2015(tu)14:21 No.23255 U P24R23

  games not going finish, why bring it out of alpha they can milk the gravy train, seriously its
  insane how many people throwing money at this.

  >> Anonymous 9sep2015(we)05:17 No.23292 V P25R24

  anyone have a list of current animations in the game?

  >> Jake from Statefarm 9sep2015(we)07:09 No.23295 W P26R25

  >Creator complains early in development about the large amounts of animations that will have to
  be made
  >Makes 3 more species
  >Makes ugly ass mandrakes 4noresin

  >> Anonymous 9sep2015(we)16:39 No.23311 J P27R26

  Why don't they hire more animators?

  I mean with the kind of money they are making, it wouldn't be a problem, plus the development
  will go much faster.

  >> Anon 12sep2015(sa)05:37 No.23448 S P28R27

player stats

How do i increase my characters stats and skills, the main player I mean

  >> Anonymous 12sep2015(sa)06:36 No.23451 X P29R28

  I would guess most people realize it's never going to "completely" finish, but still funded it to
  enjoy whatever they could get out of it. Doesn't make any sense to me since the builds get
  publicly released anyway. (Unless they maybe fund it just for early access which I also have
  never understood)

  This is why learning math is important, kiddos.

  Because that would endanger their $80/hr income. They should, but again, it'd take away from
  their own money.

  >> Anonymous 12sep2015(sa)07:28 No.23452 Y P30R29

  by fucking the monsters.

  >> Horsie 12sep2015(sa)11:30 No.23458 Z P31R30

  I'm sure people paying for Breedin Season just do it to sit and enjoy how many people are annoyed
  by it (not the game, but the Patreon).

  I envision all being trolls, with an enormous grin in their faces, bucket of popcorn, reading
  theads like those and saying "this Patreon is so worth it".

  I thought of replying you, but do you know I need 29 bones, 29 joints, 123 ligaments and 34
  muscles every time I write a word in a keyboard?
  this is 29 + 29 + 123 + 34 = 215 thingies, also a reply to you would be about 200 words, so that
  makes 43000 animations of my hands, so THERE'S NO WAY I CAN REPLY TO YOU, THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE.
  Oh, I just did it.

  >> Anonymous 12sep2015(sa)22:06 No.23471 V P32R31

  that's the most retarded analogy ever, holy shit

  >> Anonymous 12sep2015(sa)22:10 No.23472 P P33R32

  Congratulations, you're a retard.

  >> Anonymous 12sep2015(sa)22:27 No.23473 AA P34R33

  Are you even use your brain for something ? I mean seriously what kind of analogy is that ?

  >> Anonymous 12sep2015(sa)22:40 No.23474 G P35R34

  Another quality post from our very own cancerous namefag.
  Good job retard, truly top-tier.

  >> Anonymous 13sep2015(su)15:23 No.23496 AB P36R35

  >still no feral trait
  This game will never, ever be good

  >> Anonymous 13sep2015(su)16:54 No.23499 AC P37R36

  Is there something wrong with you?

  >> Anonymous 13sep2015(su)18:21 No.23500 P P38R37

  The feral trait implies monsters that are more beast-like than furry. This was the default up to
  v4.6 in the May of 2014, when they decided to scrap everything they had and start over with the
  furry crap (the overall trend of this game's development). Accompanied with this laughable

  > Feral monsters will have just as much attention (and require just as much work on our part), as
  the vanilla monsters

  So, it had the feral trait, now it doesn't. Ever see the Star Trek: TNG episode "All Good
  Things...", with the anomaly that became larger the further back in time you went? It's kind of
  like that.

  >> Horsie 13sep2015(su)22:06 No.23505 Z P39R38

  >>23471 >>23472 >>23473 >>23474 >>23499

  What I was trying to say, is that the game does not need to have 7560 animations, because lots
  and lots of them will be the same ones recycled and reused. Remember, this is a FLASH, not a
  If you really think they need to do 7560 animations to make this game, it's no wonder you missed
  my point so miserably.

  >> Anonymous 14sep2015(mo)01:16 No.23511 P P40R39

  Thank you for communicating your point in an intelligible manner without the use of a
  brain-melting comparison so bad the only viable response is derision. You gain a point of
  respect. However, you're deluding yourself if you think the number of animations can be reduced
  to a manageable level through reuse.

  First of all, the creators have shown no inclination or the level of expertise to use an
  automated system to animate the thousands of possible pairings. In the three years this has been
  around, only a handful of animations have been made, and each one was clearly tweened by hand to
  create a single pairing. The infrastructure to take a dickwolf-holding-catgirl-arms animation and
  swap it out with a cowgirl does not exist. To pull it off they would have to rewrite the entire
  system, again.

  Second, the disparity of monster body sizes and shapes would make an automated system a nightmare
  to create. It would require, at minimum, a generic skeleton for male-female, male-male,
  female-female, male feral-female, male feral-male, female feral-female, male-feral female,
  male-feral male, female-feral female, feral male-feral female, feral male-feral male, and feral
  female-feral female animations, with the body parts of the specific monsters to be layered on top
  of them. However, what happens when a small monster fucks a large one, or a large one fucks a
  small one? What happens when a dickwolf holds the arms of a harpy, which has wings? It's an open
  invitation to glitchville. It would still be necessary to test the thousands of combinations to
  debug all of the problems.

  Third, such a system would be incredibly bland. Having all of these different types of monsters
  would be pointless when they all fuck using the same reverse cowgirl animation. There would be
  nothing to set them apart; the dick of a giant wolf would fit in a tiny kittengirl just as well
  as in giant demoness. No stomach bulge, no wrapping its tail around the wolf. Boring.

  There is no viable way that it will ever be completed.

  >> Anonymous 14sep2015(mo)02:55 No.23512 J P41R40

  Gee, you know so much. Maybe you should convince them to hire you as a programmer/animator. You
  could get a slice of the big cake and help them finish the game in the process.

  >> Horsie 14sep2015(mo)11:00 No.23527 Z P42R41

  Ok, shame on me for not knowing how they're doing the game.
  Trying to handcraft every animation is so delusional that I thought people implying it were
  lacking any programming skills or were just trolls.
  Also, good point about 100% automated animations being boring, it's true. But I was thinking more
  in the line of using an internal rigging engine to make good and varied animations fast. That's
  how any sane person would tackle this project.

  >> Anonymous 15sep2015(tu)00:46 No.23554 J P43R42

  But what if the sane people are each getting paid 50$/hr or more if they work less than 40
  hours/week, as long as the game stays in development?

  >> Anonymous 15sep2015(tu)01:42 No.23555 AD P44R43

  Seriously, we'll have sexbots and/or virtual reality sex available before breeding season gets

  >> Anon 15sep2015(tu)01:59 No.23556 S P45R44

  player stats

  Are there codes for upgrading the main character? Or the monsters by any chance?

  >> Anonymous 16sep2015(we)23:52 No.23593 F P46R45

  6.5.2 is up

  >> Anonymous 17sep2015(th)02:41 No.23603 AE P47R46

  We already do have the virtual reality sex, it's on the Oculus Rift.

  It's not perfect, but it's doing well so far.

  >> Anonymous 17sep2015(th)04:18 No.23639 V P48R47

  anything good in it?
  all signs point

  >> Anonymous 18sep2015(fr)16:30 No.23700 H P49R48

  6.5.2 pls.

  >> Anonymous 19sep2015(sa)00:54 No.23717 M P50R49

  One of you cumfountains has 6.5.2

  Give it

  >> Anonymous 19sep2015(sa)06:08 No.23726 M P51

  hey faggots, give me 6.5.2 in my gay face

  you know who you are

  you know who i am

  don't leave me high and dry
Created: 3/9 -2015 02:10:43 Last modified: 29/10 -2015 01:30:46 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:54:59